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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:117 题号:14439333

Anderson Carey is 12 years old. One day, he saw a magazine article that interested him.

It was about prosthetics(假肢), which can be used to replace a hand, arm or leg.

The article said people are using 3-D printers to build these devices. Anderson thought this was very cool. He wanted to learn more about it. So Anderson talked to his science teacher, Dr. Holly Martin. He asked if they could build a prosthetic together. The timing(时机的把握) was perfect. Martin had just heard about a group called Enabling the Future. This group asks volunteers to help to build robotic arms and legs. The volunteers build them for people who share their stories on the website.       

Anderson and Martin looked through the website together. They decided to help a man from the country of Romania. His name is Cornel Crismaru, who lost his leg, hand and part of his arm.     

In February, Anderson and Martin got to work. Building the robotic arm was not easy. Anderson ran into some problems along the way. He had hoped to use a 3-D Printer at his school. One of the pieces for the arm was bigger than the size of the printer, though.

Soon Anderson had an idea to solve this problem. He reached out to a 3-D printing company in Woodstock, Georgia. The company agreed to help. Anderson and Martin could use their big 3-D printers. After that, Anderson worked on the arm for about three months.

Anderson and Martin sent the arm to Crismaru in May. In August, they received a notice. It is from Crismaru’s son. He thanked Anderson and Martin for their help.

Martin said she hopes children and grown-ups who hear about Andersons projects will realize that it may be hard to change the world, but they can start with small acts. Some of these can help a person in a huge way.

1. Anderson talked to his science teacher about_______.
A.starting a website togetherB.buying a 3-D printer
C.building a prosthetic togetherD.studying robots
2. Anderson and Dr. Martin learned from the website that Crismaru______.
A.lost some body partsB.wanted to be a volunteer
C.was homelessD.was interested in robots
3. How did Anderson solve his problem?
A.He made a new 3-D printer.B.Hе took Dr.Martin’s advice.
C.He worked together with his school.D.He got help from a 3-D printing company.
4. What can we learn from the text?
A.All roads lead to Rome.B.Failure is the mother of success.
C.Those who help others help themselves.D.Small acts make a big difference.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Reviewing photos fresh from the printer and discussing new ideas in the meeting room, I express my creative side by translating real-world trends and topics into the print in the SHSID, the school magazine of Shanghai High School International Division.

I was first interested in visuals and design because of their power to communicate ideas. Throughout my three and a half years in the design department of the SHSID, I’ve faced the ongoing challenge of translating ideas into visuals that are not only appealing, but also informative.

In the early days of my participation as a freshman designer, every issue of the magazine came with frustration from struggling over the difficulties of Photoshop to seeing my designs changed completely by the editors working above me. However, after constant experiments and many long months of practicing, I finally started to understand the key elements of the position. Two years later, I was offered the job of creative director.

The newly earned position came with unique challenges. Unlike a normal art piece or design, spread, designing a bimonthly (双月刊), 52-page magazine is really challenging. The finished product must contain not only my ideas, but also those of other department directors and the 20 members of my team. Through waves of differing opinions over the years, I’ve learned much about negotiation, leadership, and compromise.

Applying these lessons still produces a sense of accomplishment: the feeling of joy as repostsof our video projects fill everyone’s news feeds; the satisfaction as fellow designers come up with ideas of inspiration; the excitement whenever others offer the magazine praise. These moments make the long nights of frozen computer screens and staying up late completely worth it.

By the September/October 2017 issue, the magazine had achieved all that I’d hoped for. Through authentic and catching photo spreads, illustrations (插画) and articles, we’ve done everything from communicating ideas on shifting pop culture identity to building a greater appreciation for Chinese culture in our school community.

1. What does the author do now?
A.A director.B.An editor.C.A photographer.D.A designer.
2. What made the author feel frustrated at the beginning?
A.He couldn’t use some software well.
B.He couldn’t stand others changing his design.
C.He didn’t do many experiments and practice.
D.He didn’t get the key factors of his position.
3. The author thought his newly position was challenging, because he needed to_____.
A.negotiate with other department directors
B.combine his ideas with other directors
C.compromise on the ideas
D.widely cooperate with others
4. How did the author feel after the bimonthly magazine came out?
2023-06-11更新 | 66次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When I lived in Spain, some Spanish friends of mine decided to visit England by car. Before they left, they asked me for advice about how to find accommodation (住所). I suggested that they should stay at “bed and breakfast” houses, because this kind of accommodation gives a foreign visitor a good chance to speak English with the family. My friends listened to my advice, but they came back with some funny stories.

“We didn’t stay at ‘bed and breakfast houses’,” they said, “because we found that most families were away on holiday.”

 I thought this was strange. Finally I understood what had happened. My friends spoke little English, and they thought “VACANCIES” meant “holidays”, because the Spanish word for “holidays” is “vacaciones”. So they did not go to the house where the sign outside said “VACANCIES”, which in English means there are free rooms. Then my friends went to the house where the sign said “NO VACANCIES”, because they thought this meant the people who owned the house were not away on holiday. But they found that these houses were all full. As a result, they stayed at hotels!

We laughed about this and about mistakes my friends made in reading other signs. In Spanish, the word” DIVERSION” means fun. In English, it means that workmen are repairing the road, and that you must take a different road. When my friends saw the word “DIVERSION” on a road sign, the thought they were going to have fun. Instead, the road ended in a large hole.

English people have problems too when they learn foreign languages. Once in Paris, when someone offered me some more coffee, I said “Thank you” in French. I meant that I would like some more. However, to my surprise the coffee pot was taken away! Later I found out that ‘Thank you’ in French means “No, thank you.”

1. My Spanish friends wanted advice about ______.
A.driving their car on English roadsB.going to England by car
C.finding places to stay in EnglandD.learning English
2. Why did I suggest that they stay at “bed and breakfast houses”?
A.Because it would be much cheaper than staying in hotels
B.Because It would be convenient for them to have dinner
C.Because they would be able to practice their English.
D.Because there would be no problem in finding accommodation there
3. What does “NO VACANCIES” mean in English according to the passage?
A.Free rooms.B.No free rooms.
C.Not away on holiday.D.Holidays.
4. When someone offered me more coffee and I said “Thank you in French, I ______.
A.wanted them to take the coffee pot away
B.didn’t really want any more coffee
C.wanted to express my politeness
D.really wanted some more coffee
2023-09-16更新 | 83次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Charlie Chaplin, British comedian, producer, writer, director and composer, is widely regarded as the greatest comic artist of the screen and one of the most important figures in the film history.

Chaplin was named after his father, a British entertainer. He spent his early childhood with his mother, the singer Hannah Hall, after she and his father separated, and took the place of his mentally unstable mother to appear on the stage. However, he and his mother soon separated from each other because the sick Hall was sent to a hospital. Then, Charlie was sent to a series of boarding schools.

Using his mother’s show-business contacts, Charlie became a professional entertainer in 1897 when he joined the Eight Lancashire Lads, a dancing act.

His early stage characters include a small role in William Gillette’s Sherlock Holmes (1899). While touring America with the Karno company in 1913, Chaplin was signed to appear in Mack Sennett’s Keystone comedy films. Though Making a Living (1914) was not the failure that historians have claimed, Chaplin’s first screen character did not show him to best advantage.

To come up with a more-workable screen image, Chaplin created an outfit consisting of a too-small coat, too-large pants and a walking stick. As a finishing touch,he put on a mustache (胡子). It was in his second Keystone film, Kid Auto Races at Venice (1914), that Chaplin’s classic screen character, “the Little Tramp (流浪汉)”,was born.

In truth, Chaplin did not always portray a tramp; in many of his films his character was employed as a waiter,store clerk, stagehand, fireman,and the like. But the Tramp’s attraction was universal: audiences loved his cheekiness (厚脸皮), unexpected bravery and especially his recovery in the face of difficulties which moved the audience most. Some historians have traced the Tramp’s origins to Chaplin’s Dickensian childhood, while others have suggested that the character had its roots in the motto (座右铭) of Chaplin’s teacher, Fred Karno: “Keep it eager, gentlemen, keep it eager.” Whatever the case, within months after his movie was on, Chaplin was the screen’s biggest star.

1. Which word best describes Chaplin’s early life?
2. What made Chaplin separate from his mother?
A.His further study in an art school.
B.His performances in another country.
C.His mother’s serious health problem.
D.His father’s disapproval of their meeting.
3. What does paragraph 4 mainly tell us about Chaplin?
A.His early works.B.His main character.
C.The reasons for his success.D.His relationship with others.
4. Which aspect of the Tramp moved the audience most?
A.His action with a walking stick.
B.His unique and serious appearance.
C.His special learning experience.
D.His ability to recover from difficulties.
2023-07-16更新 | 52次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般