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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:310 题号:16857872

Boxing Day, also known     1     St. Stephen’s Day, is usually celebrated on the day after Christmas in the United Kingdom and other     2     (country) with British roots. Although its origin is unclear, it is     3     (general) believed that it comes from the ancient practice of churches opening     4     (they) collection boxes for the poor on this day. So, charity is an important theme to this holiday.    5     (celebrate) a traditional Boxing Day, you should follow the steps.

First, volunteer for the church. Find out if your church     6     (follow) the tradition of giving donations away to the poor on Boxing Day. If they need any help, then donate your time elsewhere by     7     (find) organizers who need volunteers for programs that day. Contribute to improving the lives of others. Second, plan ahead. Since charity     8     (need) all year round, use Boxing Day to plan your calendar for the upcoming year. Search online for future events     9     you could be of help. Plan a budget so you can donate to your favorite charities on a regular     10     (base).

【知识点】 外国文化与节日


语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

It is clear that April Fools' Day is one of the most widely recognized    1    (holiday) in the Western world. Children play tricks    2    parents and many people are fooled. But why? How did April Fools' Day begin, and how did it become an    3    (globe)phenomenon? Nobody    4    (real)knows. April Fools' Day is apparently an ancient enough tradition    5    the earliest recorded mentions.

One likely explanation is the Roman tradition of Hilaria, a spring festival    6    (hold) around March 25 in honor of the first day of the year    7    (long) than the night. It's hard    8    (say) whether this ancient revel's(狂欢)similarity to modern April Fools' Day are by accident or not, as the first recorded mentions of the holiday didn't appear until several hundred years later. The first mention of April Fools' Day in Britain    9    (come) in 1686, when John Aubrey described April first as a "Fools' holy day".

    10    is clear that the habit of sending springtime rubes(乡巴佬)on a "fool's day" was popular in Europe by the late 1600s. On April Fools' Day, 1698, so many people were tricked into coming to the Tower of London to watch the "washing of the lions" that a local newspaper had to explain it.

2021-08-09更新 | 69次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

The first Buy Nothing Day    1    (celebrate) in September 1992. In1997, it was changed to the Friday following Thanksgiving in November. Soon after, it gained    2    support of Adbusters, a Canadian media company questioning the    3    (important) that cultures give to advertising and shopping. When the group tried to place commercials(广告) on television, the only major TV network     4    accepted them was CNN. Despite these attempts to silence the movement, it spread to the US, Germany, Japan, and several other countries worldwide.

Buy Nothing Day challenges people to avoid    5    (buy) anything for 24 hours. Supporters hope that during this time, people will reflect on the need to “have things”, which is pushed by large companies. By getting people to focus on what they do have, they can become more sympathetic(有同情心的) towards the poor     6    people who have less than they do.

Another activity    7    (call) the zombie walk is to show the way most people shop. In this walk, participants walk around shopping malls like zombies. If anyone asks them what’s happening, they    8    (educate) them about Buy Nothing Day. Whirl-Mart is another funny method of drawing attention to the purpose of Buy Nothing Day. People will take empty shopping carts and form a line inside a supermarket. Then, they will race through the aisles (通道) without putting anything in their empty carts. Other    9    (supporter) celebrate the event by     10    (simple) doing other free activities such as hiking, bicycling, or taking a boat ride. No matter how one participates, Buy Nothing Day presents us with an opportunity to remember that the best things in life are free.

2023-08-04更新 | 67次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

e-Day celebrates the mathematical constant e, which has a value of 2.7182818. It     1     (celebrate) on February 7 in countries that follow the month/day (m/d) date format. Also known as Euler’s number, after the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler, e is one of     2     (important) numbers in mathematics, including 0, 1 and pi   (π). e is also sometimes called the Napier’s Constant and is often     3     (incorrect) referred to as Euler’s Constant.

Many European countries celebrate Euro Day, sometimes also     4     (call) e Day. The day is observed on January 1 and celebrates the anniversary of the     5     (adopt) of the Euro, Europe’s common currency in 2002. In New Zealand, eDay is a day     6     people can get rid of e-waste or old electronics such as     7     (computer) and old appliances so they can be recycled rather than being placed in a landfill. Engineer’s Day is observed in Paducah, Kentucky on February 21, where many people participate in     8    egg drop contest, create edible (可食用的) cars, and tape people to walls.

The year is full    9     mathematical and scientific holidays. Some of these include: Yellow Pig Day, Mole Day, Fibonacci Day, Palindrome Day, and Pi-Day. Use our Date Pattern Calculator    10     (find) out other interesting calendar dates during the year.

2024-02-26更新 | 29次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般