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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:114 题号:14923790

The Twenty-four Solar Terms shows the relationships between the universe, seasons, climate and agriculture,    1     is a unique creation by Chinese ancestors. In the early development of agriculture people began to explore rules of nature since agricultural     2     (produce) was highly subject to seasonal changes. As the east Asian traditional lunar calendar is a “lunisolar(日与月的)calendar”,     3     is, it’s developed according to the running and operation of the sun or the moon, it can not    4     (full) reflect the circle of the sun.    5    , China is an agricultural society and we have to strictly know the circumstance about the sun operation. With farming completely carried     6    according to the sun, our ancient ancestors added a separate calendar     7     (reflect) the sun cycle. Thus, the Twenty-four Solar Terms that can indicate the changes of seasons and climate     8     (come) into being, and it was used to guide sowing, harvest and other agricultural     9     (activity). Up to now, it     10     (function) as an essential tool to guide farming in China.


语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Home of the copper drum

Hechi’s copper drum culture goes back as far as the Han Dynasty (206 BC—AD 220),     1     the people living in the area considered copper drums sacred and Hechi is still one of China’s     2     (large) copper drum sites. A 2003 survey by cultural heritage departments     3     (find) more than 1, 400 copper drums in the area, with at least 1,300 copper drums     4     (be) used by local folk artists. In this way, ethnic groups in Hechi have produced a     5     ( unique) rich and diverse cultural form and customs for festivals, weddings, celebrations, funerals, and religious       6     (activity) of local people, with ballads and for rice-planting and frogs. That same year, a copper drum conservation project along the Hongshui River basin joined the Culture Ministry’s Top 10 conservation project list for ethnic and folk cultures.

In 2006, the Zhuang People’s Copper Drum Practices     7     (add) to the national cultural heritage list by the State Council. In 2008, the Culture Ministry declared Donglan county and     8     city of Hechi the “Home of Chinese Copper Drum Art”     9     in 2009, its “Copper Drum Practice” became a candidate for the Human Cultural Heritage. There are now more than 2,400 copper drums in the world, at least 1,400 of     10     (they) in Hechi, making it a Copper Drum Cultural and Ecological Reserve with recognition across Guangxi,

2018-04-29更新 | 134次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

2017 witnessed the 45th anniversary of the     1    (establish) of Sino-German diplomatic relations. Many     2    (activity) with Chinese culture as the theme were held in Berlin, the capital of Germany. When     3    (walk) in Berlin, people can really feel that this city deserves its title as the largest city in Germany. The history of Berlin could     4    (trace) back to over 800 years ago. In 18th century, Berlin became the capital of the Kingdom of Prussia. In 1871, after Otto Von Bismarck, Minister President of Prussia, unified the German States. In modern times, Berlin became the city with the greatest vitality in Germany because     5     its emerging buildings and dynamic culture.

In the very center is the famous BrandenBurg Gate, the construction of     6     started in 1789 and was completed in 1791. This BrandenBurg Gate has became a symbol of Germany. If people take     7     look at the modern Germany history, they can find that this gate was     8    (repeat) involved at critical moments.

After World WarII, the Berlin Wall stood in front of the Brandenburg Gate, and remained a symbol of separation for as     9    (long) as 28 years. After the German reunification, this area around the gate was finally restored according to     10    (it) original design.

2023-08-09更新 | 28次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The classical gardens of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province date back to the 6th century     1     the city was founded     2     the capital of the Wu Kingdom. Today, more than 50 of these gardens are still in     3     (exist), nine of which are regarded as the finest embodiments (化身) of Chinese “Mountain and Water” gardens.

Built in the 11th century on the site of an     4     (early) destroyed garden, Canglang Pavilion has the longest history among all the existing classical gardens in Suzhou. Naturally     5     (lay) out and well designed, it is called one of the four best gardens in Suzhou. The garden looks simple but natural. Without complex decorations, it combines buildings with scenery so well     6     the whole garden appears to be naturally created. Since many of the     7     (origin) features of the garden have been preserved, the garden has a high historical and artistic value.

The classical gardens of Suzhou     8     (be) the most vivid specimens (样本) of culture from the East Yangtze Delta region in the 11th to 19th centuries. The underlying philosophy, literature, art, and craftsmanship     9     (show) in the architecture, gardening as well as the handcrafts perfectly reflect the monumental     10     (achieve) of the social, cultural, scientific, and technological developments of this period.

2023-07-29更新 | 119次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般