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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:93 题号:15021735

Everybody needs casual relationships or "weak ties" while growing up.     1    

Fewer friends as we age

Young adults gather lots of friends but by the mid-20s when responsibilities increase and free time reduces, so does the number of friendships.     2     But that doesn't mean we don't still benefit from relationships-even super-casual ones

Gillian Sandstrom, a senior lecturer of psychology at the University of Essex, studies social interactions(互动). She found that sustaining these minor connections keeps us involved in the community, particularly after a move away from close friends and family or after the loss of a loved one.

    3     They believe that these interactions can't possibly provide any meaning. So they are focused on whatever is next and don't stop and take that second to enjoy the moment.

How to make more friends

    4     Experts suggest taking time to talk to people you might normally overlook. Instead of just thanking a waiter or clerk, begin a conversation. Make a point to talk to a familiar, friendly face you see often at the gym or when you walk in the park.

Don't just ask about the weather or something like "How's your day going?" Take time to get to know that person so the exchange and the relationship become more meaningful for both of you.     5    

A.Start with something you are really interested in.
B.Many think those interactions are not worth the time.
C.As we get older, we no longer have the need to be out with friends.
D.When you talk to someone, you’re actually brightening their day.
E.If you don't normally chat with people, you may wonder how to start.
F.They seem unimportant, but they actually benefit your emotional well-being.
G.The more involved the chat becomes, the more likely a friendship will develop
【知识点】 方法/策略 社会关系


阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】How to Order Coffee at Starbucks

Learning how to order coffee at Starbucks can be tricky, and if you think that ordering coffee at Starbucks is confusing, you are not alone.

    1    Things move quickly as their employees try to serve customers as efficiently as possible. Orders are generally taken at one of the cash registers. You will be asked for your first name, which you should state clearly.     2    . Don't be offended if they spell your name incorrectly. People who have unique or hard — to — spell names will sometimes use an easy ''Starbucks'' name when ordering, like Mike or Amy.

    3     Their terms for size are:Tall, Grande, Venti, and Trenta. Although if you order a small, medium, large, or extra-large drink they will still understand you.

For ordering basic coffee, beyond specifying the size you want, you will need to tell the server whether you want regular or decaffeinated (脱去咖啡因的)coffee.    4       If you intend to add cream or milk to your coffee, say with room for cream, or simply, with room. If you want a full cup, say no room. Read the list above the counter ahead of time, because they may not ask you which you would like.     5    .

When you order, say the size you want first, then give the name of the drink, and finally add the special instructions last.

A.Starbucks is often a very busy place
B.Starbucks offers all kinds of coffee
C.Otherwise,they will assume that you want regular
D.Sometimes they will write your name in short forms
E.The ordering process is complicated because they use terms to describe drink size
F.Finally, if you are very particular about the freshness of your coffee, ask in advance
G.Your name will immediately be written on your cup and called out when, your drink is ready
2020-07-15更新 | 98次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Everyone likes to be the student everyone else is happy to be around. If you want to become a great classmate, follow these steps.

1. Be smart.

Study! It can be boring, but you need to study if you want to be smart.

Read nonfiction books!     1     If reading nonfiction books is extremely boring for you, read online articles or just read fictional books and still learn new words.

Listen up in class! You need to pay attention if you’re going to learn anything and become smarter. If you’re sitting beside someone that you usually talk to or someone who is talking in class to the point where you can’t pay attention, talk to the teacher about getting a new seat.     2    

2. Be a good leader.

In a group project, take charge!     3     This way, you’ll be able to have everyone speak, and they’ll know that you are capable of being the leader. After everyone has given their ideas, give your opinion of the ideas and let others speak out their opinions. If you are really against the idea, have a vote and see who is for and against the idea.

3. Be approachable and friendly.

Give out praise! Don’t tell fake praise, though. Be sincere! Your classmates will take you more seriously and feel much better about the praise you gave them.

Be sure to have good hygiene(卫生)!     4     So be sure to brush your teeth twice a day, brush your hair,and take a shower every day if possible. Also, wear clothes that fit you!

    5     A smile makes everyone feel happier, especially if it’s directed at them. Be sure it’s not fake, though, or they will be able to tell and will feel sad and think you are being “fake nice” to them. Good posture tells people that you have confidence, and that makes people feel comfortable around you.

A.This will make the person feel accepted.
B.Nobody is approachable when they smell.
C.Sit down and tell everyone to give their ideas.
D.If your teacher says no, tell the person to be quiet.
E.Always have a smile on your face and good posture.
F.Take up tasks unless someone else offers to do them.
G.You will learn new things by reading informational books.
2021-07-21更新 | 76次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Often, when you buy a computer, the laptop bag is overlooked (忽略). Most choose a laptop simply because they want to be able to transport it from place to place.     1     Because it not only protects the computer from dirt or damage, it can also be used to carry other laptop parts, such as spare batteries and a computer mouse.

The first thing to consider when choosing the best laptop bag is what style of bag you may want. The most common styles are the briefcase (公文包) and the backpack.     2     The briefcase gives a sense of professionalism while the backpack may be easier to carry much of the time.

A laptop bag should have both a computer sleeve along with several separate sections. The sleeve helps keep the laptop from moving too much in the bag. The sections are good for storage of documents and other things.     3    

Another thing when you buy a laptop bag is making sure it is strongly sewed and has a solid bottom. These two things will make your bag much stronger.     4     For example, it may last just a few months before you have to buy a new one. However, if made properly, laptop bags can last five or more years.

    5     Buying a cloth bag may be a cheaper option, but leather bags are generally made better. Besides, leather offers a natural barrier to water when the computer is transported through rain or snow.

A.Obviously, the former is more important.
B.Each one has their own advantages.
C.Materials also make a difference.
D.You will benefit a lot from a good laptop bag.
E.There are many choices when you choose laptop bags.
F.So documents won’t rub up against the computer.
G.Choosing a cheap bag could reduce the life of the bag.
2023-09-14更新 | 69次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般