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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:248 题号:16140771

Volunteer with elephants in South Africa

Join a project to work with elephants, help do research and provide care for these giants that have been given a second chance in life. They say that an elephant never forgets, and your contribution will mean that these rescued elephants have a chance to live in a place as close to the wild as possible.

How long can I do?

Volunteers can join for 3-12 weeks on the main volunteer project. We also offer a one-week elephant volunteer experience for those with less time to spare. We would encourage volunteering for as long as you can.

What will I be doing?

As a volunteer, you will join the experts to care for 10 rescued elephants. These elephants come from difficult backgrounds, such as circuses (马戏团) and hunting farms, but happily they are now able to travel freely and in safety in the site. The elephants are never asked to behave in a manner that is not natural for them.

What do I need to know regarding COVID-19?

●All volunteers must be able to provide proof of a COVID-19 test ( taken within 72 hours before you start ).

●All volunteers are asked to wear face masks in public places.

●Volunteers will do a temperature and symptom (症状) screening, every day before starting their first shift.

1. How long does a volunteer need to work on a main volunteer project at least?
A.One week.B.Three weeks.C.Twelve weeks.D.Two years.
2. What is prohibited according to the passage?
A.Preparing food for elephants.B.Leading elephants’ action.
C.Performing elephant back riding.D.Cleaning out the elephants’ sleeping areas.
3. Regarding COVID-19, what must volunteers do?
A.Wear face masks in public places.
B.Wear face masks before working.
C.Do a temperature and symptom screening every other day.
D.Provide proof of a COVID-19 test taken within 48 hours.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】They follow you in the street. They ask you for money and they don’t leave you alone when you try to say no. They are the aggressive street-working, fund-raising charity workers, otherwise known as “chuggers”.

The term “chugger” is a combination of two words, “charity” and “mugger”. Chuggers often work in the street. They set up a stall with information about the charity they represent, and they try to get you to donate money to the charity. Typically, they prey on your feelings of guilt, greeting you with questions such as, “Do you care about the planet?” or, “When was the last time you did something for someone else?”

But a survey of their strategies has found that some charity volunteers are far from charitable. “Many chuggers simply refuse to back off when asked to do so,’’ said Brian Jones, a spokesperson for a charity watchdog (监察人). “One of the problems is that some chuggers say they are working as volunteers,” he added. “However, they aren’t really. Most of the 50 chuggers we spoke to showed little interest in anything other than raising the maximum amount of cash in the minimum amount of time. They get paid from this so it makes sense. Also, a fifth of fundraisers had no visible ID and almost a quarter failed to give clear information about the cause they were representing. By employing chuggers who break the law, tell lies or refuse to leave members of the public alone, charities undermine the trust we all instinctively have in them.”

But Shirley Bosworth, chief executive of the Institution of Fundraising, said face-to-face fundraising remains “an appropriate and effective method”. “It enables charities to engage with a particular demographic of donor, and it means that charity and donor can enter into a dialogue about what the charity does and how the donor’s money will be used,” she explained.

1. What do chuggers do according to the passage?
A.They rob money of strangers.
B.They cheat you into buying things.
C.They ask you to donate money for charities.
D.They hurt your feelings by asking questions.
2. What’s the third paragraph mainly about?
A.The survey of charity volunteers.
B.The problems with charity volunteers.
C.The basic information about charity volunteers.
D.The attitude Brian Jones takes toward charity volunteers.
3. What does the underlined word “undermine” may probably mean?
4. How does Shirley Bosworth feel about what chuggers do?
A.It’s useful.B.It’s disgusting.
C.It’s absurd.D.It’s popular.
2018-10-31更新 | 148次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Banker Chip Paillex had never planted so much until he moved to the countryside in Pittstown, New Jersey, seven years ago. Surrounded by working farms, he quickly became interested in the grow-it-yourself idea and rented a piece of 30-by-30-foot land. He planted tomatoes, eggplants and other vegetable—enough to feed his family of four for the summer. He ended up with so much produce; he couldn't give it away. He found a local food factory and donated 120 pounds of fresh vegetables.

The following year, with a handful of volunteers and a memorable name—America's Grow-a-Row, Paillex harvested 1, 500 pounds of fresh vegetables, all of which he donated to area food banks--places that give food to poor people. Soon Paillex had a hundred volunteers and needed more land. He visited Meredith and Jeremy Compton, who farm Peaceful Valley Orchards in Pittstown. Could he work their land?

“I guess we were feeling honored, " says Meredith. Not only do the Comptons welcome Grow-a-Row volunteers, they also work on the land.

What began with a few empty fields has turned into a large local farm. This year, Grow-a-Row will deliver about 250, 000 pounds of fresh produce to food banks. Their secret for getting all of this done? Family power. " Each week, a couple of families ‘own' the garden, " says Paillex." They water, pick, and deliver, and then hand it off on Sunday night to the next group of families."

Paillex also welcomed local school kids. On a Friday morning in May, some kids worked on a field. "We' re growing food, " one fifth grader said proudly.

"The program shows kids that there are people in need, " says Paillex. “When these kids become tomorrow's leaders, they'll be much more likely to encourage their co-workers or employees to get involved in something like this. “

"Chip makes people want to help, " says Colleen Duerr, a mother of two. "And families love this. Chip has given us a way to raise our kids with a giving heart. "

1. Why did Chip start growing vegetables in Pittstown?
A.He was deeply attracted by planting.
B.Farmers there encouraged him to do so.
C.He wanted to offer food to the local food factory.
D.There were very few fresh vegetables on the market.
2. After a year's planting, Chip         .
A.set up more food banks sin the area
B.persuaded many people to help him on the land
C.won great support from more people
D.helped save many people from being poor
3. How can Grow-a-Row manage to produce so much food?
A.School children play the most active part.
B.Schools and families divide the work equally.
C.The work is divided into separate small tasks.
D.Families take turns to look after the garden.
4. What's the best title for the text?
A.American Farms
B.Paillex—The Producers
C.Way of Planting
D.Chip's Country Life
2018-02-21更新 | 86次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Dear Reader,
Today I am going to ask you to support Wikipedia with a donation.

Wikipedia is built differently from almost every other top 50 websites. We have a small number of paid staff,just twenty­three. Wikipedia content is free to use by anyone for any purpose. Our annual expenses are less than six million dollars. Wikipedia is run by the non­profit Wikimedia Foundation, which I founded in 2003.

Wikipedia is driven by a global community of more than 150,000 volunteers — all devoted to sharing knowledge freely. Over almost eight years, these volunteers have contributed more than 11 million articles in 265 languages. More than 275 million people come to our website every month to access information,free of charge and free of advertising.

But Wikipedia is more than a website. We share a common cause: Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That’s our commitment.

Your donation helps us in several ways. Most importantly, you will help us cover the increasing cost of managing global traffic to one of the most popular websites on the Internet. Funds also help us improve the software that runs Wikipedia — making it easier to search, easier to read, and easier to write for. We are committed to increasing the free knowledge movement worldwide, by taking on new volunteers, and building strategic partnerships with institutions of culture and learning.

Wikipedia is different. It’s the largest encyclopedia (百科全书) in history, written by volunteers. Like a national park or a school, we don’t believe advertising should have a place in Wikipedia. We want to keep it free and strong, but we need the support of thousands of people like you.

Thank you,

Jimmy Wales

1. What do the second and third paragraphs mainly talk about?
A.Why you should donate to Wikipedia.
B.How much the workers are paid.
C.How Wikipedia is run.
D.How many people contribute to Wikipedia.
2. All the following are the reasons for the need of your donation EXCEPT ____________.
A.to keep Wikipedia free for people all over the world
B.to update the software that runs Wikipedia
C.to raise the salaries of the staff
D.to pay the cost of running the website
3. What does the underlined word "That" in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Free access to all human knowledge.
B.Human knowledge.
C.Every single person.
D.A common cause.
2018-03-16更新 | 146次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般