组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 艺术 > 音乐与舞蹈
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A. classical   B. downloading     C. ordinary     D. opportunity   E. uploading   F. original

If you do not have an     1     to join a local choir or have trouble finding like-minded friends, a virtual choir is your best choice, which involves setting up equipment, recording performances in the studio or just at home,     2     the videos onto the internet and putting them together. This creative idea, enabling not only music tents’ but also an     3     individual’s voice to be added to others’, comes from an award-winning composer and conductor, Whitacre. When in college, he fell in love with     4     music, devoting most energy and soul to it. In 2009, inspired by a video about a girl singing one of his     5     compositions, Whitacre created the first virtual choir, receiving millions of views on the internet and becoming a worldwide phenomenon ever since. Nowadays, it proves to make the world a better place.

21-22高一下·广东惠州·期末 查看更多[2]
【知识点】 音乐与舞蹈


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The arrival of     1    has shifted populations from rural areas into cities because they tend to     2     in urban areas. At present, 81 percent of the inhabitants in the US live in cities.

Cultural and ethnic     3    adds a unique flavour to cities that is expressed through distinct neighbourhoods, restaurants, places of worship, museums, nightlife and multicultural learning environments.

Unique musical forms, such as     4    , rock and roll, Chicano music, and the blues, grow in the US by mixing a variety of culturally distinct musical traditions to     5     a new form.

2022-02-07更新 | 29次组卷
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【推荐2】Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Do note that there is one word more than you need.
A. untraditional        B. referred          C. awards        D. framed       AB. critic     AC. covers
AD. gesture        BC. count        BD. tending        CD. genius       ABC. recognizing

Each year, the bright light of the Nobel Prize in literature falls across our cultural canvas and illuminates the work of a major writer.

While     1     of previous years have gone to writers of prose, poetry and drama, the Swedish Academy, which awards the prize, announced on Oct 13 that American singer Bob Dylan, 75, was this year’s winner. However, the prize wasn’t given for his 2004 self-penned autobiography, but “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition.”

It is certainly a(n)     2     choice. According to Steve Johnson of the Chicago Tribune, arts awards have almost always exclusively had an inherent bias toward so-called “high culture”, a category     3     not to include people who got their start singing in coffeehouses.

With that said, the Swedish Academy’s selection can be seen as symbolic in its implication. By picking Dylan, the Academy has made a bold     4     to expand the definition of “literature”. It has, in effect, opened the doors to popular culture, often     5     to as “low culture”.

We live in a world where people who read comic books, watch television shows, listen to podcasts and pop music, are often also those who enjoy poetry and opera. And the Nobel, in     6     Dylan’s work as literature, acknowledges that artists create works of popular culture with just as much care, control, courage and     7     as Ernest Hemingway did sitting down at his typewriter.

Dylan experts can battle over whether or not the singer indeed writes poetry–he was given the prize for his lyrics and music.

If music and lyrics count as literature, as plays have done, could not other forms? Could we, someday, see a Nobel in literature go to US TV producer David Simon, Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki, or even US singer Beyonce?

As Los Angeles Times pop music     8     Robert Hilburn said about Dylan’s work: “He’s a great cultural figure because of his words and his ideas.”

And for all the flash and bang of any performed art or filmed project, it’s the words that     9    , wrote Carolyn Kellogg of the Los Angeles Times.

American TV series Breaking Bad (2008-2013) didn’t exist without US actor Bryan Cranston’s brilliant performance–but he couldn’t have gotten there without the words on the page.

Dylan’s Nobel says that words don’t have to be bound within     10     to be literature. It’s possible the Swedish Academy will back off its radical choice. But for now, literature is all around us. Read it, listen to it or watch it.

2022-03-17更新 | 113次组卷
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A.stuck     B. perhaps   C.hits     D. devoted   E. refer     F. tendency
G. routine     H. distinctive     I. presented     J. likely     K. backed

There must be some songs that just become rooted in your brain--- "Call Me Maybe," "Poker Face" and "Let It Go," to name a few. But do you know why these sticky songs --- ear worms, as our brains? they're known --are so hard to get rid of? And what kinds of songs are    1    to become sticky in our brains.

A few studies hold at least some answers. First of all, common ear worms seem to share some exhausted features. They're songs| you've heard a lot (which may be why current radio     2    tend to dominate “Top 10 Ear worm"list). They often have repetitive notes or unexpected intervals (间隔) in timing. They also have     3    rhythms and pitch (高音) patterns.

Scientists sometimes    4    to ear worms as "involuntary musical imagery". A study found that about 90 percent of Internet users reported getting a song    5    in their head at least once a week. The more musical the person is, the more ear worms they were likely to experience, the study found, and that result has been     6     up by other surveys. Research    7    at the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition in 2012 in Greece found that longer no with smaller intervals of pitch between them made for stickier ear worms. It is    8    because long notes and limited changes in pitch are simply easier to sing. The research' also found that people with obsessive-compulsive (强迫症的)traits (meaning they have a    9    toward worry) reported ear worms more frequently.

People are more likely to pick up an ear worm when they are doing something    10    , like jogging or chores (家务活), according to another study.

2024-06-05更新 | 55次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般