组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:107 题号:16540370

My father loves his garden. He planted some seeds in it. But at that time, I didn’t understand why working in the dirt excited him so much.

Unfortunately, in early May, my father was seriously injured in an accident. He had to stay in bed for a while. My mother had several business trips, so she couldn’t take care of the garden. I didn’t want my father to worry, so I said that I would take care of his garden until he recovered. I assumed that the little plants would continue to grow as long as they had water, and luckily it rained fairly often, so I didn’t think much about the garden.

One Saturday morning, my father said to me, “Christine, the vegetables should be about ready to be picked. Let’s have a salad today!” I went out to the garden and was upset to see that many of the lettuce leaves and carrots had been half eaten by bugs. There were hundreds of bugs all over them!

I panicked for a moment but then I quietly went to the nearest store to buy some vegetables. When I gave the salad to him, he said, “Oh, Christine, what a beautiful salad! I can’t believe the carrots are this big already. You must be taking very good care of my garden.” I felt a little bit guilty.

Coming home, my mother saw the bag from the supermarket in the kitchen. I was embarrassed, and I admitted Dad wanted a salad but the garden was a disaster. I didn’t want to disappoint him so I went to the store. She laughed but promised to help me in the garden and weeks later I was finally able to pick some vegetables.

I carefully made a salad and took it to my father. He looked at it with a hint of a smile, “Christine, the carrots are smaller in this salad, but they taste better.”

Now, I better understand how putting a lot of effort into caring for something can help you appreciate the results more, however small they may be. Perhaps this was one of the reasons for my father’s love of gardening.

1. Why did Christine originally promise she would do the gardening?
A.She was asked by her father to do it.B.She was interested in growing vegetables.
C.She knew it was important to her father.D.She wanted to improve her gardening skills.
2. Which of the following was a problem in the garden?
A.Insects destroyed the lettuce and carrots.B.Animals often dug holes in the garden.
C.The plants were given too much water.D.The vegetables were marked incorrectly.
3. Why could Christine secretly use the store-bought vegetables to make the salad?
A.Her mother helped her to buy the vegetables.
B.Her mother regularly helped her to make a salad.
C.Her father couldn’t see the progress of the vegetables in his garden.
D.Her father went on a business trip at that time.
4. What did Christine learn from her experience of gardening?
A.Always get ready for a rainy day.B.Don’t be disappointed by bugs.
C.Working alone produces results.D.Hard work can often be rewarding.


阅读理解-任务型阅读(约660词) | 适中 (0.65)

Do the right Thing

In life, people feel most satisfied when they choose options that side with their most deeply values. Here's how to stay true to yours.

If you hope to have your life shaped according to your ideals, you have to know what those ideals are. Perhaps begin sessions by identifying the concepts that are most important from a list: honesty, structure, family and so on. Those qualities are influenced by your parents, your culture and society as a whole, but you have to take ownership of your own decisions.

Almost all of these qualities are things most of us desire to hold dear. To determine which principles are more than just desires, reflect on situations that resonate(共鸣) with yourself.

Identifying your values will guide you in the right direction, but a few strategies can help you follow through. Before you make a big decision, do something that will put you in high spirits: exercise, socialize with friends, volunteer. Researchers theorize that such activities improve our mood, which promotes dopamine levels in certain areas of the brain, improving our cognitive abilities and helping us weigh different options.

Trouble is the toughest decisions often arrive at the most inconvenient times. When you’re under force, ask a family member, a friend or in certain cases, a professional for advice. They can provide advice that’s not slightly influenced by the work deadline, or leaky roof gradually weakening your mental energy.

Of course, people make decisions that contradict their ideals all the time. There are lots of values we hold dear and they frequently come into conflict with one another. It’s not so much that people don’t know what they want: it’s that there are many things we desire, and we don’t always know how.

While a single decision can seem like a tug-of-war between competing desires, broader life choices don’t need to be a definitive either/or question. One who likes traveling worldwide might temporarily put off a grand trip to explore locations closer to home or commit to setting aside time for vacation with their family every summer, no matter what else comes up.

Surround yourself with people who, besides sharing your passion, can also prevent you from hesitating. A group can remind you, “Hey, we’re doing this because we love it. ”If you’re still struggling, even after seeking out community support, there’s no shame in revising your core values. If you’re determined to take part in a charity program but spend the evening with friends instead, it may be time to accept that friendship is more important to you than volunteerism. Better yet, find opportunities to continue the charity program with your friends.

You may learn that what you believed was a core priority actually has much more to do with living: up to what your parents, co-workers or others expect. If your values agree with who you really are, no one will have to ask you to make those choices.

Title: Do the Right Thing



Detailed information


It’s most satisfying to make choices which    1    your values. But how can you stay true to yours?

Solutions to the problem

Know your values

Identify your values. It can help    2    your life according to your ideals.
Many    3    as a whole influence life concepts, but you have to take ownership of your own decisions.
Consider situations resonating with yourself when    4    which principles are more than just desires.

Find the best time

Do something putting you in a good    5    before making big decisions.
    6    other people at the inconvenient times.

Balance all options

Learn to make    7    among desires.
Avoid limiting choices to a definitive either/or question.

Stay the course

Stay with people who encourage you to stay true without a slight    8    .
It is not    9    to revise your core values sometimes. but better find opportunities to make some compensation.


Your values may agree with the    10    of your parents, co-workers or others.
If your values agree with who you really are, no one will have to ask you to make those choices.

2019-03-30更新 | 77次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】I was waiting in a check-in line at Arlanda International Airport. The man ahead of me was quite a big guy. As an airport baggage handler checked through a customer at the roadside, he accidentally knocked over the man’s luggage. He quickly collected the fallen bags and apologized for his mistake. However,the traveler burst into anger, shouting at the baggage handler for his carelessness.
The baggage handler calmly apologized and smiled all the time. The customer continued to berate(痛斥) the man, even as he turned away and headed for his gate. Through it all the baggage handler smiled and remained calm.
The other customers in line witnessed the incident and admired the baggage handler’s professionalism and self-­control. “I have never seen such restraint and humility,” one of the customers sighed, “How do you keep your cool when somebody is attacking you so viciously?”
“It’s easy,” the baggage handler answered. “He’s going to London, but his bags are going to Tokyo.”
I won’t recommend that we use revenge to relieve stress. But let me tell you about one of my friends who has found a way to go through most of his life unaffected by theturbulence that disturbs most people. He is one of the calmest people I’ve ever known and he describes how he keeps his cool no matter how turbulent a situation becomes. He says, “I look at it this way. A traffic jam has no power to make me angry. It just stops my car. And that’s the way I try to look at most of what happens to me.” With that philosophy, this guy goes through life with a calmness I can only envy.
My friend likes to say things like, “A rude customer has no power to make me angry; he just fusses.” And, “A mistake I made has no power to make me upset; it’s just a chance to do better.” He shows how we can truly find calmness in the midst of chaos.
1. The airport baggage handler remained calm during the customer’s berating because ______.
A.he was good at self-control
B.he wanted to show his professionalism
C.he wanted to revenge the customer
D.he knew well the airport rules
2. What is the author’s attitude towards the baggage handler?
3. Why does the author tell us about his friend?
A.To tell us what is true calmness.
B.To explain a special philosophy.
C.To show his envy to the friend.
D.To advise us to have good manners.
4. What does the underlined word “turbulence” mean?
A.an uneasy or a disturbing state of mind
B.a confusing or uncontrolled situation
C.a person that makes people angry
D.violence that hurts people
5. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?
A.A Clever Baggage Handler
B.Restraint and Humility in Life
C.A Philosophy for Everyone
D.Calmness in Chaos
2016-12-13更新 | 362次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】My name is Alice. Early last year, I was troubled by an anxiety that crippled my ability to do anything. I felt like a storm cloud hung over me. For almost a year I struggled on, constantly staring at this wall that faced me. My perfectionist tendencies were the main root of this: I wanted to be perfect at whatever I did, which obviously in life is not possible, but it consumed me.

One day, I attended a presentation by wildlife conservationist Grant Brown at my high school. His presentation not only awed and inspired me, but also helped emerge an inner desire to make a difference in the world. I joined a pre-presentation dinner with him and that smaller setting allowed me to slowly build up my courage to speak one-on-one with him—an idea that had seemed completely impossible. This first contact was where my story began.

A month later, Brown invited me to attend the World Youth Wildlife Conference. Looking back, I now see that this would be the first in a series of timely opportunities that my old self would have let pass, but that this new and more confident Alice enthusiastically seized. Shortly after I received his invitation, applications to join the Youth for Nature and the Youth for Planet groups were sent around through my high school. I decided to commit to completing the applications, and soon I was a part of a growing global team of young people working to protect nature. Each of these new steps continued to grow my confidence.

I am writing this just six months since my journey began and I’ve realised that my biggest obstacle this whole time was myself. It was that voice in the back of my head telling me that one phrase that has stopped so many people from reaching their potential: I can’t. They say good things come to those who wait; I say: grab every opportunity with everything you have and be impatient. After all, nature does not require our patience, but our action.

1. What does the underlined word “crippled” probably mean in the first paragraph?
2. What is the drive of Alice’s first contact with Brown?
A.Her inner desire for communication.B.Her strong interest in wildlife.
C.Her newly-emerged will change the world.D.Her urgent demand for courage.
3. How has Alice changed since the first contact?
A.She has gained courage and skills to make public presentations.
B.She has become confident enough to seize the opportunities.
C.She has topped all the team members in protecting nature.
D.She has become more patient to wait for the chances.
4. What has Alice learned from her experience?
A.No one is perfect.B.Courage lightens the blow of fate.
C.Good things come to those who wait.D.Action is worry’s worst enemy.
2024-03-11更新 | 130次组卷
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