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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:762 题号:1672220

American doctors have been trying to figure out the secrets behind Asians being healthier than Americans since the early 90s - The Japan has the lowest mortality rates in the world and Chinese medicine has been around for thousands of years, since around 2000 B.C. only meant that there's more to Asian health philosophy. In Asian medicine, there's an acknowledgment of the whole-body theory of medicine, instead of isolationism that's prevalent in many American doctor's offices.

The main reason behind a better health lies in the difference between Asian and American culture. Diet, exercise, and a holistic approach to medicine allcontribute toAsians living longer and healthier than their American counterparts. In addition, the result of the Asian lifestyle has led to a stronger overall immune system and better detoxification(解毒) efficiency.

The more preferred drink in the American lifestyle is soda, beer or coffee. However, in Asian culture, the preferred drink is water or herbal tea. Consumption of water serves to immediately strengthen one's body detoxification program, since water dilutes toxins and helps flush the body. Americans savor red meat and pork, while most Asians prefer chicken, rice and fish. Also, the foods in Asia are mostly organic and lack the hormonal toxins that American food carries. Overall the Asian diet leads to less food-introduced toxins into the body, and allows the body to spend its energy on its immune system rather than toxin control. Also, the fish that Asians consume have very strong immunological effects, providing more antioxidants than the red meat preferred in America.

The average American family has more than one car. In Asia, on average there's 1 car per 4 families. In Asian cultures, people use bicycles more than four-wheeled transportation. The Asian lifestyle also involves more labor and physical work, such as agricultural labor and gardening. The American lifestyle praises white-collar jobs which lead to Americans sitting in front of computer screens for hours on end. Exercise helps detoxification in two ways: it speeds up metabolism, and induces sweat.

Medicine in Asia centers mostly on natural ingredients that have healing properties. Asian medicine also addresses the mind-body connection and the importance of mental balance. There are more traditional medicine doctors per person in Asia than in America. American medicine costs more and is symptom-focused, often ignoring the overall cause of the symptoms. In America, the prescriptions that are chemically derived are dangerous toxins that stress the body's detoxification system. Using Asian medicine means using only natural ingredients, which the body can easily detoxify while getting the same health benefit.

It is not very difficult to adopt the Asian lifestyle and improve your body's detoxification and immune system. You can change your lifestyle today by eating and drinking organic, exercising rigorously at least three times a week, and using organic health alternative therapies over dangerous prescription medicines.

Emma Deangela is the author of detox and fasting site at eDetoxify.com. Combining both Asian and Western philosophy, Emma Deangela has helped many people by giving them health consultation to make their lives better and healthier through natural health philosophy. Visit eDetoxify.com to discover the health philosophy that leads many people to a healthy life.

1. According to the first paragraph, which theory is more popular among American doctors?
A.whole-body theoryB.isolationism
C.Combined Theory of East and WestD.Not clearly mentioned.
2. The differences between Asian and American culture are not discussed in _____
3. ”contribute to”in the second paragraph means _____.
A.leads toB.pay money toC.agree onD.result from
4. From the third and fourth paragraphs, the writer thinks Asians live longer than Americans because ______.
A.Asians don’t eat beef or mutton
B.Asians are good at catching fish
C.Asian lifestyle involves physical work more
D.Asians are not fond of office work
5. The writer’s advice is put forward in the ____ paragraph.
A.lastB.last but oneC.firstD.missing
6. The passage is overall a(n)______.
A.advertisement to a websiteB.lecture to college students
C.magazine introductionD.newspaper front-page
12-13高二下·浙江金华·期中 查看更多[1]
【知识点】 说明文 文化差异


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Smells are complex and often have changeable structures, and can show meaningful information about an animal’s surroundings, like the location of food sources. But it was previously assumed that mammalian (哺乳动物的) brains can’t fully process these changes in smells because they happen so rapidly, much faster than an animal can smell.

Using behavioral experiments, researchers at the Francis Crick Institute and University College London found mice can, in fact, be trained to detect very rapid variations in smells, at rates previously not thought possible and that mice can use this information to distinguish whether smells are coming from the same or different sources, even if they are very close to each other. The mice were able to correctly distinguish this difference. This suggests that the mammalian olfactory (嗅觉的) system is also key in processing the awareness of physical space and guiding decisions important to survival.

Andreas Schaefer, group leader of the Sensory Circuits and Neurotechnology Laboratory at University College London, says, “From an evolutionary point of view our findings make sense as they help to explain why there is a lot of computational power within the olfactory bulb (嗅球), the part of the brain to which the nose sends signals. It’s not only processing chemicals from smells but also calculating information about physical distance and sources. It would have been strange for evolution to create such processing power in this part of the brain if it were not being used to help the species survive.”

As part of the study, the researchers designed new technologies including a piece of high-speed smell delivery equipment that can measure several smells at the same time with extremely high precision. These innovations will enable more complex work on the ol factory bulb, increasing our knowledge of how this brain region processes information about the environment and influences behavior. Finally, the team aim to build understanding of how sensory circuits link the external world with internal thought and action.

1. What was believed impossible for mammalian brains?
A.Understanding all the information in smells.B.Responding properly to different smells.
C.Distinguishing between the similar smells.D.Realizing the complex structures of smells.
2. What does the study find?
A.Mice might possess a truly unique olfactory system.
B.Rapid changing smells help mice learn about space.
C.Mice are born with the ability to detect smells fast.
D.Mammalian brains have great computational power.
3. What does Schaefer say about the olfactory bulb?
A.It is sensitive to chemicals.B.It sends signals to the nose.
C.It works multi-dimensionally.D.It is vital to species’ survival.
4. Why did the researchers create those new technologies?
A.To measure smells with precision.B.To gather several smells all at once.
C.To explore the brain-behavior relationship.D.To gain deep insights into the olfactory bulb.
2024-03-27更新 | 46次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Canada geese are a common and plentiful North American bird found in many urban parks, golf courses, airports, or areas with large lawns near water. They are a large waterbird with a fairly brown body, pale breast, and long black neck with white cheeks.

Canada geese are particularly attracted to urban areas for the many grassy lawns near small bodies of water. They can often be seen feeding on lawns or playing in shallow water by tipping forward and extending their necks underwater to reach for plants. Canada geese prefer to gathering in large flocks (群) and can be seen flying over in the classic V formation.

In Chicago, Canada geese may remain in the city throughout the year, although some geese get used to moving long distances to more southern sections for the winter or northward in spring to breed. Each breeding season, pairs build large open cup ground nests and lay 2 to 8 eggs which are raised in a single brood (窝). Urban habitats are also attractive to this species as neatly-maintained lawns make it easy when grazing with young to keep watch for approaching enemies. It is, however, their use of these urban areas that often leads to conflicts with humans.

As Canada geese numbers rise, so do their conflicts with humans. Canada geese’s daily activities may damage gardens and landscaping. Geese may also cross roads when searching for food or walking between nesting sites and bodies of water, slowing movement or posing a potential risk on the roadway. Although direct injuries by fierce geese are uncommon, people sometimes fall and pick up injuries when surprised by a charging goose. Additionally, people often feed the birds. Not only are the types of food people typically provide, such as bread, unhealthy for the birds, but this encourages high concentrations of geese leading to more harmful behavior and higher risk of diseases. Lastly, plane-bird conflicts are estimated to be rising, likely due to increasing numbers of planes, but also increases in populations of certain bird species, including Canada geese. Although crashes rarely result in an accident, they often cause costly damage to planes.

1. What do we know about Canada geese from the first and second paragraph?
A.They are a valued and rare species.
B.They like to spend time near water.
C.They always live quietly and separately.
D.Their appearance is in a uniform and single color.
2. Which of the following words from the passage is similar in meaning to “grazing” (paragraph 3)?
A.feeding (paragraph 2)B.playing (paragraph 2)
C.gathering (paragraph 2)D.moving (paragraph 3)
3. From the sentence “Although direct injuries” (in the last paragraph), we know that Canada geese are likely to __________.
A.adore humansB.threaten humans
C.frustrate humansD.safeguard humans
4. According to the last paragraph, which of the following is not the trouble caused by an increasing number of geese?
A.Frequent air crashes.B.Damage to city view.
C.Traffic jam and danger.D.Indirect human injuries.
2023-12-14更新 | 181次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When making choices, people assume that they pick what they like. However, research suggests that we like something strictly because we have chosen it. In other words, we dislike things we don’t choose. And this phenomenon has existed since we were babies.

In an experiment, US researchers brought several 10-to-20-month-old babies into a lab and gave them two same bright and colorful soft blocks to play with. They set each block far apart, so the babies had to crawl (爬) to one or the other — a random choice. After the baby chose one of the toys, the researchers took it away and came back with a new option. The babies could then pick either the toy they didn’t play with before, or a brand new toy. It turned out that the babies reliably chose to play with the new toy rather than the one they had not chosen.

In follow-up experiments, when researchers instead helped choose which toy the baby would play with, the phenomenon disappeared. “As if they were saying, ‘Hmm, I didn’t choose that object last time, because I guess I didn’t like it very much,” said Lisa Feigenson, co-author of the study.

This is a very important phenomenon in life, Feigenson noted. Adults will less like the thing they didn’t choose, even if they had no real preference in the first place. It looks like babies do just the same.

It shows that the act of making choices changes how we feel about our options. The random choices might become our preferences. “They are really not choosing based on whether they are novel or what they prefer,” said Alex Silver, co-author of the study.

This new finding explains why adults build unconscious preference when they make choices between the same things. Justifying (证明有道理) choice is somehow fundamental to the human experience. “I chose this, so I must like it. I didn’t choose the other thing, so it can not be so good. Adults make these inferences unconsciously,” Feigenson said.

1. What is the purpose of the experiments?
A.To test whether people choose what they like.
B.To see why babies prefer new toys to old ones.
C.To explain how babies and adults make choices differently.
D.To study if too many choices could create problems for people.
2. What can be learned from the experiments?
A.Babies prefer bright and colorful toys.
B.Babies’ preference largely affects their choices.
C.Babies prefer adults to help them make choices .
D.Babies’ previous random choices affect their preference.
3. Why is the new finding important in life?
A.It entirely changes our attitude to our choices.
B.It helps us make wise decisions in a consumer culture.
C.It promotes the relationship between adults and babies.
D.It helps us understand our unconscious preference for choices.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Babies like what they chooseB.Random choices matter
C.Too many choices puzzle the adultsD.Preference affects the choice
2022-01-26更新 | 74次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般