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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:42 题号:14601437

Children are a delight. They are our future. But sadly, hiring someone to take care of them when you're going to work is getting more expensive by the year.

Earlier this month it was reported that the cost of involving an infant or small kid at a childcare centre rose 3 percent in 2012, faster than the general cost of living. There are now large strips of the country where daycare(日托)for an infant costs more than 10%of the average married couples' income.

This is not necessarily a new trend, but it is somewhat puzzling me. The price of professional childcare has been rising since the 1980s. Yet during that time, pay for professional childcare workers has stood still Actually caregivers(护理员)earn less today than they did in 1990. Considering that labor costs are responsible for about 80% of a daycare center's expenses, one would infer that stable wages means stable prices.

So who is to blame for higher child care costs?

Childcare is a carefully regulated industry. States lay down rules about how many children each employee is allowed to watch over, the space care centers need per child, and other details. And the stricter the regulations are, the higher the costs will be. In Massachusetts. where childcare centers must hire one teacher for every three infants, the price of care averaged more than $ 16,000 per year. In Mississippi, where centers must hire one teacher for every five infants, the price of care averaged less than $ 5,000.

Unfortunately, I don't have all the daycare center regulations, but I wouldn't be surprised if as the rules. have become more complicated, prices have risen. The tradeoff (交换)might be worth it in certain cases, after all, the health and safety of children should probably come before cheap service. But certainly, it doesn't seem to be an accident that some of the cheapest daycare available is in the least regulated South.

1. What problem do parents of small kids have to face?
A.The ever-rising child care prices.B.The budgeting of family expenses
C.The balance between work and family.D.The selection of a good daycare center.
2. What does the author feel puzzled about?
A.Why the prices of child care vary greatly from state to state
B.Why increased child care prices have not led to better service.
C.Why childcare workers' pay has not increased with the rising childcare costs.
D.Why there is a severe shortage of childcare professionals in a number of states.
3. What prevents child care centers from saving money?
A.Steady increase in labor costs.B.Strict government regulations.
C.Lack of support from the stateD.High administrative expenses.
4. What is the author's view on a daycare service?
A.Caregivers should receive regular professional training.
B.Less complicated rules about childcare might lower costs.
C.It is vital to strike a balance between quality and costs.
D.It is better for different States to learn from each other.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】More and more comments sections are being shut down online.

Autumn Phillips had had enough. On Aug. 19, the executive editor of the Quad- City Times in Iowa, and Illinois, US visited her website, qctimes.com, and saw a story about a man who had been shot to death. When she got to the readers’ comments sections at the end, she was shocked by what she saw. Below the story was a growing number of comments—a racist remark about democratic votes, a negative comment about police …So Phillips decided to do something she had been thinking about for a long time: she shut down the comments sections.

Phillips was not alone in making such a move. Last week, NPR announced k too was closing its online comments sections. The decisions don’t mean that the news outlets are no longer interested in what their audiences are thinking. Both stressed their eagerness to hear from readers and listeners on social networks. But both agreed that comments had deviated from their original intention. And so they had.

In early days of digital journalism, comments were seen as a key part of this new media, a wonderful opportunity for strengthening the dialogue between news producers and their audiences. It was a welcome change, given that for long many news organizations were far too separated from their readers. Much more back and forth conversation seemed like healthy and welcome evolution. Sadly, that’s not the way things turned out. Rather than a place for exchanging ideas, comments sections became the home of ugly name-calling, racism and anti-women language. Besides their poisonous quality, comments seem out of place today.

“Since we made the announcement, I’ve received an outpouring of responses from our readers,” she says. “I’ve heard from parents whose children were hurt by our online comments. I’ve heard from people who said they wouldn’t send in letters to the editor because they were attacked so fiercely by comments, and wasn’t worth it.”

1. Why did Autumn Phillips shut down the comments sections?
A.They were put to wrong use.
B.Her website was attacked heavily.
C.They exposed many illegal issues.
D.She was angry about readers’ comments.
2. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 indicate about comments?
A.They were out of date.
B.They had gone against their original intentions.
C.They were full of sensitive information.
D.They couldn’t interest the audience.
3. What was the welcome change in the early digital journalism?
A.Readers, having more access to news.
B.Readers’ making less negative comments.
C.Readers’ freedom to express their thoughts.
D.Readers’ active involvement in the news industry.
4. How do many readers feel about Autumn Phillips, move according to the last paragraph?
2018-09-21更新 | 258次组卷
阅读理解-阅读表达(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, to protect the health and safety of Canadians, the Government of Canada has taken a prudent and measured approach to adjusting border measures. On January 5, 2023, in response to the surge of COVID-19 in the People’s Republic of China and given the limited data available at that time on those cases, the Government of Canada put in place temporary pre-departure test requirements for air travelers entering Canada from the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong or Macao. Today, the Government of Canada announced it will remove those temporary measures.

As of 12:01 a.m. EDT on March 17, 2023, air travelers to Canada on flights originating from the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong or Macao will no longer be required to provide evidence of a COVID-19 test result before boarding. This means that there will no longer be any federal COVID-19 border measures in place after that time.   

Since Canada and other countries put in place temporary border measures in January 2023, data from China, the international community, and wastewater sampling conducted in Canada, have not detected any new variants of concern. In addition, the COVID-19 situation in both China and Canada has improved, and the Canadian healthcare systems remain stable.

The Public Health Agency of Canada continues to recommend that individuals wear well-constructed and well-fitted masks during their travel on planes and in airports, or other crowded indoor settings. Individuals should not travel if they have symptoms of COVID-19.

The Government of Canada continues to work with international partners to enhance sequencing capacity and closely monitors the global epidemiology of COVID-19 and emerging novel variants of concern. The Government of Canada will not hesitate to adjust measures to protect the health and safety of people in Canada, should it be required.

1. What is the writing style of the text?
2. For what reasons did the Government of Canada decide to remove temporary measures that air travelers from China to Canada should provide evidence of a COVID-19 test result before boarding?
3. How does an individual protect himself or herself from being infected accord to the Public Health Agency of Canada?
4. If novel variants of concern emerge, what measures will the Government of Canada take?
2023-05-05更新 | 18次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Back in the distant past, job candidates had interests or hobbies. For example, reading a book was a perfectly acceptable way of spending your spare time. No longer. Today you will probably be asked if you have a “personal passion project”, and the more exhausting your answer sounds, the better.

Passion is becoming basic for workplace success. A new piece of research from Jon Jachimowicz and Hannah Weisman of Harvard Business School includes an analysis of 200 million job postings in America. It finds that the number which mentions “passion” rose over time, from 2% in 2007 to 16% in 2019.

On the surface this makes sense. Better, surely, for an employee to be enthusiastic than not. Most workers want to do a job they love; most companies want a workforce that is committed and motivated.

But passion can affect judgment. For firms, the obvious danger is rewarding commitment over competence. The super-keen employee who volunteers for everything may not be that great at their job. Some research finds that passion may indeed be blinding managers to reality: it finds that even when the performance of passionate employees is on the downward slope, they are still more likely to be given promotions than peers who tend not to say much.

There are only so many ways to communicate passion. Widening your eyes and nodding wildly: too weird. Jumping, cheering and sweating: even weirder. Working ever longer hours, on the other hand, is a fairly simple way to show that your commitment is beyond question.

It is great to feel passion for your job. But if you are up at 4 am for a meeting with Asia, constantly working on your holiday or have just been handed a mop (抹布) and a bucket by your boss, you are in the grasp of something that is not entirely healthy.

1. What do the statistics in Paragraph 2 indicate?
A.Passion is valued in workplace.
B.Success depends on working passion.
C.The study has been newly conducted.
D.Lots of job postings are provided nowadays.
2. What can we know from the fourth paragraph?
A.Managers tend to promote talented employees.
B.It is dangerous to reward passionate employees.
C.Passionate employees may be promoted improperly.
D.The employee who shows passion is not a good one.
3. What is the author’s attitude toward passion at work?
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Greater Pressure from WorkB.The Fashion for Passion
C.Higher Demand for InterestsD.The Advantages of Passion
2023-04-28更新 | 88次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般