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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:130 题号:14666976

In England recently three foreign gentlemen came to a bus stop and waited. About five minutes later, the bus they wanted came along. They were just going to get on when suddenly there was a loud noise behind them. People rushed onto the bus and tried to push them out of the way. Someone shouted at them. The bus conductor came rushing down the stairs to see what all the trouble was about. The three foreigners seem all at sea and looked embarrassed (窘迫的). No one had told them about the British custom (习惯) of lining up for a bus that the first person who arrives at the bus stop is the first person to get on the bus.

Learning the language of a country isn’t enough. If you want to have a pleasant visit, find out as much as possible about the manners and customs of your host country. You will probably be surprised just how different they can be from your own. A visitor to India would do well to remember that people there consider it impolite to use the left hand for passing food at table. The left hand is supposed to be used for washing yourself. Also in India, you might see a man shaking his head at another to show that he doesn’t agree. But in many parts of India a shake of the head means agreement. Nodding (点头) your head when you are given a drink in Bulgaria will most probably leave you thirsty .

In that country, you shake your head to mean ‘yes’— a nod means ‘no’. At a meal in countries on the Arabic Peninsula, you will find that your glass is repeated refilled as soon as you drink up. If you think that you have had enough, you should take the cup or glasses in your hand and give it a little shake from side to side or place your hand over the top.

In Europe it is quite usual to cross your legs when you are sitting talking to someone even at an important meeting. Doing this in Thailand, however, could bring about trouble. Also, you should try to avoid (避免) touching the head of an adult — it’s just not done in Thailand.

1. The British people tried to push the three gentlemen out of the way, because the gentlemen _________ .
A.were foreignersB.didn’t have tickets
C.made a loud noiseD.didn’t line up for the bus
2. According to the article, if you want to have a pleasant journey in a foreign country, you should _________.
A.learn the language of the country
B.understand the manners and customs of the country
C.have enough time and money
D.make friends with the people there
3. In India it is considered impolite ___________.
A.to use the right hand for passing food at table
B.to pass food with the left hand
C.to eat food with your hands
D.to help yourself at table
4. To cross one’s legs at an important meeting in Europe is _______.
A.a common habitB.an important manner
C.a serious troubleD.a bad manner
5. The best title for this article is ________.
A.People’s Everyday Life
B.Mind Your Manners
C.Shaking and Nodding Head
D.Taking a Bus in England
【知识点】 说明文 文化差异


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Researchers found that those with strong, close bonds(关系)with their friends at age 15 were more likely to be healthy and happy later. Importantly, popularity—defined as lots of people liking you generally, but without bonding with each other closely—wasn’t found to have the same benefit as close friends. “Close friendship strength in mid-adolescence predicted relative increases in self-worth and decreases in anxiety and depressive symptoms by early adulthood,” according to the authors of the study. Popularity actually had the opposite—negative—effect.

The University of Virginia researchers who carried out the study followed the 169 subjects every year for a decade, which means that their data are pretty strong. The scientists weren’t relying on their recall of the types of relationships people had years later; they got data in real time from their subjects as they grew and matured(成熟的).

Each year, the subjects spoke to the researchers about their friends—who their best friends were and what their relationships were like with other friends. Through interviews and assessments, they were asked about “anxiety, social acceptance, self-worth and symptoms of depression; teens’ close friends also reported on their friendships and were interviewed,” according to the release.

Then the researchers analyzed the 10 years of data to understand how people handled stress over time. Those who were merely popular did worse on several measures of mental health compared to people with strong high school friendships.

The study shows that being well-liked by a large group of people cannot take the place of forming deep, supportive friendships. Because these experiences stay with us in addition to what happens later. As technology makes it increasingly easy to build a social network of ordinary friends, focusing time and attention on cultivating close connections with a few individuals should be a priority(优先考虑).

1. What is the potential of close friendship in mid-adolescence compared with popularity?
A.People will have more confidence.B.People will have less self-worth.
C.People will be more depressed.D.People will be more anxious.
2. Why is the study reliable?
A.They gathered the date when the subjects were quite young.
B.They collected the data when the subjects were mature.
C.They got the date from the subjects’ memory.
D.They obtained the data in real time.
3. What were the researchers most concerned about in terms of the subjects?
A.Their diet.B.Their intelligence.
C.Their social acceptance.D.Their body shape.
4. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
A.To oppose other people’s theories.B.To draw a conclusion and give advice.
C.To present the methods of the research.D.To point out the limitations of the research.
2023-06-21更新 | 93次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Some American skateboarders are creating new moves by connecting longboarding to dance. This activity is already popular in southern California. It has also become popular in cities like Paris, France and Seoul, South Korea. The unusual activity brings together skating and dance, with a little danger as well.

Longboards started out as a way for surfers to keep in shape when they were not in the water. They are longer than traditional skateboards. The added length can be more difficult to move with, but many skaters say they can be more graceful(优雅的) on a longboard.

Today, skaters use longboards to make sidewalk turns and bomb hills. They also use them for longboard dancing.

Dooling, who is 30 years old, showed off some of her moves during a recent night in an empty parking lot in Santa Monica. She was joined by her 33-year-old friend Yun Huang, Jane Kang and Christie Goodman. Kang and Goodman are both 29. Everyone in the group wore wide-legged pants and flat-bottomed shoes for riding. The friends get together most Saturday and Sunday afternoons if the weather is nice.

The gatherings are supported by the Dancing Foundation. The non-profit group started with support from American technology company Google. The organization was started by Achille Brighton, a 39-year-old software engineer.

Longboard dancing is still quite young. But Brighton said it has already spread worldwide. He said those places have public squares and a lot of open spaces where people can watch the skaters.

Dooling was one of the first to try longboard dancing. She learned to skate in the northwestern city of Seattle, Washington. Now, she works for the technology company Amazon in Los Angeles. Dooling said she did not know anybody when she first moved to the area with her partner in 2021. Through skating she found a community.

Brighton said he thought one thing that ties together longboarding and longboard dancing is danger. “You might miss a step; you might fall; you might get hurt,” he said. “And that’s the exciting bit.”

1. How is a longboard different from a traditional skateboard?
A.It looks more beautiful.B.It is much more popular.
C.It is used as a surfing tool.D.It is much harder to move with.
2. What does the author intend to tell us in paragraph 5?
A.A famous technology company.B.A supporter of longboard dancing.
C.The popularity of longboard dancing.D.The clothing for longboard dancing.
3. What does Brighton think of longboard dancing?
A.It brings danger and excitement.B.It is a quite young national sport.
C.It is a peaceful and costly activity.D.It helps skaters communicate with others.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Longboard Dancing Is Mix of Moves and Danger
B.New Sports Art Is Spreading Rapidly Around the World
C.Longboard Dancing Show Draws Large Audience
D.Possible Danger Makes Art Even More Attractive
2023-06-19更新 | 75次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A robotic police dog is being used to look for high body temperatures in homeless people at a temporary shelter in Hawaii’s capital, Honolulu. The effort is one way public safety agencies are starting to use the commercial robot Spot. Spot can move like an animal and can walk over almost anything a person can. But people concerned about privacy(隐私)warn that the police are quickly buying the robots without safeguards against misuse and that it may become a danger to people’s privacy.

In Honolulu, the police department spent about $150, 000 in pandemic(疫情)ad money to buy their Spot. It was bought from Boston Dynamics for use at a government homeless shelter near the airport to look for high body temperatures between mealtimes. Supervisor Joseph O’Neal of the Honolulu Police Department sad, “Because these people are houseless, it’s considered OK to do that. ”The New York Police Department started using Spot after painting it blue and renaming it “Digidog”. However, Spot received attention and criticism that led the police department to return Digidog to 1ts maker.

Michael Perry is the vice president of Boston Dynamics. He sand the company’s usage guidelines impede the robot’s use as a weapon. It is also not supposed to be used for anything that would go against privacy or civil rights laws.

There are about 500 Spot robots In use. Spot is still mostly controlled by humans. All the operators have to do is tell Spot which direction to go n and t can deal with a difficult path, like steps. It can also operate on its own, but only f it has memorized a path and there are not any surprises Jongwook Kim, the legal director at the American Civil Liberties Union of Hawaii, sand they are used by companies to inspect areas with dangerous levels of electricity and also used in building sites, mines and factories. Kim sand that there might be some good uses for such machines but opening the door for police robots to work with the public is probably not a good idea.

1. What does the public think of the robotic police dog?
A.It's a useful tool.B.It costs too much.
C.It's a risky machine.D.It can guard against violence in public.
2. For what purpose did the police In Honolulu buy Spot?
A.To compete with Digidog.B.To pick out abnormal body temperatures.
C.To deliver meals to the homeless.D.To do some cleaning in the airport.
3. What does the underlined word “impede” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
4. What can we learn about Spot robots from the last paragraph?
A.They can walk down steps.B.They can be used in any field.
C.They can deal with unexpected things.D.They can’t perform tasks without orders
2022-02-26更新 | 92次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般