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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:234 题号:14400880

Customs of the Lantern Festival

Eating yuanxiao

Yuanxiao, also called tangyuan in the south, is the special food for the Lantern Festival. It is believed that yuanxiao is named after a palace maid, Yuanxiao, of Emperor Wu Di of the Han Dynasty. Yuanxiao is a kind of sweet dumpling, which is made with sticky rice flour filled with sweet stuffing (甜馅). And the Lantern Festival is named after the famous dumpling, It is very easy to cook—simply drop them in a pot of boiling water for a few minutes—and eaten as a dessert.

Guessing lantern riddles

Guessing lantern riddles (谜语) is also a necessary part of the Festival. Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns. If visitors have answers to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answers. If they are right, they will get a little gift. The activity during people’s enjoyment of lanterns appeared in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has become popular among all of China.

Watching fireworks

On the night of the Festival, except for great lanterns, fireworks form a beautiful scene. Most families spare some fireworks from the Spring Festival and let them off in the Lantern Festival. Some local governments will even organize a fireworks party. On the night when the first full moon enters the New Year, people are really excited by the fireworks and the bright moon in the sky.

1. What can we know about yuanxiao?
A.It is difficult to cook.B.It is made with sticky rice flour.
C.It is named after a famous poet.D.It is the special food for the Spring Festival.
2. What will visitors get if they can answer the lantern riddles?
A.A free meal.B.A new lantern.C.A new riddle.D.A small present.
3. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?


阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Tibetan New Year, also known as Losar, is the most important festival in Tibet and is celebrated for 15 days, typically falling in February or March.    1    The celebrations include a range of customs and traditions that reflect the unique culture and identity of the Tibetan people.

Before the arrival of the New Year, Tibetans engage in thorough cleaning of their homes and surroundings.    2    They also make offerings to the gods and ancestors to seek blessings for the upcoming year. Decorating homes and public places is a common custom during Losar. In addition, people also decorate their clothes with patterns, and their hair is styled in fashion.

    3    Traditional dishes such as momos, a type of steamed dumpling filled with meat or vegetables, and Tibetan butter tea, made from yak butter and tea leaves, are served. Sweet treats like Tibetan butter cookies and dried fruit are also enjoyed.

Tibetan people offer prayers and make offerings to the gods and deities during Losar. The offerings typically include food, incense and flowers.    4    

Music and dance are part of the Losar celebrations. Villagers gather in public spaces and dance around bonfires, singing and playing traditional instruments.

    5    People gather in public spaces and light incense and candles while offering food, drinks and other items to the gods. This is followed by the ceremony of throwing Tsampa, a roasted barley flour, into the air as a symbol of letting go of the past year and embracing new beginnings.

The customs of Tibetan New Year are deeply rooted in the culture and traditions of the Tibetan people.

A.In 2023, Tibetan New Year fell on Feb 21.
B.Using them, people show gratitude to the elderly people.
C.In the festival, people hold various events to celebrate it.
D.These offerings are believed to bring good luck to people.
E.This practice is to get rid of bad luck in the previous year.
F.The Losar celebrations come to an end with a grand ceremony.
G.During the New Year, Tibetans enjoy feasts with their family and friends.
2023-04-02更新 | 509次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】When I was a kid, my mother used to tell me Chinese folk stories before bedtime. My mother is an immigrant. She told me those stories so that I wouldn’t forget the culture that she had left. Even though I hadn’t ever experienced that culture at firsthand, she wanted me to remember it.

Of all her stories, my favourites were about Sun Wukong, the monkey king who had many superpowers. Eventually, though, I moved on to other kinds of heroes. When I was in the fifth grade, I bought my first American comic book. Afterwards, Superman, Spider-man and Captain America replaced Sun Wukong in my heart.

I became crazy about comic books. I loved them so much that I went on to work towards a career in comics. Today I am a professional graphic novelist. My most well-known book is American Born Chinese, published in 2006. Monkey King is one of my main characters, but the book isn’t direct adaptation of my mother’s stories. Instead, I invited Monkey King into my story so that I could talk about the uneasiness of growing up as an Asian American. The character I knew from my childhood expressed his emotions without reservation. I needed him to emote on my pages.

For research, I tracked down an English translation of Journey to the West, the centuries-old Chinese classi that first told the monkey king’s story. As I read it, I realized that American superheroes hadn’t replaced Sun Wukong in my heart after all -they were simply Western expressions of everything I loved about the monkey king. The monkey king’s story has lasted for centuries and travelled across continents and cultures. Journey to the West is the very definition of “timeless”.

My mother now has Alzheimer’s. She’s forgotten all of the stories she used to tell me, but I remember. In many ways, I’ve built my whole career on those moments before bedtime. With every comic book I create, I am trying to relive the wonder I felt when my mother told me the stories of Sun Wukong.

1. What did the author’s mother expect him to do?
A.Earn a living by writing.B.Keep their cultural root.
C.Experience Chinese art first hand.D.Remember all the stories she told him.
2. What can we learn about the book American Born Chinese?
A.It uses the character Sun Wukong as a symbol.
B.It reflects the growing pains of American children.
C.It is the best-seller among American born Chinese.
D.It encourages people to seek their roots back in Asia.
3. What did the author think of Journey to the West?
A.It’s really a popular classic works.B.It’s more attractive than western comic books.
C.It’s easy to understand.D.It’s a book reflecting the real world.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The author’s concern for his mother.
B.The approach to creating comic books.
C.The author’s memory of his childhood experience.
D.The influence of the stories of Sun Wukong on the author.
2023-03-30更新 | 196次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】The sweet art of painting with caramelized sugar(焦糖) can be witnessed in China’s Sichuan province. This ancient craft still manages to amaze tourists lucky enough to stumble upon a skilled street artist.

According to experts, this type of Chinese folk art originated from the Ming Dynasty when sugar animals and figures were created as part of ceremonies for sacrifice. During the Qing Dynasty, it gained even more popularity and the techniques were upgraded, which resulted in an increased number of patterns, most of them inspired by nature, wildlife and religion. In the beginning, people used molds(模具) to shape the caramelized sugar, but they were gradually replaced with a small bronze (青铜的) spoon that had to be used by talented artists who were experts at the art of normal painting as well.

“Painting” artistic pieces from melted sugar is very different from regular painting. Because the hot sugar cools down very quickly, the painter has to work swiftly, making sure he follows the correct order of strokes(一画,笔画) to get every shape just right. In order to get familiar with the process and the technique, it’s recommended that artists practice normal painting first.

Masters of this centuries-old craft use brown or white sugar as the main material. A bronze spoon and a small spade as tools, and a slab(厚块) of marble as the canvas. The sugar is melted over a fiery pot and spread over the canvas with the spoon. Once the shape is completed, the spade is used to glue a wooden stick to the artwork and to separate it from the marble slab. Then you can have your very own caramelized sugar dragon or tiger and a unique souvenir.

The art is gaining support from both the general public and the government, who had it listed as a Provincial Non-Material Culture Heritage.

1. What does the underlined phrase probably mean in this passage?
2. What can we know about the caramelized sugar painting in Qing Dynasty?
A.It played a more important role in ceremonies.
B.The themes of the paintings were various.
C.The molds were completely replaced by spoons.
D.More people were attracted to study paintings.
3. What makes sugar painting different from regular painting?
A.The order of strokes.B.The number of the patterns.
C.The drawing materials.D.The topics of the paintings.
4. What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The history of making sugar paintings.B.The process of creating sugar paintings.
C.The variety of different sugar paintings.D.The pleasure of enjoying sugar paintings.
2023-11-06更新 | 104次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般