组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:37 题号:15438785

Tom’s teacher Dwyer liked helping others and he had done that for many years. Tom wanted to follow his example, but he found it was too tiring. One day, Tom went to see Dwyer. They sat quietly in Dwyer’s old house, cutting wood with their knives in front of the fireplace. Tom finally spoke up.

“I don't know how you do it,” he said.

“Do what?” asked Dwyer.

“I don’t know how you stay motivated (积极的) to help people after so many years. I feel like giving up and I’ve hardly started.”

Dwyer smiled and replied, “Can you blow out that candle for me?” Tom did as he was asked.

“Now can you blow out this fire?” Dwyer asked.

“Don’t be silly,” Tom replied. “Of course I can’t.”

Dwyer put down his knife and his piece of wood and looked in the eye of Tom. He said , “When your motivation is as small as the candle’s flame (火焰), it’s easy to be extinguished, but when it is a fire you see before you, nothing can blow it out.”

After hearing that, Tom decided to try harder.

My challenge to you is to find a big reason for doing what you want to do. Then you won’t give up when you meet with difficulties and when you feel tired. If you don’t have a big reason to press on, it’s easy for you to give up.

So let me ask you, is your motivation like a candle or a fire? And what are you going to do to keep it from dying down?

1. When Tom tried to help others, he ________ .
A.felt greatly motivatedB.found it hard to keep on
C.found he was very happyD.wanted to visit his teacher
2. Why did Dwyer ask Tom to blow out the fire?
A.He didn’t need the fire.B.He had little wood in the house.
C.He wanted to play a trick on himD.He wanted to teach him a lesson.
3. The underlined word “extinguished” means “________”.
A.recognizedB.controlledC.put outD.given up
4. By writing the text, the author wants to encourage us to ________ .
A.help othersB.learn from others
C.face difficulties bravelyD.stay strongly motivated


阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】I was sitting in my grandpa’s oak chair having coffee when a text message from a former colleague woke me from my daydreams.

“Do you want to pick up your rocking chair?”

For 17 years, I taught grade one and two, and my dreams as a teacher were tied to that rocking chair. It was a magical idea to have it in my class. Every day after breaks, the class would gather around and listen to the story I was reading. When the kids are close, they find the courage to share their stories, dreams and fears. The chair was part of my job, part of me.

Unfortunately, I became unwell and couldn’t keep teaching. I experienced severe depression and anxiety and was forced to leave the job. With my life as a teacher over, I needed a new path. And I didn’t have to look far.

My husband and I adopted one of my former students in 2017. The complexity of parenting a child who came to us at 9 years old changed our lives in unexpected ways. It called on the part of me that learns to be a good mother. We spent countless hours snuggling up (依偎) with books – healing, bonding and solidifying our family. This gave me a new purpose.

I joined a support group of local moms. For about a year, I met with them weekly for walks or coffee. We came together to share. Then I started giving and receiving help. I gave driving practice to a single mom with her learner’s license and received emotional support in return. I also took her son on hikes around the city. Another woman encouraged me to buy a stand-up board and gave me lessons on surfing.

My family, my books, finding a new purpose and belonging in a community – these are fulfilling the sense of self I used to prize as a teacher. I learned my identity doesn’t need to change. I’m still honoring those core values whether or not I’m working as a teacher.

And what about that rocking chair? I looked back at the text message. My answer was no, I do not need the chair. I’ll let it go to a new teacher.

1. What can we know about the author’s rocking chair?
A.It was her students’ favorite spot in class.
B.It symbolized her dreams in teaching.
C.She didn’t take it seriously at first.
D.She let her students sit on it and tell stories.
2. What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about?
A.Why the author decided to adopt a child.
B.How the author found a new purpose.
C.How parenting a kid bothered the author.
D.What the author’s family got from reading.
3. What did the author do in the support group?
A.She gave lessons to children.
B.She helped people with depression.
C.She learned about driving and sports.
D.She offered and received support.
4. How does the author feel now?
A.More confident.B.Excited about her new life.
C.As satisfied as before.D.Eager to go back to teaching.
2023-01-10更新 | 43次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】After years of observing human nature, I have decided that two qualities make the difference between men of great achievement and men of average performance: curiosity and discontent. I have never known an outstanding man who lacked either. And I have never known an average man who had both. The two belong together.

Together, these deep human urges (驱策力) count for much more than ambition. Galileo was not merely ambitious when he dropped objects of varying weights from the Leaning Tower at Pisa and timed their fall to the ground. Like Galileo, all the great names in history were curious and asked in discontent, “Why? Why? Why?”

Fortunately curiosity and discontent don’t have to be learned. We are born with them and need only recapture them.

“The great man,” said Mencius (孟子), “is he who does not lose his child’s heart.” Yet most of us do lose it. We stop asking questions. We stop challenging custom. We just follow the crowd. And the crowd desires restful average. It encourages us to occupy our own little comer, to avoid foolish leaps into the dark, to be satisfied.

Most of us meet new people, and new ideas, with hesitation. But once having met and liked them, we think how terrible it would have been, had we missed the chance. We will probably have to force ourselves to waken our curiosity and discontent and keep them awake.

How should you start? Modestly, so as not to become discouraged. I think of one friend who couldn’t arrange flowers to satisfy herself. She was curious about how the experts did it. Now she is one of the experts, writing books on flower arrangement.

One way to begin is to answer your own excuses. You haven’t any special ability? Most people don’t. There are only a few geniuses. You haven’t any time? That’s good, because it’s always the people with no time who get things done. Harriet Stowe, mother of six, wrote parts of Uncle Tom’s Cabin while cooking. You’re too old? Remember that Thomas Costain was 57 when he published his first novel, and that Grandma Moses showed her first pictures when she was 78.

However you start, remember there is no better time to start than right now, for you’ll never be more alive than you are at this moment.

1. In writing Paragraph 1, the author aims to ________.
A.propose a definitionB.make a comparison
C.reach a conclusionD.present an argument
2. According to the author, a person with “his child’s heart” tends to ________.
A.lead a simple and satisfying life
B.be curious about the unknown
C.follow the custom all the time
D.try to avoid making mistakes
3. What can we learn from Paragraphs 6 and 7?
A.Lack of talent and time is no reason for taking no action.
B.Experience and special abilities are the keys to success.
C.The genius can get things done easily and creatively.
D.Satisfying yourself can help you become an expert.
4. What could be the best title of the passage?
A.Young Minds Never Feel Contented
B.Trial and Error Leads lo Success
C.The Keys to Achievement
D.Well Begun Is Half Done
2023-11-25更新 | 43次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】In the animal kingdom, weakness can bring about aggression in other animal. This sometimes happens with humans also. But I have found that my weakness brings out the kindness in people. I see it every day when people hold doors for me, pour cream into my coffee, or help me to put on my coat. And I have discovered that it makes them happy.

From my wheelchair experience, I see the best in people, but sometimes I feel sad because those who appear independent miss the kindness I see daily. They don’t get to see this soft side of others often. We try every way possible to avoid showing our weakness, which includes a lot of pretending. But only when we stop pretending we’re brave or strong do we allow people to show the kindness that’s in them.

Last month, when I was driving home on a busy highway, I began to feel unwell and drove more slowly than usual. People behind me began to get impatient and angry, with some speeding up alongside me, horning or even shouting at me. At the moment I decided to do something I had never done in twenty four years of driving. I put on the car flashlights and drove on at a really low speed.

No more angry shouts and no more horns!

When I put on my flashlights, I was saying to other drivers, “I have a problem here. I am weak and doing the best I can.” And everyone understood. Several times, I saw drivers who wanted to pass. They couldn’t get around me because of the stream of passing traffic. But instead of getting impatient and angry, they waited, knowing the driver in front of them was in some way weak.

Sometimes situations call for us to act strong and brave even when we don’t feel that way. But those are few and far between. More often, it would be better if we don’t pretend we feel strong when we feel weak or pretend that we are brave when we are scared.

1. The author has discovered that people will feel happy when ____________.
A.they offer their helpB.they receive others’ help
C.they feel others’ kindnessD.they show their weakness
2. In this passage, the author advises us to ____________.
A.handle problems by ourselvesB.accept help from others
C.admit our weaknessD.show our bravery
3. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.A Wheelchair Experience.B.Weakness and Kindness.
C.Weakness and Strength.D.A Driving Experience.
2024-05-12更新 | 18次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般