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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:170 题号:14946660

It is reported that a new subway station in Moscow with a number of Chinese design elements has already become another landmark for Sino-Russian friendship and    1     (cooperate). In other words, China Railway Construction Corp has completed the construction of the Michurinsky Prospekt Station in the southwest of the Russian capital, and it had     2     (official) opened by the end of the year, 2021.The station and the other two on the southwestem section of the Moscow Metro stand on the    3     (three) transfer line of the city's subway system. This route,known     4     the Great Ring Line, was also built by CRCC, and was the first European subway project     5     (design) by a Chinese company. To show respect for     6     friendship between China and Russia, Chinese-style designs have been adopted for the platform at the new station, including cloud-shaped lamps, red pillars and a suspended ceiling. Red is the dominant color of the platform design,    7    features plum blossom and the Eight Immortals-a group of well-known     8     (figure)in Chinese folklore and Taoism. Up to now the photos of the Chinese-style subway platform     9    (appear) on social media platforms, and Russians are eager    10    (see)the new station for themselves.

【知识点】 交通与运输


语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 适中 (0.65)

As populations increased in large cities in     1     nineteenth century, building subway lines was a way     2    (move) people from one area of a city to another quickly and efficiently. The first major subway system, the London Underground,     3    (start) in 1873 using steam trains. Subways caught on quickly in London. From 1896, it was changed in favor of an electrical system. Today’s subways around the world now work on     4    (electrical). Passengers can rely on the regular schedule of subway trains while     5    (avoid) traffic on busy city streets.

Two of the world’s earliest subways were built in Paris and New York. When the Paris Metro opened on July 19, 1900, citizens were proud of the     6    (impress) and beautifully decorated station entrances.    7     the first New York subway consisted     8     only 14.5 kilometers of track in 1904, today, it is the world’s largest subway system.

Today, subways are still popular with passengers. The Tokyo subway is the     9    (busy) in the world, with 3.2 billion riders a year. Close behind     10    (be) subways in Moscow(2.4 billion), Seoul (2.1 billion), and New York City (1.6 billion).

2020-09-20更新 | 173次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

People are freer to travel as China’s transport sector has fine-tuned     1     (measure) to further smooth transportation and logistics from Wednesday to respond to the nation’s optimized (优化的) COVID-19 containment measures.

When     2     comes to traveling across regions and provinces, passengers are no longer required     3     (present) negative results of nucleic acid tests or health codes at public transport venues, according to an optimized guideline issued by the Ministry of Transport on Wednesday. Travelers now going through     4     (secure) checks can scan their identity card to enter the stations,     5     same procedure used before the epidemic.

A traveler from Tianjin to the capital told Beijing Daily that her Beijing health code returned to normal on Wednesday,     6     enabled her to buy a Tianjin-Beijing train ticket, “There were fewer passengers onboard     7     (compare) with the days before the epidemic but I believe their numbers     8     (recover) soon as more work and production have resumed already,” she said.

Railway services to Beijing from many places such as Zhengzhou of Henan province and Hohhot of Inner Mongolia autonomous region were     9     (temporary) canceled for fear of high infection risks, but they have resumed.

Up to now, nucleic acid test facilities     10     (remove) at Beijing Fengtai railway station. More relaxed protocols have also been adopted at transport venues across the country.

2022-12-21更新 | 138次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

China’s grand transportation program will shorten the distance and make the world smaller.

The program is the “Global 1-2-3 Logistics Circle,” and     1     (it) aim is for one-day domestic delivery of goods in China, two-day delivery from neighboring countries, and three-day delivery to major global cities. The goal     2    (announce) in February, 2021 in guidelines for developing a high-quality and comprehensive transport network over the next 15 years.

“It will lead to a better allocation of global resources as goods can be transported farther and faster with less energy,” Khairy Tourk said     3    (confident), who is a professor of economics at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago.

Developing countries,     4     lie on China’s doorstep, will benefit from the expected     5    (grow), Tourk said. For example, countries like Myanmar and Vietnam are expected to be manufacturing hubs(制造中心) in the near future.

The program will benefit Europe, too, he said, as a large amount of goods     6    (transport) through the China-Europe railway network tend to be     7     relatively high value.

The program will also be     8    (benefit) to Chinese consumers, Tourk said, since they may buy     9     wider variety of overseas products and receive them faster while     10    (pay) less.

“China has laid out a sweeping transportation plan that connects the world together,” Tourk said.

2021-04-29更新 | 104次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般