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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:96 题号:16387341

Chances are that you’re avoiding many healthy options from your dinner table when you really don’t need to be.     1    . Although they aren’t totally perfect, they are packed with much more nutrition than most people realize.


Not all cheese is bad.     2    . And 1 ounce has 14 percent of the recommended daily in-take of calcium. In fact, it contains protein, which helps you feel full, as well as lots of bone-strengthening calcium and various vitamins and minerals.


Sweet potatoes are some of the healthiest potatoes. Yet another member of the high-carb category, potatoes often get avoided like the plague (瘟疫). But potatoes with dark flesh are extra healthy, and are shown to boost antioxidant (抗氧化剂) levels.     3    .


A few cups of coffee daily has been shown to actually benefit your health. Just leave out all of the calorie creamers. Sure, too much coffee can have you bouncing off the walls and send your heart racing.     4    . In fact, a cup of Joe on the regular can reduce your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, depression and certain cancers.

    5    , pick a few of these foods and enjoy them in moderation. Because, really, it’s the human tendency to totally overdo it that makes many whole foods unhealthy.

A.When you rearrange your refrigerator
B.Here are a few examples of some foods
C.People should avoid eating much junk food
D.Now that your menu options have opened up
E.Eating these can reduce your risk of heart disease as well
F.But moderate consumption actually has positive health potential
G.Mozzarella, for instance, is lower in calories than most other cheeses
【知识点】 食物与饮料


阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Do you find yourself reaching for just one more cup of coffee to get through the day? Are you tired of being tired ? Instead of relying on things like coffee or sugar for energy, get happy by eating more foods that give you energy through nourishment. Here are four foods that can help improve your energy levels.

Hemp Seed

A complete protein, rich in fiber and omega-3s, hemp is a great low-glycemic (低胰岛素) addition to any diet. The glycemic index (GI) is a measurement of how fast the carbohydrates in food are broken down into glucose (葡萄糖) and how much it will affect your blood sugar. Fiber, fat and protein all lower the GI of a food, which is why hemp seeds (along with nuts, seeds, whole grains and legumes)are low-glycemic. Look for hemp seed oil for salad dressing, and hemp seeds to be added into salads.

Soaked Almonds

Raw almonds are nutrient dense, and soaking them releases(释放) higher nutrition potential. Soaking increases vitamin levels and removes the enzyme (酶) inhibitors that slow down digestion. I soak my almonds in water overnight (at least eight hours) and then dry them.


It is 20-percent protein, making it a balanced source of carbohydrates. Even though you feel like you're too busy to make home-made meals, quinoa is a fast food that cooks in less than 15 minutes.

Green Tea

Caffeine from green tea feels steadier and less sharp than the spike and crash with caffeine from coffee. This is likely because green tea contains L-theanine, a kind of acid found in tea that helps promote relaxation.

1. The writer wrote the passage in order to______.
A.introduce four foods making people energetic
B.find reasons why people need some coffee
C.reach for something to get through the day
D.tell people way of keeping fit
2. Why did the almonds get soaked?
A.It helped increase the enzyme.B.It helped unlock the nutrition.
C.It helped make digestion slow.D.It helped lock nutrient dense.
3. From the fourth paragraph we can know quinoa_______.
A.is rich in proteinB.includes much fiber
C.can be served quicklyD.has less sharp flavor
2017-10-03更新 | 82次组卷
阅读理解-六选四(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The Maya loved cacao so much that they used the beans as currency. They also believed it is good for you — which many people still say today about cacao’s most famous byproduct, chocolate.     1    . While some have suggested that less than an ounce of dark chocolate might improve heart health, much of the research doesn’t involve eating actual chocolate but rather its components-flavanol, especially.

    2    . In a clinical trial of 21,000 adults, they found that the half of the group that took500mg of. cocoa flavanol supplements daily had a significantly lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease than those who had taken a placebo (安慰剂).

Flavanols may also boost insulin sensitivity, according to some studies, which might be helpful in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes (糖尿病).     3    . Those at risk of diabetes might be wise to choose a cacao-inspired supplement instead of eating chocolate — and the sugar it contains. Other research suggests that the flavanols found in cacao (also present in fruits, vegetables, and tea) could slow cognitive decline during aging, or even boost brain performance by improving blood flow to the cerebral cortex.

What these findings mean for chocolate is limited, however. Participants would have had to eat multiple fat and sugar filled chocolate bars a day to source 500mg of flavanols.     4    . So understanding why certain types of chocolate are healthier than the rest is the focus of further research.

A.Cacao contains hundreds of bioactive plant compounds, including flavanols, which have been associated with numerous possible health benefits.
B.In 2022, Sesso and colleagues found compelling evidence for the benefits of flavanols.
C.But the results aren’t conclusive.
D.Spurred by chocolate’s popularity, numerous studies have explored bow the natural chemical compounds found in cocoa might be good for human health.
E.All chocolates are definitely not created equal.
F.But there’s still more research to be done to understand these effects.
今日更新 | 0次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It is not easy to eat perfectly for all time-even for dieticians! But when bad habits become common practice, you may end up with health issues ranging from weight gain to heart disease. So which unhealthy habits are getting us into trouble? Among the many, we’ve chosen six common ones that we should all avoid.

1.Poor Meal Planning

Based on our survey, one of the biggest obstacles to healthy eating goes to"time". Leave your meal for last-minute decisions, and it usually ends in fast food and pizza delivery. Planning your weekly meals may only take a few minutes, but will save your money, calories, and time in the long run.

2.Too Many Meals Away from Home

Despite being convenient, food served in restaurants and takeaways also tends to have larger portions with more calories and sodium. Preparing your meals at home, instead, would be a wiser and healthier choice.

3. Too Many Processed Foods

When shopping at the supermarket, you will find a large variety of salty, fatty and sugary convenience food with few nutrients. But it is the fresh and whole foods that you actually need. So next time when going shopping, read labels first before you go for more highly processed goods

4. Too Much Added Sugar

Not limited to sweets, chocolate, cakes and sweet drink, Sugar is also hiding in foods you might not think of, such as salad dressings, ketchup, bread and fat-free yoghurt. Keep records of the total sugar in your diet and figure out how to cut back on those empty calories.

5. Mindless Eating

Instead of eating when hungry, many of us would take a bite when we're bored, tired, stressed happy, or sad. You'd better not eat when your stomach isn't empty.

6. Too Many Liquid Calories

It's easy to forget that calories from soda, juice and other sugar-sweetened beverages count! Choose calorie-free drinks like water and plain tea instead

1. Which habit will easily lead to pizza delivery?
A.Mindless eating
B.Too many processed food
C.Poor meal planning
D.Too many liquid calories
2. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Foods served in restaurants are convenient and with less sodium.
B.We should read labels after buying some highly processed foods.
C.Sugar is often hidden in foods we may not think of like ketchup and bread.
D.We'd better eat something every time we feel bored.
3. According to the author's tips,______can replace high-calorie drinks when you are thirsty.
A.JuiceB.plain teaC.sodaD.beverages
2020-08-29更新 | 39次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般