组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事 > 生活故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.15 引用次数:272 题号:15625351

One afternoon after school, Mary and his brother, Keith, were eating at a cafe near their home. That afternoon, they had to share their table with another person. That person was a young lady in her twenties. After eating, she went to the restroom. Without realizing, she had left her handphone on the table. Five minutes later, she came out and walked out of the cafe without looking back.

Mary saw the handphone on the table. She quickly told Keith, “Keith, the girl left behind her handphone.” Keith looked at the handphone. It was one of the latest models on the market. Looking very sleek, it was red in color with a black cover. The handphone must be expensive.

Keith had always wanted a handphone, But his parents refused. He stared at it for some minutes. Then he said slowly, pausing on every word, “I want to take the handphone,” Mary could not believe her eyes. She merely stared at her brother, “you can’t! What if the owner comes to look for it?”

Having made the decision, Keith quickly grabbed the handphone and put it in his schoolbag. Then, he took Mary’s hand and led her out of the cafe quickly. Outside the café, he ran to his bicycle. Mary had to run after him.

Once back home, Keith locked his house door with trembling hands. Looking at the handphone, he liked it so much. Now he had his own handphone. But Mary told him, “Keith, you cannot keep the handphone. What will you tell father about this handphone?”

Keith said quickly, “I will say a friend lent it to me.”

Mary said, “Now you are lying, too.” Oh dear! When had Keith turned so dishonest?

Then Mary saw a house phone number on the plastic cover of the handphone, “This phone number is the girl’s phone number. Why don’t we just call this number? We will talk to her and ask her to come and take back her handphone.” She was trying her best to talk some sense into him.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

That night, Keith couldn’t go to sleep, reflecting in bed. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:
Mary was very happy to hear that.
【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

As a nurse at the cancer care center where I’ve worked for seven years, I’ll do almost anything to make a patient feel better. But when I met Patty at the center, in 2011, she didn’t want my help.

She was a tiny 44-year-old single mom battling an aggressive head and neck cancer. Unlike many of our other patients, Patty was alone during her treatment, but no matter what I did. I couldn't get her to open up. She just buried herself in book or pulled a blanket over her head to fend off conversation.

Eventually I hit on a reliable way to make Patty smile: mentioning her nine-year-old son, Stephen. She'd tell me how well he did in school, how he'd been selected to read a poem he wrote at a local bookstore. She desperately wanted to live for him. With three kids myself, I totally understood how she felt.

After a year and a half of treatment, in August 2012, Patty was told her cancer had spread, and I learned she wouldn't live much longer. My first thought was, “What's going to happen to Stephen?”

Nurses at the center shared stories at their meetings about how bright and unusual the boy was. but no one seemed to know how to resolve the issue of what would happen to him when his mom died. My husband, Michael, who too works at the center, started hearing about Patty and Stephen.

One morning in October, Patty quietly slipped away. Michael and I picked Stephen up after school, drove him to a nearby park, and sat on a bench by a pond. I finally managed to say, “Stephen, we're sorry to have to tell you this, but your mom came to an end this morning.” The sound that came out of his mouth was like nothing I'd ever heard before. This skinny little guy sat between the two of us and just wailed (哀号) and wailed. It was as if his whole world was just destroyed.

Something inside me was telling me what to do.
Finally, we took him home with us.
2022-02-24更新 | 830次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

My family’s house was close to a road. And on the far end of the road stood a big tree. My parents, together with me, often crossed the road to the big tree to have fun with our neighbors. But I wasn’t allowed to cross the road to go there by myself for my safety.

One day, for some reason, the big tree would be cut down. It was just before dinner time. A large crowd of neighbors gathered at the far end of the road to watch the falling of this tree. I watched from my house as the tree, tied with ropes, was lowered down. Soon, the huge tree fell safely to the ground with a big sound. But the kids and grown - ups didn’t leave. They moved closer to stay around this wonderful old tree.

Like them, I wanted to touch the tree with my hands and say good - bye. But I was only five years old and wasn’t allowed to cross the busy road alone. But as I became sadder when watching the tree nearly disappear, I thought to myself, “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” I didn’t see any cars coming, so I ran across the road to say good - bye to the fallen tree.

After standing around and talking with some of the neighbors, I realized that I had stayed there too long. “I am late for dinner, and I’m in trouble.”I told myself. Without even thinking, and without seeing if there were any cars coming, I dashed out between two parked cars and raced toward the other side of the road.

I didn’t see a car rushing forward from the other end of the road. And the driver didn’t expect I’d cross the road at that moment. When spotting me, he tried to stop his car, whose tires produced loud and unpleasant noises. But it was too late.

1. 写作词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
Before knowing what had happened, I was struck down.
Paragraph 2:
At the hospital, it was discovered that luckily I was not seriously injured.
2022-04-28更新 | 142次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

It was a cold, sunny December day when I set out for a run in Moab, with my dog, Taz. As a professional athlete I often went for training runs by myself, and had done this particular route before. So what happened next was just bad luck.

About an hour into my run along a remote canyon trail (峡谷小路), I hit a patch of black ice. I found myself slipping down the rock face, which became steeper (陡峭) and steeper until suddenly I was in free fall. I just remember thinking, I’ve got to land this somehow.”

I fell 60 feet into the canyon, landing on a four-foot square ledge (岩架); if I’d missed it there’s no way I would have survived. I could feel my legs, but I was in sharp pain. Taz had managed to find his way back to me, so I knew there must be a way out of the canyon, but I couldn’t stand or even crawl.

I became focused on getting out of the canyon. I shouted for help, but there was nobody around; it was the middle of December, in the middle of nowhere. I intended to drag myself to the bottom of the ravine (山峡). Every inch was an effort. It took me five hours to go quarter of a mile.

Eventually it got so dark I couldn’t see where I was going, and I decided to stay where I was for the night. All I had on me were my jogging clothes, a water bottle, a couple of energy gel packets, and a shower cap which adventure racers often wear to prevent heat loss.

At night the temperature dropped below freezing. I couldn’t go to sleep or I would die of hypothermia (失温), so I stayed awake doing mini-crunches - lifting my head a few inches, over and over. Taz stayed with me, providing some warmth.


The next morning, I felt myself growing weaker.


Hours later, Taz returned, alone. Then I heard an engine in the distance.

2023-05-24更新 | 218次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般