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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:278 题号:15333226

Changing to electric vehicles makes sense. Now it can make cents, too. France on Wednesday announced a program to get high gas consumption old cars off the road by offering a grant(补助金)to buy an electric bike.

A French driver can get $2,991 towards a new e-bike. The grant is high enough to buy a quality e-bike. To receive the grant, the driver has to ensure their old car to be taken off the road and scrapped(报废). Replacing the highly inefficient gas-powered vehicles will help France meet its the Paris Agreement goals to keep global warming below 2℃. In 2018, 200countries-including France-agreed to the Paris Rulebook that details the way countries can relieve climate change and this includes limiting greenhouse gas emission(排放). Other benefit to the programme is to get cars off crowded roads. After all, e-bikes take up far less room. And cleaner air due to fewer pollutants is also a big plus.

A similar program was introduced in Norway. The project for the old car was actually spearheaded by the country’s government. Drivers applied to receive a grant for up to $1,200 to buy a bicycle, e-bike, e-motorcycle, or even public transportation credits for turning in their old vehicles. More than 8,500 people applied for the grant. Finland also has a similar grant, which is used to help fund more than 1,000 low emission cars,2,000 e-bikes, and 200public transportation tickets. “For the first time it is recognized that the solution is not to make cars greener, but simply to reduce their number, ” Olivier Schneider of the French Federation of Bicycle Users said.

Since the French grant is more than twice the amount of the Finnish and Norwegian ones, it should be more successful. Getting a large number of high gas consumption off the road will go a long way in helping to reduce emissions, road crowdedness, and less pollution in the air.

1. Why does France give drivers a grant to buy electric bikes?
A.To help repair old cars.B.To help electric bike sellers.
C.To make the economy better.D.To protect the environment.
2. What can we know from the second paragraph?
A.Electric bikes are popular with the French.
B.Preventing global warming is difficult to achieve.
C.The French programme is not more costly than Norway.
D.France has announced the conditions of getting the grant.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “spearheaded” in paragraph 3?
4. What can we infer about the author from the text?
A.He is a news reporter.B.He is a novel writer.
C.He is an e-bike buyer.D.He is a French driver.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】For the history of life on Earth, organisms have relied on the light of the sun, moon, and stars to find their way and schedule their lives. While the beginning of electric lighting in the late 19th century may have benefited humans, it has caused problems in the natural world. Among the impacts of artificial light at night(ALAN), light pollution lures migrating birds to cities with shocking consequences, contributes to the alarming decline in insect populations, and convinces sea turtle babies to amble(缓行)away from the water instead of towards it.

Now, a new study from the University of Plymouth adds another disappointing finding about how ALAN is affecting the creatures with whom we share the planet: Light pollution from coastal cities can trick corals(珊瑚)into reproducing outside of the optimum times when they would normally reproduce.

Using a combination of light pollution data and spawning(产卵)observations, researchers were able to show for the first time that corals exposed to ALAN are spawning one to three days earlier and closer to the full moon compared to those on unlit corals. “That shift may reduce the survival and fertilization success of gametes(配子)and genetic connectivity between nearby lit and unlit coral systems,” they explain.

“Corals are among the most biodiverse, economically important, and threatened ecosystems on the planet,” write the authors of the study.

“Climate change has led to mass bleaching(褪色)events. Habitat destruction, fisheries, and pollution have reduced corals substantially since the 1950s,” they write, adding, “The complete loss of corals is anticipated over the next 100 years.”

If we want to reduce the harm ALAN is causing, we could perhaps look to delay the switching-on of night-time lighting in coastal regions to ensure the natural dark period between sunset and moonrise when coral reproduction remains undisturbed.

1. Why is the first paragraph written?
A.To present the topic of the text.B.To advocate energy conservation.
C.To explain a natural phenomenon.D.To provide background information.
2. What does the underlined word “optimum” in paragraph 2 mean?
3. What is the researchers’ major concern over corals?
A.Extinction.B.Losing value.
C.Terrible diseases.D.Exposure to moonlight.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Creatures Rely on Natural Lights to Schedule Their Life
B.Night-time Lighting Shortens Natural Dark Period
C.Coastal Lights Trick Corals into Early Spawning
D.Light Pollution Leads to Serious Consequences
2024-03-26更新 | 262次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A recent study finds that the dirt on the ground is likely to worsen climate change. Researchers have shown that warmer temperatures are heating the soil, which is causing microbes (微生物) to become more active and release more of the soil’s carbon into the atmosphere. These soil changes can potentially contribute to even higher temperatures.

Scientists studied device readings, soil measurements, plant growth details and satellite observations from around the world. Their work is the most complete study on the subject.

They found a sharp increase in carbon released into the atmosphere by bacteria and fungi (真菌) in soil from 1990 to 2014. Researchers explain that the carbon comes from the dead plants and leaves the microbes eat. As temperatures rise, the microbes eat more. And the more they eat, the more carbon can be made into carbon dioxide and released into the atmosphere.

This uncontrolled cycle speeds up and intensifies climate change. Overall, soil releases about nine times more carbon than human activities. But that is part of a natural cycle: the amount of carbon released into the air is about equal to the carbon oceans and plants take in.

However, carbon released from fossil fuel causes an imbalance. Burning coal, oil and natural gas puts more carbon into the atmosphere than nature can take in. The additional carbon heats the air and soil. And as the air and soil get hotter, the earth will release more carbon than it has been holding.

If something isn’t done, we are really in trouble. Proper soil conservation can help keep more carbon in soil. Conservation methods include avoiding turning the soil, covering off-season crops and leaving crop deposits on the ground.

1. Which word can best describe the scientists’ research data?
2. What does the underlined word “intensifies” in Paragraph 4 mean?
3. What mainly causes the soil’s temperature to rise?
A.Active bacteria.
B.Human activities.
C.The overuses of soil.
D.The wastes of fossil fuels.
4. What can be a suitable title for the passage?
A.Warmer soil and more carbon.
B.The soil and the environment.
C.The microbes and the temperatures.
D.Hotter air and warmer environment.
2019-12-23更新 | 100次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Below are four environmental activists in the 21st century who have been using the Internet effectively to create awareness about environment related issues and launch various environmental campaigns.

Dick Strawbridge

Birthdate: September 3,1959

Birthplace: Myanmar, Burma

Dick Strawbridge is a British engineer, television personality, and former army officer. In 1993,he was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire for his service in Northern Ireland. After his military career, Strawbridge has established himself as a TV personality, appearing on several TV programs. He is popularly referred to as Colonel Dick in the media.

Jean-Michel Cousteau

Birthdate: May 6,1938

Birthplace: Toulon

He is a French environmentalist, oceanographic explorer, film producer, and educator. He is also a devoted advocate of a world without nuclear weapons. Cousteau is also credited with founding an education organization and marine conservation called Ocean Futures Society. Inspired by his documentary Voyage to Kure, President George W. Bush took measures to safeguard the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument.

Vandana Shiva

Birthdate: November 5, 1952

Birthplace: Dehradun

Indian environmental activist and physicist Vandana Shiva is known for her anti-GMO (反转基因) campaigns. She is the founder of RFSTN, which promotes sustainable agriculture, and is against globalization. She developed an interest in environmentalism after witnessing a forest at her hometown being cleared for a project.

Medha Patkar

Birthdate: December 1,1954

Birthplace: Mumbai

Medha Patkar is an Indian social activist known for her work concerning several agricultural issues raised by farmers in India. She is also known for popularizing the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) movement which opposes the construction of large dams across the Narmada River. Medha Patkar is the recipient(接收者)of many awards including the Mother Teresa Award.

1. What can be known about Dick Strawbridge?
A.He once served in the army.B.He directed many TV programs.
C.He established himself as a lawyer.D.He was the oldest of the four activists.
2. What inspired President Bush to take steps to protect the ocean?
A.Dick Strawbridge’s personality.B.Medha Patkar’s NBA movement.
C.Vandana Shiva’s life experience.D.Jean-Michel Cousteau’s documentary.
3. What do Vandana Shiva and Medha Patkar have in common?
A.They object to building large dams across rivers.
B.They work to deal with the issues related to agriculture.
C.They are social activists known for anti-GMO campaigns.
D.They are winners of the Mother Teresa Award.
2023-07-25更新 | 61次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般