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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:98 题号:15183756

Life in the future will be different from life today.Between then and now many changes will happen. But what will the changes be?

The population is growing fast. There will be many people in the world and most of them will live longer than people live now.

Computers will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every room.And computer studies will be one of the important subjects in schools then.People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and travel.Traveling will be much cheaper and easier. And many more people will go to other countries for holidays.

There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used for building new towns and houses for all the people. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day.Instead they will eat more fruit and vegetables. Maybe people will be healthier.

Work in the future will be different, too.Robots will do dangerous and hard work.Because of this, many people will not have enough work to do. This will be a problem.

1. In the future there will be ________.
A.much more fruitB.more peopleC.less vegetablesD.less people
2. In the future people don't have to________.
A.work long hoursB.work fastC.walk on footD.eat meat
3. People may not eat________as much as they do today.
4. One big problem in the future is that________.
A.many people don't have to workB.many people will not be able to find work
C.people have to work fastD.all the work will be done by robots
【知识点】 畅想未来 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Join us for the opening of the schools of the future exhibition — event

The year is 2035. A group of schoolchildren heads over to a garden for lunch and, after the break, teachers send lessons into headsets (头戴式耳机) worn by students. The wearable tech is able to read body signals to make sure the child is concentrating (全神贯注) and can differentiate the lessons according to how their young charge is getting along. It can also send a full progress assessment (评估) to the teacher.

This is one picture of the future of school life, but how likely is it? Over the past five months, the Guardian Teacher Network has been exploring how schools might develop over the next twenty years and beyond. Our journalists have explored a series of topics from whether computers could replace teachers and how some libraries are breaking with tradition, to the rise of outdoor learning and the forest school revolution. One area that provides much food for thought is the future of school dinners. Journalist Matthew Jenkin has looked back at Jamie Oliver’s campaign against Turkey Twizzlers, deciding that the next hot topics include mealtimes and foods.

We’re now bringing these ideas to life in an exciting exhibition, supported by Zurich Municipal, held at our offices in London. It is free to attend. We’ll be hearing from Liz Sproat, the head of education for Google across Europe, Middle East and Africa.

We’d love for you to join us for a spot of future drinks and food.

Date: Sunday 17 June 2018

Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Location: The Guardian, 90 York Way, London, N1 9GU

Cost: Free

Speakers: Charles Leadbeater, author and education advisor

Margaret Cox OBE, professor of information technology in education, King’s College London

Tom Sherrington, headteacher, Highbury Grove School

Liz Sproat, head of education, EMEA, Google

1. What does the first paragraph describe?
A.An exhibition program.B.A picture on the school wall.
C.A possible future scene at school.D.A newly invented high-tech headset.
2. What can we learn about the exhibition?
A.It is being held by King’s College LondonB.It centres on the future of school life.
C.It will be on show worldwide.D.It is hosted by Liz Sproat.
3. What type of writing is this text?
A.A travel guide.B.An announcement.C.A school year plan.D.An educational report.
2020-09-11更新 | 26次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约170词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】By 2050 we’ll be able to send memories, emotions and feelings across the Internet.     1     Teenagers will love it. Instead of putting an emoticon (表情符号) at the end of every sentence, they will use an emotion: anger, happiness, or excitement.

I’m talking about telepathy (心灵感应), really. We’ll still communicate the traditional way.     2     Our children will wonder, What is a keyboard? We will enter the age of the “brain net”.

Medicine will develop fast, too. We will have cured certain forms of cancer, and we will have begun to treat the disease like the common cold. We’ll live with it. It will no longer be deadly.     3     Technology will help in this respect.     4     Smart toilets will perform liquid biopsies (液体活检) to discover cancer cells. Smart objects like phones will check us over automatically.

    5     By 2050 I think we’ll be able to grow many of the important organs (器官) of the body and, rather than allow the organs we’re born with to become old and weak, we’ll replace them. That’s all coming. And it doesn’t take much imagination to realise it.

A.We will do a few tests.
B.People will live an easy life.
C.We won’t fear it like we used to.
D.Brain science will have changed communication.
E.We can already use human cells to grow skin, noses, ears, etc.
F.But communicating telepathically will avoid misunderstandings between people.
G.Our clothes will discover the beginnings of a heart disease, and advise us to get treatment.
2022-10-09更新 | 434次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】The year 2114 will be an eventful one for art.In May of that year in Berlin,the philosopher-artist Jonathon Keats’“century cameras”-cameras with a 100-year-long exposure time-will be retrieved from hiding places around the city to have their results developed and exhibited.Six months after that,the Future Library in Oslo,Norway,will open its doors for the first time,presenting 100 books printed on the wood of trees in the distant past of 2014.

As Katie Paterson,the creator of the Future Library,puts it:“Future Library is an artwork for future generations.”These projects,more than a century in the making,are part of a new way of“slow art”intended to push viewers and participants to think beyond their own lifetimes.They aim to challenge today’s short-term thinking and the brief attention spans of modern consumers,forcing people into considering works more deliberately.In their way,too,they are fighting against modern culture-not just regarding money but also the way in which artistic worth is measured by attention.

In a similar fashion,every April on Slow Art Day,visitors are encouraged to stare at five works of art for 10 minutes at a time-a tough ask for the average museum visitor,who typically spends less than 30 seconds on each piece of art.

Like the Future Library,the century cameras are very much a project for cities,since it’s in cities that time runs fastest and the pace of life is fastest.“Since I started living in a city,I’ve somehow been quite disconnected,”Anne Beate Hovind,the Future Library project manager,who described how working on the library drew her back to the pace of life she knew when she was growing up on a farm in her youth,told The Atlantic magazine.

Works like Future Library and the century cameras raise all sorts of questions.Will any of the cameras survive?Will any of Future Library works be any good?What will future generations make of century art,and will they see it as the gift that it’s intended to be?More specifically,for those of us struggling with“a crisis of attention”,the question seems to be:How can we adopt this attitude now,in everyday life?When we struggle to look up from our mobile phones,how can we look beyond the present moment and think broadly and generously across time?

1. What will happen in May 2114 in Berlin according to the article?
A.A camera produced 100 years ago will be exhibited.
B.The Future Library will open its doors for the first time.
C.Photos with a 100-year exposure time will be developed and exhibited.
D.Books printed on the wood of trees planted in 2014 will be displayed in the city.
2. What does the underlined word“retrieved”in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
A.brought backB.put away
3. We can learn from the article that the wave of slow art_______.
A.started in the late 20th century in Germany
B.is pushing people to spend more money on works of art
C.aims to promote modern culture
D.encourages people to pay more attention to works of art
4. What can be concluded from the article?
A.People living in urban areas are likely to feel more connected to the outside world.
B.Katie Paterson is very optimistic about the survival of the century cameras.
C.Anne Beate Hovind believes the Future Library will be a perfect solution to the current crisis of people paying attention.
D.There remain a lot of doubts about works like the Future Library and the century cameras.
2020-10-15更新 | 54次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般