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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:94 题号:14838797

COVID — 19 has greatly affected the lives of people across the world. It has challenged and changed people’s lifestyles. It has also helped us think about our relationships with others.

Changing our lives

● COVID - 19 has made people think harder about their relationship with nature. It has also raised questions about urban lifestyles. The sharing economy, working in open offices, living in crowded apartments and the food industry’s use of reusable products have made the perfect storm for a pandemic.

● Although the sharing economy might be good — it’s cheaper to rent than to own — sharing spaces and objects are great ways to spread the virus. How does one do “social distancing” when they are expected to share cars, bikes, apartments and even the same offices?

● The trend of using open offices, which can save space, is working against us. In this type of office, workers don’t have their own desk — everything is shared. Sometimes, computers and chairs are also shared, which is not hygienic (卫生的). Fortunately, more workers are working from home during the pandemic, but that won’t last forever.

● Reusability is a common practice in the restaurant industry. Reusable cups and chopsticks are often used. Unfortunately, reusable products increase the chance of spreading disease. For example, Starbucks recently stopped refilling customers’ reusable cups in order to stop the spread of the virus.

●People like to be social. But the virus has made this more dangerous. We have to be careful about how we interact with others for now. Perhaps we need to rethink about our lifestyles to reduce the spread of future pandemics.

1. According to the author, the strong point of the sharing economy is that ________.
A.it lasts longerB.it costs lessC.it’s popularD.it’s hygienic
2. Paragraph 4 is mainly talking about ________.
A.how working at home won’t last longB.how shared offices can save space
C.the hygienic problems of open officesD.the sharing economy trend
3. According lo the author, restaurants can spread the virus easily because ________.
A.everything is shared in many restaurantsB.they use too much disposable tableware
C.many restaurants have poor hygieneD.cups and chopsticks are often reused
4. The author probably agrees that ________.
A.we need to change some of our lifestylesB.the sharing economy won’t last forever
C.no one can stay out of the sharing economyD.we shouldn’t stay away from shared products
【知识点】 说明文 新型冠状病毒


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】This spring, Facebook revealed that it’s developing a version of Instagram for children under 13 years old that gives kids the chance to connect with friends and family without seeing ads or being targeted by child predators(奴役儿童者).

But as any caregiver or parent knows,  screens are addictive. Many adults can’t tear themselves away from their smartphones, computers, and televisions. And children are even less prepared to resist the lure. As is reported, kids between the ages of 8 and 12 already spend 1,200 hours a year in front of screens. What’s more, child-protection advocates also worry that Facebook, which owns Instagram, won’t be able to adequately protect young users’ privacy or stop them from cyberbullying.

Erin Wilkey Oh, content director at the nonprofit Common Sense Media, says, “Social media could benefit younger kids if it’s done thoughtfully. But Facebook’s track record shows the company may not really do what it promises. Plus, there are already ways for children to connect with family and friends online. Do they really need another app to make them spend more time on their devices?”

The relationship between kids and social media is more complicated than it seems. A 2020 survey conducted by Common Sense Media found that even though social media use was linked to depression and anxiety, many teens also saw social media as a way to access critical information about their mental and physical health and connect with their peers.

Despite the outcry(强烈抗议), Facebook doesn’t seem to slow its plans to roll out the app. So parents can minimize the potentially negative impacts. Parents can create a set of rules that details how much screen time kids are allowed each week and what they can watch. It’s not perfect, but it can help families balance screen time with exercise, and real-life social interactions that are vital to children’s well-being.

1. What does the underlined word “lure” in Paragraph 2 mean?
2. What can we infer from Erin Wilkey Oh’s words?
A.Social media do good to little kids.B.Apps intended for kids are necessary.
C.Facebook often breaks its promise.D.Facebook doesn’t have to develop its new app.
3. Which statement is right according to the 2020 survey?
A.Social media do harm to children.
B.Many kids benefit from social media in some way.
C.Children shouldn’t have access to social media.
D.More surveys should be done on social media.
4. What are parents advised to do in the last paragraph?
A.Keep their kids off Facebook.
B.Show their kids real social skills.
C.Stress negative influences online.
D.Weigh their kids’ workout against online time.
2022-04-15更新 | 107次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Sixth formers are to be quizzed on whether they can cook five hot meals and how often they should change their sheets, as part of a government-backed scheme to prepare them for university.

Ministers are urging schools to put on special workshops for students aged 16―18 to ensure they feel comfortable with the prospect of leaving home. The course, designed by the university accommodation provider Unite Students, will teach pupils how to manage their finances and how to live independently.

According to the course materials, teachers should ask students questions which may not have occurred to them, such as “what is the price of a liter of milk?” and “list 5 hot meals you can cook from scratch” and “how often will you wash your sheets once you move out of home?”

Damian Hinds, the Education Secretary, said, “We are all very conscious that moving away from home and going to university is one of the most exciting things that happens in your life but it can also be very daunting.” Mr. Hinds said that when he got to university, he discovered he had “relied on my mum more than I realized I did”, adding, “I wish I could have cooked better.”

Earlier this year, ministers set up a new task force called the Education Transitions Network, which includes representatives from Universities UK, UCAS and the National Union of Students. It is part of a drive by the Department for Education to address the rise in students who report mental health issues during their time at university.

Data released earlier this year showed that the number of students declaring mental health problems on arrival at university has surged. Figures obtained showed a 73 percent rise between 2014―2015 and 2017―2018 in students stating that they had a condition such as depression or anxiety before starting their courses.

1. What can we learn about the course?
A.It encourages students to leave home.
B.It is designed by the university students.
C.It helps students get ready for their college life.
D.It allows teachers to ask students familiar questions.
2. Why does the author mention Damian in Paragraph 4?
A.To show the joy of campus life.B.To list the contents of the course.
C.To prove the necessity of the course.D.To present the importance of college life.
3. Which of the following best explains “surged” underlined in the last paragraph?
2020-10-14更新 | 93次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】While bone soup can provide some beneficial nutrients, experts don’t view the popular soup as vital addition to your wellness.

Is drinking bone soup good for you? Made by boiling animal bones in water for a long time with vegetables, spices and sometimes other ingredients, bone soup can be “part of the puzzle, but is not a quick fix,” Laura Ligos, a registered nutritionist and specialist in sports dietetics, says.

“The goal is to help to pull out important nutrients from the bones,” she says. “It’s these nutrients that are extracted (萃取) from the bones that have been shown to be helpful with skin, hair, and nail health and there is some truth to that. That being said, we need more than just bone soup to be able to improve overall health.”

Benefits of bone soup include providing humans with certain nutrients from the connective tissue and meat of the bones, which in turn can aid in strengthening muscle and bones, explains Jenna Litt, a registered dietitian at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York.

“Specifically, bone soup is rich in collagen and certain vitamins and minerals, such as iron, fat-soluble vitamins, zinc and other trace minerals. Collagen and fat-soluble vitamins are known to improve hair, skin and nail health,” she adds.

Do I need bone soup in my diet? The short answer? No. While almost anyone can try it, Ligos says it’s important to look at the big picture when thinking about nutrition.

“There likely isn’t one food item that’s going to be the golden ticket to our health. It’s a combination of things that we do that can support our health over the long run. Bone soup can certainly be a part of that-but not the only part of that. ”For example, if you’ re interested in improving skin, nail and hair health, simply increasing protein intake in your diet has been shown to yield results, Litt says, pointing out that “the use of bone soup is not required.”

1. How does the author mainly develop this text?
A.By referring to professionals.B.By analyzing cause and effect.
C.By listing a series of relevant facts.D.By following time order.
2. What may the underlined part “the big picture” in paragraph 6 probably refer to?
A.A specific choice.B.The whole health situation.
C.The beneficial side.D.A particular preference.
3. Which of the following may Litt agree with?
A.Not everyone can try bone soup.B.The use of bone soup is quite necessary.
C.Bone soup can replace protein.D.Bone soup is not the master key to health.
4. What may be a suitable title for the text?
A.Does your diet contain enough proteins?B.Do you consume bone soup properly?
C.Does bone soup really benefit health?D.Is bone soup rich in essential nutrients?
2023-12-12更新 | 61次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般