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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:76 题号:15923628

In 2021, Henan TV has gone viral by promoting traditional culture through Chinese dance. It produced seven dance pieces highlighting traditional culture, such as Rhapsody on the Luo River Goddess(《洛神水赋》), a two-minute underwater dance, and Dragon Boat Festival and Guardian Warriors of Longmen (《龙门金刚》), a dance piece supported by AR technology against the backdrop of the Longmen Grottoes.

“The seven dance pieces have gained nearly 30 billion hits on social media platforms,” said Yao Wei, director of the TV station’s Innovation Center, at a three-day forum centering on the research of Chinese dance.

The pieces made an emotional impact on audiences, especially the young generations. “It’s been over forty years since the country’s reform and opening-up and the younger generations have grown up with a more open mindset. With plenty of resources and opportunities, they embrace Chinese culture and be proud of it,” said Yao. “What we need is to present Chinese culture and tradition in interesting ways for those young people.”

Yao added that Henan TV has been producing shows highlighting traditional culture, such as traditional operas and kung fu, for nearly 30 years.

“To appeal to younger audiences, we are also changing our shows. One of the keys is to produce content with strong visual creativity,” Yao said. “For example, the latest technology and unconventional (新奇的) stage settings, like underwater scenes, have become our new ways of telling stories about traditional Chinese culture, rather than simply narrating history with traditional video content.”

Another key to successfully reaching younger audiences is using social media platforms to promote their shows. “Social media is being shaped and driven by young people. It’s a powerful form of communication. When they take a quick scroll (滚屏) through their phones, they easily become interested in an eye-catching video.” Yao said.

1. What does the article tell us about the seven dance pieces produced by Henan TV?
A.They were presented in creative ways.
B.They were performed by famous stars.
C.They were all produced with the help of AR technology.
D.They reflected the culture of seven different ethnic minority groups.
2. What does the underlined word “embrace” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. Which statement is not true about the efforts Henan TV has made to attract young viewers?
A.To design the stage setting in an innovative way.
B.To employ social media to advertise their shows.
C.To represent historic events just in a conventional way.
D.To take advantage of the latest technology in producing.
4. What is the main purpose of the article?
A.To report on the comeback of traditional Chinese dance.
B.To tell the behind-the-scenes stories of the seven dance pieces.
C.To introduce the success of the dance series produced by Henan TV.
D.To explain how technology helps promote traditional Chinese culture.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】I remember that it was on a fall morning that the orchestra (管弦乐队) teachers came into Miss Newell’s third-grade classroom. “You have hands for the viola (中提琴),” Miss Ciano told me. I was excited because my hands were finally good at something. I told my parents I wanted to play, and naturally, they agreed.

Since I first touched the viola, I haven’t been able to put it down. Ignoring the difficulty, I am pulled closer to it each day.

Classical music is truly my best friend. It is the trusted friend of every man, woman and child. Various feelings are expressed in classical music. I discovered that when I was eleven and played a cello concerto (大提琴协奏曲) of Bach in a competition, the first movement was joyful, but the second movement was mysterious and full of pain. From that piece, I learn that music expresses not only feelings, but also sudden mood changes. By listening to classical music, I know that someone else shares these feelings. Since I am lucky enough to be able to play classical music, I am comforted by it when I am upset. It gives me a way to escape from my problems. Classical music can express my joy, sadness and anger.

Now looking back on that fall day in the third grade, I realize how gullible I was for believing that anyone, even music teachers, could tell whether hands were perfect for a certain instrument. I’m certain they told me that I had “viola hands” not because they were fortune-tellers (算命师), but because there was a lack of violists in our district. Classical music is one of the best things that ever happened to mankind. If you get introduced to it in the right way, it will become your friend for life.

1. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the first and second paragraphs?
A.To introduce an interesting music class.
B.To show the importance of a proper guide.
C.To offer the evidence of the author’s gift for music.
D.To tell the power of support from parents.
2. According to the passage, in what way does classical music help the author?
A.By developing the author’s social skills.
B.By broadening the author’s life experience.
C.By improving the author’s mental health.
D.By improving the author’s sense of beauty.
3. What does the underlined word “gullible” mean in the last paragraph?
A.Firmly opposed.B.Easily tricked.
C.Greatly affected.D.Secretly hidden.
4. Which could be the best title for the passage?
A.Life long dream, great effort
B.Happy childhood, unforgettable experience
C.Special event, sweet memory
D.Classical music, endless friendship
2023-07-29更新 | 36次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】Justin Bieber used to be an ordinary Canadian boy, but his life totally changed in 2008. With his great musical talent, this seventeen-year-old boy has become a superstar in the music industry.
Justin Drew Bieber was born in 1994 in Stratford, Ontario and was raised by his single mother. Bieber learned to play musical instruments when he was very young. In 2007, he took part in a local singing competition in his hometown, and he did it just for fun. He never took singing lessons before but surprisingly he placed second in the competition. Then, with the help of his mother, he uploaded (上传) videos of him singing on a website and they successfully attracted the attention of thousands of viewers. His videos got popular through word of mouth and some of them have received up to 10,000,000 views.
Justin Bieber would have never gotten a career in the music business without his videos. Scooter Braun, a former marketing executive (主管) of So So Def Recordings, had watched Bieber’s videos and he was impressed by the boy’s talent. Braun then contacted Bieber and he flew the boy into Atlanta seven months after the first video was posted. Bieber showed his talent in singing as well as his ability in playing musical instruments. He then got a record deal.
In 2009, Justin Bieber released (发行) his first single “One Time” while he was recording the debut album (首张专辑). The single “One Time” tells a story about love. This song had success not only in Canada and the US, but also in the international market. Then he released his debut album “My World 2.0” in 2010 and the song “Baby” became the lead single. This album successfully entered the Top Ten Charts in seven countries. In June 2010, he started his first world tour in Hartford, Connecticut. One month later, he started recording his second album.
1. Justin Bieber’s career in music began to take off when _____.
A.he met with Scooter Braun
B.he released his debut album
C.he won second place in a competition
D.his singing videos were uploaded to a website
2. It can be inferred from the text that Justin Bieber _____.
A.owed his success to good luck
B.showed a gift for music when he was young
C.is the youngest superstar ever in the music industry
D.released his debut album with the help of Scooter Braun
3. What do we learn about Justin Bieber’s “One Time” according to the text?
A.It is about love and was released in 2010.
B.It attracted the world’s attention after released.
C.It successfully entered the Top Ten Charts in seven countries.
D.It is the lead single of his debut album “My World 2.0”.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Justin Bieber’s journey to success
B.Lucky boy — Justin Bieber
C.What made Justin Bieber a singer?
D.Secrets of Justin Bieber’s success
2016-11-26更新 | 372次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Numerous studies in the past have shown musical training can improve a person’s language skills, the authors of a new study noted. So the team who did the study wanted to understand whether music lessons develop a person’s cognitive (认知的) ability, or if music helps the brain process different sounds.

To test their idea, researchers at MIT and the McGovern Institute at Beijing Norma University divided 74 children aged between four to five into three groups. One set took 45-minuted piano lessons three times a week. The second group had extra reading instructions for the same amount of time. The third group acted as controls, taking no extra lessons beyond their usual routine (常规).

Six months later, the children took a test to measure their ability to distinguish between Mandarin (普通话) words based on difference in vowels (元音) and consonants (辅音) or tone (声调). This variety was important because many words in Mandarin differ in tone, and the ability to spot the difference between them is an important part of learning to read.

Both the children who took piano lessons and those who had additional reading lesson were better at telling the difference between similar words with different vowels. But the participants who were given piano lessons were better than the children in the reading group in differentiating between word with one consonant.

To gain a deeper understanding of how the lesson affected the participants’ brain activity, the researchers further tested the students. The test showed children who had piano lessons were more sensitive to a series of tones of different pitches (高音), suggesting this is what helped the participants in learning new words. The piano lessons did not, however, appear to change a child’s IO, which the researchers used as a basis to measure their cognitive ability. Neither did it improve their attention span nor working memory. Anyway, the piano lessons were such a success that the schools in Beijing retained them.

However, researchers only looked at the little kids from a Mandarin-speaking background. Given Mandarin’s reliance on tonal differentiation, the researchers admit that it might have influenced the results.

1. Why did the researchers do the study?
A.To prove that musical training can improve people’s language skills.
B.To see how brain processes different sounds in music lessons.
C.To check whether music plays a role in making people wiser.
D.To see what influences music lessons have on people.
2. Which group performed the best in the test?
A.The first group.B.The second group.
C.The last group.D.Both the first and the second group.
3. What did the researchers most probably conclude?
A.Reading can improve a child’s working memory.
B.Music training can expand a child’s attention span.
C.Musical training can help to improve language skills.
D.Reading can help improve a child’s cognitive ability.
4. What does the underlined word “retained” in Paragraph 5 mean?
2020-03-22更新 | 41次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般