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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:117 题号:14923237

Set to launch on October 16, the Lucy spacecraft is designed to study Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids. These asteroids are small bodies left over from the formation of our solar system’s large planets. They share an orbit with Jupiter as the planet goes around the sun The mission’s aim is to gather new information about the solar system’s formation 4.5 billion years ago.

Lucy will observe eight asteroids over 12 years. One of the eight asteroids orbits in what is known as the Asteroid Belt, an area between Mars and Jupiter. Most known asteroids orbit within this area. The spacecraft will also observe seven Trojan asteroids. Scientists consider the Trojan asteroids to be the ancient remains of the formation of the solar system. They have stayed captured in Jupiter’s orbit for billions of years. The Trojans orbit the sun in two groups—one that’s ahead of Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, and a second one that lags behind it. Lucy will be the first spacecraft designed to visit and observe these asteroids.

The spacecraft was named Lucy after the ancient fossil discovered in Ethiopia in 1974. Lucy was one of the most famous scientific finds of the 20th century. The collection of skeletal bones gave scientists a better understanding of the evolution of humans. Cathy Olkin, the deputy lead investigator for the Lucy mission, compared the NASA spacecraft to the Lucy fossil. “Just like the Lucy fossil transformed our understanding of human evolution, the Lucy mission will transform our understanding of solar system evolution,” she said.

The spacecraft is equipped with several imaging instruments designed to capture information about the composition of materials on the surface of asteroids. Other equipment will be used to record asteroid surface temperatures and measure the size of the objects the spacecraft observes. Lucy will depend on solar power to operate. NASA says the mission expects to set a record because Lucy will travel farther from the sun than any past solar powered spacecraft.

Lori Glaze, the director of NASA’s planetary science division, said, “Whatever Lucy finds will give us vital clues about the formation of our solar system.”

1. What is the mission of the Lucy spacecraft?
A.To collect soil samples from Jupiter.B.To explore the surface of Trojan asteroids.
C.To search for life on Mars.D.To find out the origin of solar system.
2. What does the underlined word “lags” possibly mean in the second paragraph?
3. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The evolution of humans.B.The significance of the Lucy mission.
C.The inspiration for the name Lucy.D.The introduction to the Lucy fossil.
4. What do we know about the Lucy spacecraft?
A.It moves a little slow with its big size.B.It has an imaging instrument.
C.It gets closer to the sun than other spacecraft.D.It is powered by solar energy.
【知识点】 说明文 航空航天


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【推荐1】Women in post-pregnancy tend to respond slower to the outside world than they did before. In the West, this phenomenon is called “pregnancy brain”. In China, people describe it as “women are slower and less sharp for three years after giving birth.” However, studies showed that they are not less sharp. Rather, their brains are becoming better wired for parenting at the cost of memory.

In their 2016 research, Elseline Hoekzema and her team from the Netherlands scanned 25 women’s brains before and during pregnancy. The MRI results showed that there was a decrease in the amount of expectant mothers’ grey matter in their brains, which is responsible for multiple functions, including muscle control, emotions, speech and memory.

The decrease in grey matter isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Hoekzema compared it with the drop in the grey matter of teenagers during puberty (青春期). According to a previous study, during puberty, teenagers’ hormones cause a reduction in unnecessary synapses (突触), the connections between nerve cells. This process makes the brain work more efficiently. Likewise, the reduction of grey matter in new mothers’ brains might lead to greater parenting abilities.

The changes in the region of grey matter affected by pregnancy are known to play a role in social cognition (认知). This change might help a new mother better understand and decode her baby’s facial expressions and needs. Based on the results, scientists believed that the female brain experiences changes to help them better prepare for motherhood.

In a recent study led by Jonny Kohl from London’s Francis Crick Institute, experiments on the brains of pregnant mice provide concrete evidence that specific hormones improved connections between neurons (神经元) associated with parenting behaviors. While conducted on mice, this brain remodeling agrees with previous human studies, suggesting shared mechanisms, Newsweek reported.

However, this improvement in parenting-related skills might come at a cost. A 2010 study showed pregnant women have poorer memory skills than non-pregnant women, particularly concerning spatial recognition memory. This explains why many pregnant women sometimes lose their way on familiar routes.

And according to Hoekzema, the changes in women’s brains are long-lasting. So, next time your mom gets lost in a familiar place, be patient and kind to her. After all, her brain changed to bring you into the world!

1. During pregnancy, what happens to women’s brains?
A.They increase in amount.B.They become more complex.
C.They generate new neuro cells.D.They lose some grey matter.
2. How might the changes in women’s brains during pregnancy benefit them?
A.By improving their work efficiency.B.By boosting their muscle control.
C.By strengthening their social cognition.D.By adjusting their emotional state.
3. What do we know about Jonny Kohl’s study?
A.It conflicted with Hoekzema’s team’s findings.
B.It compared pregnant mice with non-pregnant ones.
C.It explored the link between hormone changes and parenting behaviors.
D.It confirmed the long-lasting effects of pregnancy on women’s brains.
4. What is one potential disadvantage of brain changes in pregnant women?
A.Poorer communication skills.B.A weaker sense of direction.
C.A shorter length of attention.D.Decreased problem-solving abilities.
2023-11-24更新 | 66次组卷
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【推荐2】Very, very long ago, dogs didn’t exist. There were just wolves of different kinds. “Dogor”, an 18,000-year-old puppy, was found frozen in the permafrost in Siberia near Yakutsk. Permafrost is a layer of ground in Arctic and Antarctic areas that remains frozen. Recently, areas of permafrost are thawing (解冻) as the world has warmed, and uncovering secrets long buried and frozen.

Dogor came out of the ground covered with mud and ice, but scientists carefully cleaned him. His head, including his nose, hair, eyelashes, and a mouth full of young teeth, is still very much like it was when he died. Scientists from Sweden have tested him carefully. Their tests showed that the puppy lived 18,000 years ago, that it was a male, and that it was about two months old when it died.

But even though the scientists ran two DNA tests to discover whether Dogor was a dog or a wolf, they didn’t get what they wanted. The scientists say that normally it’s fairly “easy to tell the difference”. They now plan on doing a third DNA test. In any case, the results will teach scientists a lot about the history of dogs and when they began to separate from wolves. “We can’t wait to get results from further tests,” said Sergey Fedorov, of the Mammoth Museum of North-Eastern Federal University.

Some people believe we may soon get even more information about very old animals. Due to the climate change, the world’s temperature has gone up by 1℃, which has led to heat waves, record dry periods, wildfires, record rains, and more strong hurricanes. Since the permafrost in Siberia and other areas is thawing, it’s possible that even more animals will be found, which could help scientists learn more about early history.

1. What’s special about Dogor?
A.It’s the world’s earliest dog.B.It survived extreme cold.
C.It has shown many secrets.D.It is preserved perfectly.
2. Which word can best describe the result of the study on Dogor?
3. What does the author want to convey in the last paragraph?
A.The rise of temperature benefits animal studies.B.Animals are suffering from natural disasters.
C.The climate is worsening.D.Scientists call on people to protect ancient animals.
4. Where is the text most likely from?
A.A science magazine.B.A biology textbook.C.A novel about animals.D.A report about weather.
2022-02-20更新 | 267次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇书评。介绍了作家Mary Shelley的经典小说Frankenstein的写作背景,创作意图,文化内涵,重点挖掘其对现代社会的启示。

【推荐3】A few years ago, we celebrated Frankenstein’s 200th birthday. This famous book, written by British novelist Mary Shelley (1797—1851), is rightly known as the first work of science fiction. Frankenstein is the name of a doctor who creates a creature from human body parts. The doctor’s ambitions for his work are noble, but his experiment has disastrous results.

Shelley was writing in an age when science was beginning to have a great impact on the world. People had different attitudes toward science back then. Some found it inspiring- they thought of the progress medicine was making in curing common illnesses. But others found it a little frightening—it was changing the, making it a lot less familiar.

Science plays a bigger part in our lives than it did two centuries ago. Today, science has brought us great things like the internet, but also nuclear weapons, which, if used in large numbers, could kill off our species. Science still therefore creates the mixed feelings it did in Shelley’s day. It’s because Shelley saw both the promise and the danger of science that she’s still an influence today.

In fact, the subtitle of the book, The Modern Prometheus (普罗米修斯), shows how important myth (神话) was to the writer. Prometheus, a figure from classical Greek mythology, written by ancient Greek playwright Sophocles, steals fire from the gods and gives it to people, an act for which he is terribly punished. Shelley’s husband, the famous poet Percy Shelley, wrote about him in Prometheus Unbound. In the poem, he is a revolutionary hero, who triumphs over the gods. In Mary Shelley’s book, however, her modern Prometheus. Dr Frankenstein, is a highly controversial figure, who sacrifices his home and life for his crazy addiction to his creation.

In short, Mary Shelley’s book is not just a scary and moving story, but a philosophical tale that, even after 200 years, still speaks to modern readers.

1. What can we know about Dr Frankenstein and the creature he made?
A.He created it with animal parts.
B.He managed to kill it in the end.
C.He created it with good intentions.
D.He was aware of its dangers before its creation.
2. Why do today’s readers still relate to Mary Shelley?
A.Her work discusses what it means to be human.
B.Her work warns people of the two sides of science.
C.Her work explains that any life deserves our respect.
D.Her work proves the important role of science in life.
3. Compared with Prometheus in Greek mythology, Dr Frankenstein _______.
A.is a revolutionary heroB.has inspired many poets
C.causes some disagreementD.suffers little for what he does
4. What is the text?
A.A book review.B.A news report.
C.A short story.D.A biography.
2024-03-04更新 | 77次组卷
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