组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 语言学习 > 语言与文化
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:73 题号:15826364

Just as in the Caribbean, the English language arrived in South Asia as a result of colonization (殖民). Unlike its history in the Caribbean, however, English has always co-existed in the Indian subcontinent alongside thousands of local languages. So for most of the population, it has only ever been a second language.

The British first arrived in India in the early1600s and soon established trading posts in a number of cities under the control of The East India Company. By 1765 the company’s influence had grown to such an extent that the British were effectively controlling most parts of the country. This date is often taken as the start of what is referred to as The Raj — a period of British rule in India that lasted until Independence in 1947.

At first, English was only taught to the local population through the work of Christian missionaries (传教士) — there were no official attempts to force the language on the masses. But by the 1700s, English had firmly established itself as the language of administration and many educated Indians were demanding instruction in English as a means of social advancement. By 1857 universities had opened in Bombay, Calcutta and Madros. English was increasingly accepted as the language of government, of the social elite (精英), and of the national press.

After Independence, India became a nation state, and it was intended that English would be phased out as the language of administration. But there was no simple solution as to which language should replace it. At first Hindi, the most widely spoken language, seemed to be the obvious choice, but since violent protests in 1963 in the state of Tamil Nadu against Hindi as a national language, opinion has remained divided. In a country with over 1.3 billion people and more than a thousand languages, it is difficult to choose a single national language, as mother tongue speakers of that language would automatically enjoy greater social status and have easier access to positions of power and influence.

Despite continued pressure from nationalists, English remains at the heart of Indian society. It is widely used in the media, in higher education and government and therefore remains a common means of communication , both among the ruling classes, and between speakers of mutually unintelligible (难以理解的) languages.

1. What led to the introduction of the English language to India?
A.The British rule.B.The spread of English education.
C.The development of Indian press.D.The contribution of the scholars.
2. What does the underlined phrase “phased out” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Commonly taught.B.Publicly recognized.
C.Widely used.D.Gradually put to an end.
3. What can we learn from paragraph 4?
A.Hindi was spoken by most Indians.
B.Indians accepted Hindi as an official language.
C.Plans to make Hindi a national language met with opposition.
D.Non-native language speakers tend to have greater social status.
4. What is Indian nationalists’ attitude towards English?
【知识点】 语言与文化 说明文


阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】You might dream of fluency in this or that language, and maybe you have already achieved fluency in a foreign language.    1    

Fluency, like all abstract terms (术语, 词语), has no universal meaning. Each individual must determine what the term means.     2    

Perfect fluency means knowing every word you come across, speaking quickly, clearly and easily and having no accent.     3    You aren’t familiar with every word of your native language, and sometimes you have to search for the right word, even in your mother tongue.

Quick fluency is the type of fluency you see in advertisements, because “Master a Language in 2 Months!”   sounds more attractive and pleasing than “Fluency in 20 Years!”     4     It is possible to achieve quick fluency, but the fluency achieved after such a short period of time will be a very superficial fluency.

    5     Native-like fluency means that you generally know all the same words that a native knows and can speak at the same pace with the same amount of ease as a native speaker. You will likely have an accent, but as long as your conversation partner can understand you, it doesn’t matter.

There are a ton of other things that fluency could potentially be, but that’s up to you to figure out.

A.It sounds too good to be true.
B.However, nobody is “perfectly fluent” in any language.
C.Quick fluency is good if you have some sort of deadline.
D.But have you ever considered what fluency really means?
E.But does fluency have the same meaning to other person as it does to you?
F.Unlike perfect fluency, native-like fluency is a reasonable and achievable goal.
G.To assist you in determining what fluency is, I’ll describe a few different types of fluency.
2020-11-05更新 | 53次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】My parents immigrated to the U.S. from Guangdong, a province in southern China. The jobs they found in hot kitchens and clothing factories came with long hours, leaving them no time to learn English. So I spent most of my childhood, in Brooklyn, speaking Cantonese, the only language my parents understand. But as I continued my education, I gradually, or deliberately avoided using Cantonese. And as a result, Cantonese avoided me. As it slips from my memory, I also lose my ability to communicate with my parents. For years I have to rely on translation apps and online dictionaries for most of our conversations.

Actually, we speak on the phone only once a week and the conversations are much the same: “Have you eaten yet?” my father asks in Cantonese. Long pause. “No, not yet. You?” I reply. “Why not? It’s so late, my mother cuts in. Long pause.” Remember to drink more water and wear a mask outside.” she continues. “OK. You too.” Longest pause. “We’ll stop bothering you, then.” At age thirty-two, I feel like someone they know instead of their daughter.

On my mom’s sixty-fourth birthday, at the peak of the pandemic, I became increasingly aware of the limited amount of time together. Did I really want to spend the rest of our lives with a language barrier between us? I made it a goal to relearn Cantonese, and, ultimately, rebuild the relationship with my parents. I take Cantonese classes. I watch Wong Kar-wai movies. I repeat Maggie Cheung’s words over and over until I get the tones just right. But, most of all, I call my parents and try to have more meaningful conversations with them, no matter how challenging it gets. Though Cantonese no longer feels natural for me to speak, it will always be my first language---even if it takes a lifetime for us to know each other.

1. How does the author relearn Cantonese?
A.By asking her parents to teach her.B.By using translation apps and dictionaries.
C.By reading Maggie Cheung’s books.D.By taking classes and watching movies.
2. What is the problem with the author and her parents?
A.They find nothing to communicate.B.They speak different languages.
C.They grew up in different cultures.D.They know too much about each other.
3. What can we learn from the author’s experience?
A.Language matters in communication.B.Cantonese counts more than English.
C.It’s never too late to learn a language.D.Call your parents before it’s too late.
2022-04-09更新 | 76次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The world celebrates Earth Day every year on April 22. Today, we celebrate our shared mother Earth with a show about earth expressions. First, “on earth”, which is used to make strong feelings like surprise, shock, anger, dislike and so on. Here are some examples.

What on earth are you cooking? It smells terrible!

I did not know what on earth she was talking about.

The earth sometimes comes up when a person wants to make big promises. When you say you will go to the ends of the earth for someone, it means you’ll do as much as possible to help them. For example, when the wife became sick, the husband went to the ends of the earth to find the best doctor for her.

A mother or father may promise to move Heaven and Earth to help their children. “To move Heaven and Earth” simply means that someone is willing to work very hard.

We can call a beautiful place a heaven on earth. Actually, “heaven on earth” could describe any enjoyable place. Let’s say you love books and reading. Then a library was likely to be your heaven on earth. If you prefer to be in a mountain hike, that would be your heaven on earth.

We use “earth” to describe not only places, but people. Down-to-earth people are reasonable and dependable. We can also them grounded, an adjective that goes well with the word “earth”. Flighty people are the opposite. They change their minds often and are hard to trust.

We will end this program with one more “earth” expression. When you promise someone the earth, you promise to give them whatever they want. We use this only in a literal (字面上的) sense. No one can give another person the earth!

1. Why is the Earth Day mentioned in the first paragraph?
A.To remind people of the day’s approach.
B.To introduce a related topic of the show.
C.To raise awareness of protecting the earth.
D.To inspire more creative ways of celebration.
2. What does “a heaven on earth” mean?
A.A dull place.B.A familiar place.
C.A wealthy place.D.A fascinating place.
3. Which phrase shares the similar meaning with “promise someone the earth”?
A.Promise to respect Mother Earth.B.Promise to become down-to-earth.
C.Promise to move Heaven and Earth.D.Promise to go to the ends of the earth.
4. Where can this text come from?
A.A radio programme.B.A modern novel.
C.A news report.D.A noticeboard letter.
2021-11-26更新 | 160次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般