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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.94 引用次数:136 题号:14920669

When Spring cleaning season rived this year I decided that it was time to get rid of more than just a Winter’s worth of dust and dirt. It was the time to get rid of years worth of accumulated (累积的) stuff as well. This stuff was lining my walls, filling my shelves, and crowding my closets. This stuff was filling my home and my mind and not bringing me one bit of happiness. I couldn’t even remember how I got some of it, but I knew I wanted it gone.

It turned out to be an even bigger job than I thought. Twenty-year-old bills and receipts were thrown in the trash. Piles of papers were no longer necessary or needed. Broken bowls, dented pans, and cracked knickknacks were finally thrown away. Unworn clothes were taken out of the closet and packed to be given away to the local charity. Old books were boxed up to be passed on for others to read and enjoy.

It took several days to get it all done, but in the end I was able to walk through a home that seemed a little less messed. My heart was a lot lighter too. It felt so good to be able to get rid of all the junk and to just focus on the essential stuff in life again.

What is the essential stuff? What is the stuff that brings meaning to our days? A loving heart is essential. A joyful spirit is essential. A soul full of goodness and God is essential. And a life full of sharing all of these things is absolutely essential. The essential stuff can’t be bought, sold, or stored. It can only be chosen, created, and given away. The essential stuff is the stuff we all really want. It is the stuff we all really need.

1. Which word can describe the author’s feeling towards accumulated stuff?
2. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 imply?
A.It is a pity that 1 should store so much stuff.
B.I really don’t want to throw away such stuff.
C.The essential stuff is actually everywhere.
D.There is more unnecessary stuff than I think.
3. In which section of a magazine can we read this text?
4. What is the best title of the text?
A.It’s Time To Move OnB.What Matters Most
C.How To Get Rid Of JunkD.What Is Junk
【知识点】 哲理感悟 夹叙夹议


阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 容易 (0.94)

【推荐1】I watch documentaries, not movies. I read history books, not fiction. I use every free moment to accomplish one of the tasks on my never-ending checklist, and I am completely filled with thoughts of productivity. An hour sleeping is an hour wasted. And like the rest of 21st century America, I like it. But this fixation on productivity is increasingly destroying character and transforming men into robots.

New York Times columnist David Brooks warned American University students of this cultural decline in a speech. “We cut off all things spiritual and emotional in a competitive urge to stand out”, he said, “The pressure to succeed professionally, to acquire skills, to do the things you need to do to succeed in an information age economy really became the overwhelming(难以应付的)pressures, and it sort of weakens the thinking about character and morality.”

Many students happily go to college, viewing it as a next step on their rise to professional achievement. Forcing as many success-building activities into their schedules as they can, they enjoy keeping busy with little sleep. “Today’s outstanding kids are likely to spend their afternoons and weekends shuttling from one skill-improving activity to the next,” Brooks wrote in an article, “We fear failure more than we desire success.”

A century ago, college was about character building. Today, our characters are in decline. We are experts on economics, material things and professional skills. We fail to discuss and understand relationships, emotions and all things spiritual.

Philosopher Karl Popper divided the world into two categories: Clocks and Clouds. Clock problems are those that can be taken apart, examined and solved through deductive reasoning(演绎推理). Clouds cannot be taken apart. Cloud problems represent whole systems that need to be understood in a different way.

“When we have a Cloud problem, we try to turn it into a Clock problem,” Brooks said. And in a reason-centered culture, adding titles to one’s resume becomes a trend. At American University, 85 percent of seniors (and 89 percent of business majors) graduate with at least one practical experience which is often helpful to a student’s future career, but can sometimes draw focus away from academics.

To prevent the death of man’s character, Brooks urges rediscovering our human natures through falling in love. And by love he means love for a task, job, or another person. “Synchronicity is key to happiness,” he said. Rather than crazily increasing our long lists of accomplishments, we need to lose ourselves in what we do, and success will come on its own.

1. From Paragraph 1, we can learn that people ________.
A.are controlled by timeB.are eager to achieve
C.are changing their charactersD.are keen on reading books more
2. What is the author’s attitude towards colleges that existed a century ago?
3. The last paragraph mainly tells us that ________.
A.success comes from devotion to work
B.the focus on human natures counts
C.more work contributes to happiness
D.love is more important than focus
4. The purpose of this passage is to ________.
A.criticize students’ desire for achievements
B.stress the importance of productivity
C.warn about the pressure to seek success
D.bring awareness to character building
2021-09-01更新 | 317次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 容易 (0.94)

【推荐2】When I was a young man, I had a big ego (自负) and very little empathy (同理心). I thought I knew everything. I looked forward to fame and success. I can even remember proudly telling one of my friends in college: “If only everyone listened to me, they would all be happy.” I finally left school, ready to take on the world. Little did I know the world was about to take on me.

In the years following college, instead of success, I found struggles. I had trouble finding work. The jobs I did work at were either temporary or back-breaking and none of them paid well. When my wife and I had children, we were shocked to learn that not one but both of our sons had autis (自闭症) and would need to be taken care of for the rest of their lives. I had no idea why this had happened to us and I was very angry with the world.

In time, however, I began to change. My formerly massive ego was shrinking fast and my empathy was beginning to grow. Instead of finding joy in success, I found it in moments of love. Playing and laughing with my sons brought me so much happiness. My boys taught me more about peace, patience, kindness, joy, and unconditional love than I could have ever learned on my own. I began to share the lessons I learned through my writing and my life.

I finally realized that my purpose in this world had nothing to do with fame or success but everything to do with allowing love and light into my life and sharing it with everyone I could.

1. What was the author like when he was young?
A.He was popular.
B.He was a top student.
C.He was overconfident about his abilities.
D.He was warm-hearted to others.
2. After graduating from school, the author ______.
A.found a tiring but well-paid job
B.wanted to live a challenging life
C.didn’t want to have children early
D.suffered many difficulties in life
3. What made the writer change greatly?
A.The time with his family.
B.The books he wrote.
C.The difficulties in his work.
D.The improvement in his life.
4. What does the author intend to tell us with his story?
A.Life can be very hard for some people.
B.Parents need to be patient with their kids.
C.It’s important to learn how to be a father.
D.The purpose of life is to share love.
2022-04-25更新 | 469次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 容易 (0.94)

【推荐3】School had just started in August when Conner began throwing up for no reason. It wasn’t long before the boy also began suffering terrible headaches. In February a 1.7-inch tumor was found in his brain and Conner was set to begin to receive radiation (放射疗法) treatments. Before treatments start, technicians make a white plastic mask (面罩) to keep patients immovable and protect unaffected parts of the brain while radiation is directed at the tumor.

It’s an unpleasant experience and a frightening time. The doctor Cook decided that the masks could at least be made to look like something fun — maybe Batman or Mickey Mouse. “I started thinking these masks are white and not fun at all for kids,” she told The Greenville News. “I felt like if we could make it a little more fun for them, they might be a little more excited about coming in for the treatment. Because the kids are afraid. While the treatment itself isn’t physically painful, it can cause a lot of anxiety (焦虑). And the treatment is required daily for up to six weeks. “

And the masks really make a difference. “The kids really like them,” Cook said. “It makes what is, let’s face it, a terrible experience, a nice experience because they get to choose something themselves.”

When new children come in for the treatment, Cook finds out what their favorite movies or cartoon characters are. Then she sets about creating the mask by drawing the image she wants onto paper, sticking it with glue, and once it’s dry, she applies the colors using paints. Each child can take the mask home once the treatment ends.

“Coming to the doctor always means fear and pain. I wanted to make it fun,” she said. “The kids really love it. It’s something they enjoy and can relate to. And it fills an interest I have. I get great pleasure from it.”

1. Why was the plastic mask used according to Paragraph 1?
A.To check the patient’s brain.
B.To reduce the patient’s headache.
C.To prevent the patient from throwing up.
D.To protect the patient’s brain during the treatment.
2. What can we know about the radiation treatment?
A.It can be received at home.
B.It has to be finished in a month.
C.It may make the patients feel worried.
D.It will cause huge physical pain for patients.
3. What does Cook do to help the children being treated?
A.Offer them some free masks as gifts.
B.Show them their favorite movies or TV shows.
C.Dress them up as cartoon characters.
D.Make the masks more interesting to kids.
4. What does the author want to show by telling this story?
A.Love can treat the terrible sickness.
B.Kindness can bring warmth and joy.
C.Health matters to everyone.
D.Creativity leads to success.
2020-04-30更新 | 215次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般