组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:440 题号:14697506

Living on the Florida Emerald Coast, people view a hurricane as a common thing. So it is not unusual for a family to have several full gas cans and bottled water stored in their houses all summer.

Though unwilling to evacuate from a hurricane, on September 15,my family was forced to leave our home for my grandfather's house several miles away. We spent the early part of that evening watching the hurricane draw closer on the Weather Channel. Around nine o'clock, a loud sound shook the house, turned over the roof and carried it off. Soon came an indoor rainstorm.

Realizing the damage, my grandfather began to be afraid. The storm had started, but he still ran out into the heavy rain and wind to see how much of the roof was left. We got him back inside. I had never seen him so scared. Mom finally asked him to lie down in his room.

The leak had progressed rapidly. It soon became a race against time to protect what was saved. Some people may think it necessary to save material things, but I hoped to save those items with emotional value, such as the photos. I still feared the storm, but I more feared the influence it brought.

The next morning, it started to clear up. Thankfully, my family weathered the storm, though the same could not be said for the house. Only the wooden beams remained, but inside many of his things were safe. My mom and I had worked tirelessly through the night.

It was late, but we were still unwilling to go to bed. We discussed the rebuilding of the house. Under the beautiful sky, we suggested looking after my grandfather more often in the future. After this disaster, I realized the truth that the hurricane itself was not so terrible if we loved each other.

1. Why do the people store full gas cans and bottled water?
A.To save much money.B.To watch a hurricane easily.
C.To protect their houses well.D.To be prepared for hurricanes.
2. How did the author's grandfather feel during the hurricane?
3. What does the underlined word "weathered" in paragraph 5 mean?
A.Prepared well for.B.Waited patiently for.
C.Came safely through.D.Suffered seriously from.
4. What may the author learn from the experience?
A.Family love is powerful.B.Take things as they come.
C.Good health is over wealth.D.Lost time is never found again.


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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Yasuo Takamatsu十年寻妻的感人故事。

【推荐1】It’s been 10 years since Yasuo Takamatsu lost his wife Yuko when a tsunami(海啸)hit the town of Onagawa, but he continues to search for her every weekend.

On the day when Yuko disappeared, in 2011, Yasuo Takamatsu received the last text message from her. It read “Are you OK? I’m coming home.”

Since then, he has been looking for her and won’t stop until he finds her. “I’m sure she is on the way home. She has never gone back on her words,” Yasuo insists.

In the beginning, he searched for Yuko on land, starting at the bank where she was last seen,then along the beaches of Onagawa,in nearby forests and mountains.

Two years after her disappearance, Yasuo registered at a local diving school to take diving lessons, so he could start searching for her in the sea. He has been going on weekly dives for the past seven and a half years, racking up almost 500 underwater searches.

Yasuo Takamatsu has been aided in his underwater searches by Masayoshi Takahashi, the diving instructor who taught him to dive. He has been keeping track of Yasuo’s searches, recording what areas he has combed, where the dead bodies might gather on the seabed, etc.

Apart from his own weekly dives, the 64-year-old also joins local authorities in underwater searches for the 2,500 people who remain lost following the 2011 tsunami. In his searches, Takamatsu has found all sorts of things belonging to the missing persons,but nothing helps him find his wife. He refuses to give up, though.

1. What kept Yasuo searching for his wife for 10 years?
A.The belief that she is still alive.B.Anew text from his wife.
C.Takahashi’s selfless assistance.D.The latest survivors he found.
2. What does the underlined phrase “racking up” in paragraph 5 probably mean?
3. Why has the diving coach been keeping a record of Yasuo’s searches?
A.To map out the dead bodies.B.To measure the training effect.
C.To test the diving equipment.D.To avoid searching the same areas.
4. Which of the following can best describe Yasuo?
A.Ambitious and confident.B.Selfless and hardworking.
C.Humorous and considerate.D.Determined and warm-hearted.
2023-05-30更新 | 41次组卷
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【推荐2】It’s not easy being a teenager —— nor is it easy being the parent of a teenager. You can make your child feel angry, hurt or misunderstood by what you say without realizing it yourself. It is important to give your child the space he needs to grow while gently letting him know that you’ll still be there for him when he needs you.

Expect a lot from your child, just not everything. Except for health and safety problems, such as drug use or careless driving, consider everything else open to discussion. If your child is unwilling to discuss something, don’t insist he tell you what’s on his mind. The more you insist, the more likely that he’ll clam up. Instead,let him attempt to solve things by himself. At the same time,remind him that you’re always there for him if he should seek advice or help. Show respect for your teenager’s privacy. Never read his mail or listen in on personal conversations.

Teach your teenager that the family phone is for the whole family. If your child talks on the family’s telephone for too long, tell him he can talk for l5 minutes, but then he must stay off the phone for at least all equal period of time. This not only frees up the line so that other family members can make and receive calls, but teaches your teenager moderation(节制).Or if you are open to the idea, allow your teenager his own phone that he pays for with his own pocket money or a part-time job.

1. The main purpose of the text is to tell parents ________ .
A.how to get along with a teenagerB.how to help a teenager grow up
C.how to understand a teenagerD.how to respect a teenager
2. What does the phrase "clam up" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.refuse to talkB.show respect
C.become excitedD.seek help
3. The last paragraph is about how to teach a teenager________.
A.to pay for his own telephoneB.to use the phone in a sensible way
C.to share the phone with friendsD.to answer the phone quickly
4. What should parents do in raising a teenager according to the text?
A.Not allow him to learn driving or take drugs.
B.Let him have his own telephone.
C.Give him advice only when necessary.
D.Not talk about personal things with him.
2021-12-23更新 | 48次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It was the day after Christmas 33 years ago. My wife gave birth to our first child. We were full of appreciation to have Joseph John Mazzella II , also called JJ, sleeping peacefully in the cradle(摇篮)next to our bed.

We had been on the road showing off our little baby to all of the grandparents and great—grandparents. It had been a busy Christmas and hard on my wife who was still recovering from her operation. Now we were back in our tiny flat trying to get a few extra hours of sleep before starting the day.

Just then I heard JJ stirring in his cradle. I leaned over and picked him up before he started to cry and then carefully stole out into the living room so that my wife could keep sleeping. I picked up a bottle and sat in our rocking chair with JJ in my arms. I rocked quietly and fed him in the living room while he looked up at me with his loving eyes. I spoke softly to him but also felt a little nervous and scared as I watched him. How was I going to take care of him? I was a new father and had no idea what the future had in store for us. I rocked and rocked. But luckily, I had so many elders to help me.

After a few minutes I saw the sun slowly rising in the sky outside my window. The bright light was shining down from the heavens making the freshly fallen snow shine with beauty that touched my soul. As I watched it, my fear escaped and I felt such a sense of peace, harmony, love and joy. The Christmas spirit had entered my heart and I smiled. I knew then that whatever the future would hold, it would be smooth as long as I kept love in my heart. New life is precious and I believed my child would be grateful, too and bring us new sunshine in the future.

1. How did the couple feel about the birth of JJ?
2. Why did the author carry JJ to another room?
A.To look for a bottle.
B.To appreciate the sun.
C.To make him sleep again.
D.To avoid disturbing his wife.
3. What's the author's attitude towards his family's future when he saw the sunrise?
4. What does the text mainly show?
A.The family's difficulty.
B.The mother's pain and fear.
C.The baby's life experiences.
D.The father's love and responsibility.
2021-06-06更新 | 98次组卷
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