组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:90 题号:14523178

It's eight o'clock on a cold spring night. Our apartment has been hit by the artwork of a young, energetic child.It was in total mess! I’m so tired tonight. I’ve been on crutches(拐杖)for seven weeks,recovering from hip surgery,and I'm trying fruitlessly to clean up.The phone rings-for the sixth time in less than an hour. We know who it is. My mom is troubled by paranoia(妄想症)-she thinks she has been kicked out of the nursing home (not true),she thinks her daughters have not visited in months (it has been a few days).

Each time she calls, I play a game with myself called“How Good a Person Can I Be?"I've won five rounds of the game tonight; I am due for a fall. She has no idea that she has repeated the things she is about to say a million times today and a million times yesterday. She has no idea that I had surgery, nor can she recall her own granddaughter's name. She is unaware of most of the past, and she drifts in the present.She is lonely.

I threw my anger at my mother. “MOM!” I yelled. “YOU ARE NOT BEING REMOVED FROM YOUR HOME!AND WE VISITED TWO DAYS AGO!”“Mom,you have to believe me,and if you don't,I cannot talk anymore!Everything is fine!”Silence. Then:“I was only calling to say hi.” My mother continued,having already forgotten that I yelled. “But I'm also worried about something; do you have a minute?”“No,Mom,I don't.”“Why are you yelling?” I'm yelling because you cannot help me care for my child, or even remember to ask me about my day. I'm yelling because you remind me of everything I fear:aging, sickness,fragility, bad luck,loss...I flop on the couch,aware of all my daughter is witnessing. She hears me blame my mother,lose my patience. I have not only failed at being a Good Person; I have failed at being a Good Example to My Daughter. I sat on the couch, defeated.


“Can I talk to Grandma Ellie?" My five-year-old reaches for the phone.


I am soft inside, watching my kindergartner handle her fragile grandmother with such skillfulness.

【知识点】 家人和亲人


书面表达-概要写作 | 适中 (0.65)

Is the traditional family dinner a thing of the past? In today’s households where both parents go to work and kids have busy schedules with school, an array of afternoon activities and much homework, finding time for a gathering at the table seems impossible. Yet, studies have shown time and again that eating together has multiple benefits for family members, especially children.

According to a number of reports issued by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, children who eat at least five times a week with their family are at lower risk of developing poor eating habits, weight problems or alcohol dependencies, and tend to perform better academically than their peers who frequently eat alone or away from home.

Eating together as a family is not just about food and nutrition. “Food has become so easily and cheaply available that we no longer appreciate its significance,” says Professor Robin Fox, who teaches anthropology at Rutgers University in New Jersey. "We have to rediscover its importance and its value." Sharing a meal with loved ones should be considered a special event, which can almost take on the form of a ceremony, as it was practiced by our ancestors, for whom finding food was a constant struggle.

Besides appreciation for the value of food, there are also many social elements that come into play when families share meals, says Miriam Weinstein, author of The Surprising Power of Family Meals. The dinner table can be the perfect environment where kids learn how to conduct conversations, observe good manners, serve others, listen, solve conflicts and compromise.

Of course, there is no guarantee that the simple act of eating at home surrounded by family will save children from developing unhealthy lifestyles or making regrettable choices down the road. It may not make them more virtuous (品行端正的) or socially more responsible. But it can form a basis for a lot of things that point them in the right direction.

2019-12-30更新 | 179次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Jonathan’s mother died when he was very young and his father brought him up. Both of them shared a very special relationship. Football was not just a game for Jonathan; it was a bond between him and his father. Every match, regardless of whether he played or not, his father would be there, a constant source of firm support.

Though his size prevented him from joining the main team, Jonathan’s determination burned brighter than ever. With each practice, he improved his skills, fueled by the belief that someday his perseverance would pay off. Despite the doubts cast upon him, he pushed forward, never allowing anything to make his passion disappear.

One day, as the sun cast long shadows on the field, the coach approached Jonathan with a telegram (电报) in hand. The weight of the message pressed heavily on the young man’s heart as he read the words that forever changed his world. He swallowed hard and his voice shook as he turned to the coach.

“My father... he died this morning,” Jonathan uttered, his voice filled with sorrow. His body trembled with the weight of his sadness, threatening to consume him. Tears flooded his eyes, rolling down his cheeks.

The coach, understanding Jonathan’s loss, enveloped him in a comforting embrace. The warmth of his arm around Jonathan’s shoulder provided a temporary comfort. Softly, the coach spoke words of relief and understanding, giving Jonathan the time and space he needed to process his overwhelming sorrow.

“Take the rest of the week off, son,” the coach said gently, his voice filled with sympathy. “And don’t even plan to come to the game on Saturday. Your well-being matters more than anything.”

On the day of the game, Jonathan’s college team was losing badly to the opponent team. The coach and the players had all lost hope when they saw Jonathan coming towards them. Jonathan ran up to the coach and begged him to allow him to play this match.

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At first, the coach wouldn’t allow him to play.


After the match, the coach found Jonathan in the corner of the locker room.

2023-06-06更新 | 309次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Last Saturday, I took part in a singing competition held by our school. A total of 32 contestants participated in the contest.

As it was my first participation, I was really excited about it. Before the contest, I had a fortnight to prepare and practice. After choosing my favorite song to compete, I practiced singing the song every day diligently. I also sang in front of my family members and friends. In order to improve, I asked for their advice, comments and suggestions. They were of great assistance to me. With their help, I was able to improve tremendously.

Two weeks later, the day of the competition arrived. My family members and friends accompanied me to my school. When we arrived,most of the other competitors were already there. Not long after,the contest commenced. The majority of participants who sang before me performed well. Upon seeing their fine performance, I was a little nervous and suffered from a slight stage fright.

When it was my turn to sing, I walked up the stage. While I was facing the audience, I was afraid as never before had I sung in front of such a large crowd. I lost my self-confidence. When I was about to give up and leave the stage, I saw my family members and friends. Smiling friendly at me, they clapped and cheered loudly to encourage me.

“You can do it, Lily!” shouted my best friend Mia.


The encouragement that they provided me lit the spark of self-confidence in me again.


After all the participants finished their songs, the host of the competition called out the winners.

2023-06-11更新 | 151次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般