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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:142 题号:15769094

Trust—the Foundation of Relationships

Can you imagine an organization without trust, where the workers are suspicious(怀疑的)of one another? Are you willing to work with a manager who is quick to put down any potential worker that might take his place? As a leader, you must do your best to build trust in your followers. It is not about mastering techniques to win people over; it is about living a life full of honor and gaining the respect of your followers.     1    .

·Build your character

Trust is based on a very simple foundation. Will you do what you say? Do your words count for something?     2    . If you’re a person who cannot seem to live up to what you say, you have to work on it first. Before you can expect others to trust you, you have to do what you Say.

·    3    

Another thing that a leader should have is to trust others first. Laozi, a Chinese philosopher, once said, “He who does not trust enough, will not be trusted.” Trusting others means you don’t micromanage their behavior or activities.     4    . All these actions give your followers an assurance that you are indeed trusting their ability and character.

·Just take your time

    5    . Building trust is like making small deposits in a bank account; you make small deposits every month that add up to a considerable amount at the end of many years. Similarly, as you lead, it is in the small events that you will display your credibility as a leader that will accumulate that trust for you. Gradually, you will find you have in your hands an effective team that moves fast and works closely together.

Learn to trust, and learn to be trusted.

A.Be ready to trust others
B.Share how you really feel
C.Here are some helpful tips on how to build trust
D.Instead, it means you give your authority to them
E.It takes years to build trust, and only seconds to destroy it
F.Your word is gold and you have to keep in line in word and action
G.The happy and satisfying relationships rest on a foundation of trust
【知识点】 方法/策略 社会关系


阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The advantages & disadvantages of being a host family

Hosting an exchange student can be the most rewarding experience in the world. Bringing an exchange student into your home can have its advantages and disadvantages. I am going to start with the disadvantages.


The language barrier. You may have a hard time just because of the language barrier.     1     You would even be tearing your hair out. Just take a deep breath and communicate once again.

Extra costs.     2     Although they pay for their medicine and clothes, there are still many other costs. Does your family like to go out to the movies? Well, you now have an extra person to pay for. Food at home is another cost. You have to provide food for breakfast and dinner as well as lunch if the student chooses not to pay for hot lunch at school.


    3     This is an amazing journey. They will have many questions about why you do things. They will want to try new activities and learn about your traditions. This is also an excellent chance for you to learn about their country and culture.

The opportunity to gai a son/daughter. This experience will give you the chance to communicate with a child in a way you never expected! And many will also feel thankful for the opportunity you have given them. You two will share many laughs along the way and make memories to last a lifetime.     4    

Many of the advantages and disadvantages really go hand in hand.     5     Remember, you have the chance to help realize the dream of a teenager and the chance to learn about another culture and to experience new traditions.

A.It will leave a great impression on both of you.
B.It is up to you how you deal with each situation.
C.As with every child you have, there is always an added cost.
D.The opportunity to communicate with your foreign neighbors.
E.They want you and the students to have a wonderful experience.
F.It will make it difficult for you to talk with exchange students.
G.The chance to help a student experience life in another country and culture.
2023-04-12更新 | 62次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】Finding summer jobs for teenagers has not always been easy, but now you no longer have to worry about what your kid can do to earn their own money.Recently I found some different sites online that offer information about what kids can do.Below is some of that information, along with questions to think about to help you come up with your own ideas.
Ideas for summer work
●Parks and Recreation Programs.
●Babysitting (当临时保姆) during the day of school.
●Working part-time at a day care for the summer.
●Car washing.
●Working at local vegetable stands.
The easiest way for you to find ways for your child to make money is to think about others’ inconveniences (不方便).Think of things you need done, or would like to have done, and what you would consider paying for these things to get done.Once you have some ideas, you can sit down with your child and talk to them about what they would be interested in doing.Then once you have an idea of what they want to do you can help them come up with fair prices.
Preferably you would want to only have your child working with people you know and trust, or in the least bit you could have your child pick a partner.That way with each of them carrying cell phones, even those without service can call 911, they will be much safer.
You can find out more information and many more ideas for kids to use to make money during their summer holidays by visiting http//www.kidswantmoney.com.
1. The author wrote the passage to _____.
A.share his discoveries online
B.introduce jobs for teenagers
C.advertise a website for teenagers
D.talk about his summer work experience
2. The passage is mainly written for _____.
C.parentsD.website designers
3. What can we learn about http//www.kidswant-money.com?
A.The author set up the website.
B.It gives information about educating children.
C.People need to pay to visit the website.
D.It offers ideas for children to make money.
2016-11-26更新 | 94次组卷
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约590词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。每个空格只填一个单词。

A psychotherapist once taught me a little trick that helped me feel less angry at my partner and less sad about the failings of our relationship.

She said, "Look at him and imagine him as a very little boy; that way, you separate yourself somewhat from the adult, and you are likely to understand and forgive him."

It actually helped. I couldn't be as mad at or disappointed by a child as I could be with a grown man. So, at least on some occasions, we were both spared the heartache of an uncomfortable silence or a not-so-silent argument. And I sometimes still use versions of that trick whenever I feel frustrated or angry in other relationships or personal exchanges.

But what if you could mentally change the form of the emotion itself? According to scientists at the University of Texas, maybe you can.

Focusing specifically on sadness, the researchers asked two groups of study participants to write about a time in their lives when they felt very sad. They then asked one group to imagine sadness as a person, and write down a description of the person they imagined would be sadness. Not surprisingly, the participants described sadness in such ways as an older person with gray hair and sunken eyes or a young girl holding her head down as she slowly walked along.

The researchers asked the other group of participants to write down a description of sadness with respect to its impact on their moods. When asked to rate their levels of sadness after completing their descriptions, the participants who wrote about the emotion itself and how it affects them reported higher levels of sadness than the group that anthropomorphized (人格化)sadness into a specific type of person with familiar human characteristics. The researchers suggest that by giving life to the emotion, participants can view sadness as something (or someone) separate and somewhat distant from themselves, helping them relieve their negative feelings.

While it's okay to feel sad, many people behave in unconscious and sometimes self-destructive ways to distract or "save" themselves when they are consumed by negative emotions. So in the study authors wanted to know whether or not the group that reported feeling less sad would make smarter shopping decisions.

They tested this by asking participants in both groups to first choose between a salad or a cheesecake dessert to go with the main dish they were having for lunch. The researchers also asked participants to choose between a computer loaded with features for productivity or a computer loaded with features for entertainment. Those study participants who had anthropomorphized their emotions were more likely to choose the salad and the productive computer than those who had simply written about their feelings.

For obvious reasons, then, they say this technique is best for reduce negative emotions.

A Little Trick to Help You Feel     1    Sad

Passage outlines

Supporting details

The writer's experienceWhen he was angry with his partner, the writer was able to improve his mood by     2     his partner as a little boy, which is sometimes     3    to both sides.
This trick can mentally change the form of people's emotionIt is no    4    that the study participants tend to picture sadness as an older person or an unhappy girl.
The participants who describe their emotion as a person have a     5    level of sadness than those who merely describe their emotion itself.
This trick can     6    people's consumption decisionsWhen lost in negative emotions, people may lose     7    of themselves and behave in self-destructive ways.
Participants who give     8    to the emotion prefer salad while those who don't choose food     9    in sugar and caloric.
    10    This little trick can help people reduce negative feelings.
2019-11-30更新 | 80次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般