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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:43 题号:14634056

The midnight was approaching and it was extremely rare to see vehicles on the road. However, several trucks pulled over and workers silently unloaded camera equipment and cardboard boxes, and then carried them inside the Morgenson family home.

What took place over the next eight weeks was inspired by a Hollywood movie called The Honeses about a family of marketers who move into a local neighborhood to sell their products secretly to their neighbors. The idea was to test the power of word-of-mouth marketing. By filming a family in unscripted (无剧本的) situations, my team and I would document how the Morgensons’ circle of friend responded to brands and products the Morgensons bought into their lives.

With the help of 35 video cameras and 25 microphones hidden inside the furniture, the operation done secretly showed something shocking. The most powerful hidden persuader of all isn’t in your TV or on the shelves of your supermarket. It’s a far more important influence that’s around you almost every waking moment: your very own friends and neighbors. There is nothing quite so persuasive as observing someone we respect or admire using a brand or product.

Our analysis also found that the brands the Morgensons used went faster. About one third of the Morgensons’ friends began promoting these same brands to their friends. We also found that the brands their friends were most likely to buy at the Morgensons’ suggestion were the bigger and better-known ones. This proves my thoughts that traditional marketing and secret marketing work well together. The most persuasive advertising strategies are strengthened by word-of-mouth advertising.

Whenever I meet with company managers, I tell them that the people who hold the real marketing power are mouse-clicking consumers and their wide circles of real-life friends. In other words, the people who hold the real power are us.

1. The author and his team went to the Morgenson family home to ________.
A.visit the MorgensonsB.sell products to them
C.carry out a marketing researchD.shoot a Hollywood movie
2. According to the text, people are more likely to buy a product when ________.
A.noticing an advertisement for it on TV
B.seeing their friends using the same product
C.someone is promoting it in the supermarket
D.the product appears repeatedly in a movie
3. In which part of a newspaper can you most probably read the text?
4. Which of the following is WRONG?
A.Traditional marketing is ineffective.
B.The real marketing power depends on the customers.
C.The research is carried out without any special design.
D.The customers’ choice is influenced by more than one factor.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Definition of adult learning vary, but according to the European Commission, it is defined as all forms of learning undertaken by adults after having left initial education and training, however far this process may have gone.

Education and training are important factors in achieving the strategic goal of raising economic growth, competitiveness and social inclusion. However, with some expectations, implementation(实现,履行) remains weak. Most education and training system still largely focus on the education and training of young people and limited progress has been made in changing systems to mirror the need for learning throughout the life span. An additional 4 million adults would need to participate in lifelong learning. Recent research confirms the importance of investing in adult learning. Research on older adults indicates that those who engage in learning are healthier, with a consequent decrease in health care costs.

Europe’s key economic challenge is to raise its growth and employment performance while preserving social cohesion(凝聚力). Rapid progress in other regions(地区) of the world shows the importance of innovative (创新的), advanced and quality education and training as a key factor in economic competitiveness. General levels of competence must increase, both to meet the needs of the employment market and to allow citizens to function well in society.

Europe is facing unheard-of demographic changes that will have a major impact on society and on the economy and consequently on education and training provision and needs. The European population is aging: over the next 30 years the number of younger Europeans(up to 24 years old)will fall by 15%. One in three Europeans will be over 60 years old, and   about one in then will be over 80.

Raising the overall level of skills of the adult population by offering more and better learning opportunities throughout adult life is important for both efficiency and equity reasons given the challenges identified above. Not only does adult learning help make adults more efficient workers and, better-informed and more active citizens, it also contributes to their personal well-being.

1. What dose the author say about adult learning?
A.It reduces health care costs greatly.
B.The young need take it seriously.
C.It hasn’t been given enough attentions.
D.More adults have realized its importance.
2. What must we do to do well in today’s society ?
A.Upgrade(提高) general levels of our abilities
B.Face various challenges bravely.
C.Copy what other regions have done.
D.Be sensitive to the labour market.
3. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Change in the education systemB.Changes in the job market
C.Changes in the populationD.Changed in society
2020-07-10更新 | 47次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Being a mother is apparently not like it was in the good old days.

Today’s parents yearn for the golden age that their own mothers enjoyed in the 1970s and 1980s, researchers found.

Mothers have less time to themselves and feel under greater pressure to juggle work and family life than the previous generation.

As a result, 88 percent said they felt guilty about the lack of time they spent with their children.

The survey of 1,000 mothers also found that more than a third said they had less time to themselves than their mothers did--- just three hours a week or 26 minutes a day.

And 64 percent said this was because they felt they had to go out to work, while nearly a third (29 percent) said they were under constant pressure to be the perfect mother, the report found.

Other findings showed social networking and parenting websites, as well as technology such as Skype, were important in providing help and support among female communities.

Kate Fox, of the Social Issues Research Centre, which conducted the survey for Procter& Gamble, said “With increasing pressure on mothers to work a ‘double shift’---to be a perfect mother as well as a wage-earner---support networks are more important than ever.”

It comes as a separate report examining childcare in the leading industrialized nations found that working mothers in Britain spend just 81 minutes a day caring for their children as a ‘primary activity’.

Mothers who stay at home, on the other hand, manage twice as much time---more than two and a half hours---looking after their offspring, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Critics say the pressure on women to work long hours, and leave their offspring in the hands of nurseries or childminders, is putting the wellbeing of their children at risk.

The study also reveals that, despite the fact that more and more modern mothers go out to work, the burden of childcare still falls on them---even if their husband is not in work.

A father who is not in work tends to spend just 63 minutes a day looking after his child---18 minutes less than a mother who goes out to work.

Working fathers spare less than three quarters of an hour with their children.

1. The underlined word “juggle” in the third paragraph most probably means ________.
A.deal withB.look for
C.fight withD.meet with
2. The working mothers and the mothers who stay at home mainly differ in that ________.
A.the working mothers spend more time caring for their children
B.the mothers who stay at home spend more time caring for their children
C.the working mothers and the mothers who stay at home have different attitudes to children
D.the working mothers care more bout their children
3. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Motherhood was harder nowadays.
B.it is easier to be a mother than before.
C.Mothers should spend more time with their children
D.Fathers spend little time looking after their children.
4. What is the tone of the writer?
2021-09-26更新 | 17次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Young people spending hours staring at screens means half the world may need glasses within 30 years.

Phone devices and computer screens are to blame for the rising risk of short-sightedness among children and young adults, say scientists. Researchers have found high levels of looking at a phone or tablet is linked with around a 30 percent higher risk of shortsightedness, also known as myopia (近视). But when it is combined with excessive computer use, that risk rose to around 80 percent. Researchers fear that this could mean that by 2050, half the world or five billion people could be short-sighted.

The authors examined more than 3, 000 studies investigating smart device exposure and myopia in children and young adults aged between three months old and 33 years old.

In 2019, the WHO recommended children under two should not have any screen time and children aged two to five should have no more than one hour a day of sedentary screen time.

But in the same year, a CensusWide survey of 2, 000 British families found children were spending an average of 23 hours a week staring at screens. Numerous studies have also suggested that number has vastly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Professor Bourne at Anglia Ruskin University said, “Around half the global population is expected to have myopia by 2050, so it is a health concern that is escalating quickly.”

“Our study is the most comprehensive yet on this issue and shows a potential link between screen time and myopia in young people. This research comes at a time when our children have been spending more time than ever looking at screens for long periods, due to school closures, and it is clear that urgent research is needed to further understand how exposure to digital devices can affect our eyes and vision,” added he.

1. What are the reasons for myopia in half of the population in the future?
A.Due to school closures.B.Overburdened with schoolwork.
C.Lack of exercise and self-control.D.The popularization of electronic equipment.
2. Which can replace the underlined words “escalating” in paragraph 5?
3. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.To stress the future prospects of this study.
B.To reveal the contents and methods of the study.
C.To highlight the practical significance of this study.
D.To explain the relationship between screen time and vision.
4. In which section of a newspaper can we read the text?
A.Health.B.Book review.
2022-01-29更新 | 221次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般