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题型:阅读理解-六选四 难度:0.65 引用次数:39 题号:16237275

I have never been too worried about what my kids do online. I have been using the Web for about as long as there was a Web to use, and I am not an alarmist.    1    .

My friend — I’ll call him Frank — is just like me. He’s been using computers for decades and is as comfortable online as he is off. Though he too has two PC-using kids, he ignored the Internet’s red-light zones. Frank had always assumed that as far as the bad stuff was concerned, most of it was either interesting or manageable. This story has a happy ending; that is, Frank was able to get involved in time. What technology enabled, technology solved. Frank used the Internet to hunt down the person and find his home — which, as it turned out, was only a few towns away. Then he got a judge to sign an order forbidding this creep from having any contact with his daughter. The whole affair left Frank shaken; he felt guilty and frustrated. “She needs her computer for school. I can’t take it away from her. What would you do?”

    2    . My computer-savvy daughters are 12 and 10 years old, and so much of their social lives are online;instant messaging is as much as a part of their culture as the telephone.

But giving children immediate and uncontrolled access to the Internet without preparing them is a little like giving them the keys to the car without subjecting them to any driver’s education. The population of teenagers online is rising.     3    . And, as my friend Frank learned, the net makes it possible for the worst kind of people to creep into your home.

As a result, a whole cottage industry aimed at concerned patents has arisen. The “solutions” range from software that allows you to spy on your kids to filters that prevent access to certain websites and chat rooms to secret software agents that will quietly e-mail you when Junior is going someplace online that he shouldn’t. You can even get software timer that ends your child’s online session after a set period every day.

Clearly, this is a last-resort kind of a thing. I am entirely opposed to doing such a thing routinely. There has to be a better way.

I was relieved to find out that Dr. T. Berry Brazelton, the noted clinical professor of pediatrics emeritus (儿科名誉教授) at Harvard Medical School, agrees that spyware is not the answer and says it may even create additional problems for children.     4    . Sit with them at the computer and discuss what they see. Share with them the values of your home and use the media to bring them out. Talking is essential.

A.Using supervision software,he cautions, is not a communication system
B.That’s the question I’m fighting with now — as are, I know, a growing number of parents
C.One way to stay ahead of the game, he says, is to talk frequently with your children about what they’re doing online
D.I can imagine being reduced to spying on my children if I believe that it was the only way to protect them from pressing hard
E.But all that changed recently, when a good friend confessed that his 14-year-old daughter had become involved with a 30-year-oldman — an adult she met in a chat room.
F.And though the windows the Web opens up for a child are powerful doors to the world, there is also some pretty kid-unfriendly stuff out there.
21-22高二下·上海奉贤·期末 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Today, many people are turning to social media for their fitness routines, with TikTok, one of the most popular platforms. Indeed, its fitness category has some 300 billion views. But are the posted works, exercises and challenges really safe and effective?

While fitness influencers can encourage people to become more physically active, which is a positive, the quality and accuracy of their content is a concern, according to a 2023 review in Frontiers in Public Health.

“There are a lot of unsustainable and unrealistic workouts on TikTok, and even some dangerous advice,” said Jess Brown, a certified personal trainer in Westchester, New York. “What’s more, much of the fitness information on TikTok isn’t backed by science or posted by fitness professionals. The workouts are usually generalized to anyone, too, and don’t take into account your health, your family history, your flexibility, your range of motion—the list goes on,” said Monica Jones, a certified personal trainer in Washington, DC.

One of the more popular TikTok fitness trends involves developing your abdominal muscles. These challenges often show an influencer doing one exercise or series of movements that, if repeated daily for a week or two, is promised to result in a sexy six-pack. “No way,” Brown said. “We’ve proven again and again that spot reduction isn’t a thing.”

“Unfortunately, there will always be trends centered around getting fast results, because those grab people’s attention. But it’s important to look at your fitness and health as a lifelong journey, not something you can achieve within 10 to 90 days,” Jones said.

How can you separate quality workouts from dangerous ones? First, check the information of the posters. They should be certified fitness professionals who have experience working with people. You also want a coach who emphasizes improving strength and health, not one who focuses on body type. A quality influencer should encourage mental well-being, self-care and the importance of listening to your body in addition to physical fitness.

1. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.The problems of fitness content on TikTok.
B.The lack of sustainability on TikTok workouts.
C.The needs for personalized workout on TikTok.
D.The absence of scientific backing in fitness information on TikTok.
2. What do fitness influencers often promise in popular TikTok trends?
A.Sustainable workout routines.B.Long-term health improvement.
C.Certified fitness professional guidance.D.Easy exercise with immediate results.
3. Which of the following statements may Jones agree with?
A.Fitness should be a lifelong journey, not a quick achievement.
B.Fitness training should be specific to body type and flexibility.
C.Fitness influencers must prioritize fast results over long-term health.
D.TikTok workouts must promote mental well-being over physical fitness.
4. What does the author think important to evaluate a quality fitness influencer?
A.Personalized workout plans.B.Paying attention to detail in exercises.
C.Taking a balanced approach to fitness.D.Certification and reputation in fitness training.
2024-03-18更新 | 102次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】James Rilling of Emory University in Atlanta published the study in The Royal Society in November,2021. His team surveyed 50 grandmothers each with one biological grandchild be-tween 3 and 12 years old and one of their own child. They also measured the brain function as the participants viewed pictures of their grandchild and the same-sex parent of the grandchild. Researchers found that grandmothers viewing their grandchild’s pictures activated parts of the brain that involved emotional empathy(共鸣)and movement.

In contrast, the study also found that when grandmothers viewed images of their adult child, they showed stronger activation in an area of the brain associated with cognitive(认知的)empathy. That indicates they may be trying to cognitively understand what their adult child is thinking or feeling and why, but not as much from the emotional side. Compared with results from an earlier study by the Rilling lab of fathers viewing photos of their children, results showed that grandmothers activated more parts of the brain that involved emotional empathy and motivation.

“That suggests that grandmothers tend to feel what their grandchildren are feeling when they interact with them,” Rilling said. “If their grandchild is smiling, they’re feeling the child’s joy. And if their grandchild is crying, they’re feeling the child’s pain and sorrow.” In many societies, grandmothers are important caregivers, and their investment is often associated with improving their grandchildren’s well-being.

It’s part of the reason why the US celebrates Grandparents’ Day each year on the first Sunday after Labor Day in September. The announcement was signed in 1978. “Because grandparents are usually free to love, guide and befriend the young without having to take the daily responsibility for them. They can reach out past pride and fear of failure and close the space between generations,” the announcement read.

1. How many generations were there at least in the participants’ families?
2. What did Rilling say about grandmothers and their grandchildren in paragraph 3?
A.Their cognitive abilities.B.Their emotional interaction.
C.Their respective preferences.D.Their important characteristics.
3. What did the 1978 announcement show?
A.The fear of grandparents.B.Grandparents’ Day activities.
C.Grandparents’ responsibilities.D.The origin of Grandparents’ Day.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Grandmothers Are More Likely to Be Emotional
B.Grandmothers Empathize with Their Own Children
C.Grandmothers Hold Deep Bond with Grandchildren
D.Grandmothers Have Generation Gaps with Grandchildren
2023-01-12更新 | 137次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Earlier this month, an opinion study said about 75 percent of the French public want to ban bullfighting (斗牛). But a small group of supporters say it is a tradition that should continue.

Baptiste is a 16-year-old boy training to be a bullfighter who lives in Arles, a town in southern France. He says opponents do not understand bullfighting. “Bullfighting is a tradition, an art, a dance with the bull,” Baptiste said. He is one of 12 students in Arles learning how to fight bulls.

Opponents wonder how it can be called “an art” when an innocent animal is killed in the end. During a recent protest march, one sign read: “Bullfighting is not a fight; it’s the killing of a tortured (折磨) innocent.”

Aymeric Caron is a French lawmaker who sent a bill to Parliament that would ban bullfighting. It is currently being debated. He said some parts of France permit bullfighting as long as fewer than 1,000 bulls are killed each year. Just because it is a tradition, he said, does not “morally justify a practice”.

Other lawmakers in Caron’s party are not supporting his bill, so it is unlikely to pass. But the news of the anti-bullfighting proposal started a discussion throughout France.

Frederic Pastor oversees the bullfights in the city of Nimes. He said the bull is “glorified (给予荣耀)” during the fight although it is killed. Nimes is home to 14 bullfighting shows each year. They bring in over $60 million to the city.

Tiphanie Senmartin Laurent is one of the protesters. She said most people are against bullfighting. “Torture is not a show,” she said.

Spain is considered the place where bullfighting began. People there are also questioning the practice. Bullfighting was banned in the Spanish province of Catalonia in 2010 but later brought back. A major court in Spain called the practice a “cultural asset”. That means it is considered a tradition that has value. A new proposal on animal safety in Spain does not discuss bulls.

1. What can be known about Baptiste from paragraph 2?
A.He is expert in bullfighting.
B.He is far from opposed to bullfighting.
C.He comes from a northern French town.
D.He doesn’t understand why bullfighting becomes a tradition.
2. Which may Aymeric Caron agree with about bullfighting?
A.It is sort of an art.
B.It means a lot of harm to the innocent animal.
C.It is a symbol of culture in Spain.
D.It makes humans know more about the bull.
3. What did Aymeric Caron’s bill lead to actually?
A.Bullfighting’s being banned.
B.The public’s interest in the sport.
C.A national discussion on bullfighting.
D.The higher frequency of bullfighting shows in France.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Bullfighting Is Increasingly Popular in France
B.Challenges Faced by Bullfighting
C.The Rise and Fall of Bullfighting
D.France Considers a Ban on Bullfighting
2024-05-22更新 | 38次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般