组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 其他人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:102 题号:15613481

I parked outside the grocery store that weekend, still tired after another stressful week of work. I’m an accountant, and it was the middle of busy season, which meant tight deadlines and crazy hours. A long weekend was coming up, and a friend suggested that I relax at a nearby woman recover center. I moved through the passageway with my shopping cart, hurrying to beat out a few others who were heading for the already long checkout line. It took me more than an hour to finish the shopping.

When I got back to my car, groceries in hand, I found a note on my car. In beautiful handwriting and blue ink, the writer explained that her car had scraped(刮擦) my Honda Civic when she pulled into the space next to mine. “I’m sorry!” she wrote, and added her insurance policy(保险单) number and cell phone number. At the bottom, she signed her name, Elyse.

What an honest person!I was quite surprised. Few people act like that nowadays. Most people would have just driven away. A few weeks later I got the estimate for the repair: $1,500! There’s no way she’ll pay this much, I thought. I picked up that note with the beautiful blue script and dialed the number, ready for an argument.

“Hello?” Elyse answered cheerily. “Hi, you left a note on my car?” I began. But even when she heard how much the bill was going to be, Elyse still sounded just like she had in her note, so friendly—and calm. How was it possible for her to be like that? I wondered. Believe it or not, I got the money for the repair.

When the busy period at work finally passed, I decided to go to the recover center that my friend had suggested. I had my doubts if it would help, but it couldn’t hurt, right?

Checking in at the front desk, I looked through the guest book, looking for a blank spot to write my name. Finally, I reached the last page. There, at the top, in the same perfect handwriting that she had used in her note to me, was Elyse’s name.

1. The author got her car scraped when she was _______.
A.parking her car outside the grocery store
B.doing some shopping in the grocery store
C.driving to the grocery store
D.on her way to the woman recover center
2. From the passage we learn that ________.
A.Elyse is a woman who is difficult to deal with
B.anyone who scrapes others’ car should write down his name and address
C.the grocery store where the author did shopping was not busy
D.the author didn’t expect Elyse could pay for the repair voluntarily
3. Which of the following description about the author is correct?
A.She is an accountant and usually very busy.
B.She is always too busy to make any friends.
C.She is quite selfless and likes helping others.
D.She is poor and always trying to get money from others.
4. Which of the following word can replace the underlined word “estimate” in Paragraph 3?
A.A fixed amount.
B.A repair price.
C.A guessed amount.
D.An exact price.
5. From the end of the story we may infer that _________.
A.Elyse is the boss of the woman recover center
B.the author would return the money for the repair to Elyse
C.the author is eager to learn perfect handwriting from Elyse
D.the author may meet Elyse and they might become friends


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It all started because Lynn and her two teenage children needed to get from Georgia to Alaska, where Lynn’s husband, an American officer, is stationed (驻扎). Lynn packed up all their belongings, bought a 4x4 truck, and started a cross-country family adventure. The first 3,000 miles of the trip went well.

The farther north they traveled, the worse the weather got. Lynn, who was raised in the South, met her first winter white-out conditions. Then she used up windscreen wiping fluid. Slush (雪泥) covered her windows and she couldn’t see to drive. Even scarier — her tires seemed to be sliding on the ground.

After changing the summer tires at a tire store, Lynn decided to give up driving. She phoned her husband and asked if he could just come and get them where they were. Her husband was worried but he wasn’t legally able to get them himself. Then the family had to find a motel and went to bed. That’s when the kind people there put out a request on Facebook for someone to drive them the last 1,056 miles to the border.

Gary Bath was at home when he saw his friend’s post about the trapped family. After watching the post for a while and seeing no one was able to help, he and his wife made the decision that he would drive them the whole way to the border.

Both families met over the Internet, and when they decided they were all comfortable with the plan, the Baths drove to meet the family at the motel. It took Gary two days to drive them to a border checkpoint (边防关卡) where the family was greeted by Lynn’s husband and the new friends parted ways.

1. Why did the American family set off for Alaska?
A.To enjoy the beautiful scenery.
B.To visit an old friend.
C.To have an adventure.
D.To have a family reunion.
2. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.The birth place of Lynn.
B.The difficulties Lynn got into.
C.The direction of this journey.
D.The weather conditions on the way.
3. How did the people in the motel help the family?
A.By asking for public help.
B.By telephoning the husband.
C.By offering them free meals.
D.By driving them to the border.
4. Which of the following can best describe Gary Bath?
A.Serious and careful.
B.Smart and honest.
C.Kind and caring.
D.Brave and determined.
2021-02-02更新 | 102次组卷
阅读理解-阅读表达(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

You can learn a lot sitting in a parking lot. The other day I was sitting in my car with my sons reading a book while my daughter finished grocery shopping. From time to time, I would look up and observe what was going on outside. One of those times I saw a huge, new, bright red, Cadillac SUV pull up in the parking spot beside me. Out of it stepped a well-dressed young woman in high heels. Her face was tight and determined and her eyes hidden behind sunglasses. I watched her as she headed for the store and wondered about her life.

A moment later a 30-year-old station wagon pulled up beside the SUV. It smelled of burning oil and probably didn’t have many months of life left in its engine. Out of it stepped a young mom with 4 little girls all under the age of 12. All were dressed in worn clothes. She gathered them together and they headed to the store laughing and talking all the way.

A while later I saw the Cadillac lady coming out, pushing a cart filled with a new television set. She threw it in the back and pulled out quickly, her eyes still hidden, her face still frowning. Fifteen minutes after her the station wagon mom emerged with her little girls. They had a week’s worth of groceries in their cart. After unloading it, the mom took out two pieces of cookies, broke both in half, and gave each girl a half of cookie. They smiled like it was the most priceless gift in the world. As they pulled out I thought about the two women. I clearly knew which one had the most money, but I wasn’t sure which one really had the most.

In this life there are many kinds of riches but the most valuable one of all is love. The truth is the one who loves the most: learns the most, lives the most, gives the most, and grows the most in this life. It is the real riches of this life.

1. What was the station wagon like? (no more than 5 words)
2. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 3 probably mean? (1 word)
3. What caused the author to think about the real riches? (no more than 15 words)
4. What’s the author’s main purpose in writing the text? (no more than 10 words)
5. What are the real riches in your life? Please explain. (no more than 20 words)
2023-02-12更新 | 112次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Twain was born in a small town, which happened to be called A City but anyway, he also lived in a small town. He probably died in a small town, and that's probably where they buried him. As a boy, Mark watched the ships on the Mrs. Ippy River, and dreamed of one day being the captain of a ship. Mark was an outgoing, fun-loving boy, and often got into trouble. In school, he was the class clown. His teachers often had trouble getting him to pay attention so eventually he was expelled(开除). Finding nothing but farm work at home, Mark decided to head west as part of the California Golden Grahams Rush.

In California, Twain attempted to make his fortune in the Golden Grahams field.Then he determined that writers, and especially newspaper writers, don't have to work very hard. Unfortunately, Mark never got rich by writing in California, because most of the miners were illiterate. A keen observer of life, Twain used his observations to write humorous stories.

1. Where did Twain spent his childhood?
A.in a cityB.on a shipC.in a townD.on the river
2. Why was Twain expelled from school?
A.He didn’t like the teachers in the school.
B.He dreamed of being a captain of a ship.
C.He wanted to make money in the Golden Rush.
D.He didn’t concentrate on study in school.
2020-08-03更新 | 64次组卷
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