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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:158 题号:16903862

An individual from an unknown hominid (原始人类) species walked across a field of wet, volcanic ash in what is now East Africa around 3.66 million years ago, leaving behind a handful of footprints.

Those five ancient footprints, largely ignored since they were partly unearthed at Tanzania’s Laetoli site in 1976, show features of upright walking by a hominid, a new study finds. Researchers had previously considered them hard to classify, possibly produced by a young bear that took a few steps while standing. But the latest analysis refutes that suggestion.

McNutt, DeSilva, who started the new investigation as a Dartmouth College graduate student, and their colleagues fully dug out and cleaned the five Laetoli footprints in June 2019. Then they measured, photographed and 3-D scanned the ancient tracks. McNutt’s group focused on two footprints that were particularly well-preserved. Foot shapes, sizes, and walking characteristics of the Laetoli individual differed in various ways from those of other hominid individuals at the same site. The prints also didn’t match those from modern black bears and modern chimps (黑猩猩) walking upright.

The Laetoli individual possessed a wider, more chimplike foot than humans, the researchers say. Its big toe stuck out slightly from the second toe (脚趾), but not to the degree observed in chimps. On one step, the Laetoli individual’s left leg crossed in front of the right leg, leaving a left footprint directly in front of the previous track. People may cross-step in this way when trying to regain balance. And bears and chimps assume a relatively wide standing due to knee and other bone arrangements that prevent them from walking like the Laetoli individual and probably from cross-stepping, the scientists say.

Given that only two of the ancient footprints are complete enough to analyze thoroughly, the possibility that a chimp other than a hominid made the Laetoli footprints can’t be ruled out, says William Harcourt-Smith, a scientist at Lehman College. But evidence of cross-stepping is enough to prove that it was a hominid track maker, he says.

1. What does the underlined word “refutes” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Objects to.B.Supports.C.Puts forward.D.Criticizes.
2. Why do researchers think the footprints were unlike those of bears or chimps?
A.They are less chimplike.B.They have toes sticking out.
C.They show a wider standing.D.They get features of cross-stepping.
3. What does William think of the new research finding?
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To share a new discovery.B.To describe a major event.
C.To settle a huge disagreement.D.To introduce an unknown species.
【知识点】 说明文 考古发现


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Heritage sites of outstanding and universal value located along the African coast are at threat of rising sea levels, and increased climate change adaptation is urgently needed for the protection of the heritage sites, according to research.

The research, published last week by the University of Cape Town’s African Climate and Development Initiative, indicated that more heritage areas are exposed to flooding compared with erosion. Findings showed that 56 of 284 identified African heritage sites are at risk of a 100-year coastal extreme event. Furthermore, the researchers project the number of exposed sites to more than triple by 2050.

Michalis Vousdoukas, scientific officer at the European Commission and lead author of the report, said the Loss of forts and castles along the coast would have strong consequences not only for the people living in their neighborhood, but also the international community. He said many of the sites are deeply connected with peoples’ identity and tradition, and they are essential for social well-being, safe-guarding traditional knowledge and livelihoods.

The research findings highlight the urgent need for increased climate change adaptation for heritage sites in Africa, including governance and management approaches, site-specific vulnerability assessments, exposure monitoring and protection strategies. The findings also indicated that reducing greenhouse gas emissions would result in a 21 percent reduction of the median exposed area, as well as 25 percent fewer sites that would be highly exposed by the end of the century.

The National Museums of Kenya, a state corporation that manages cultural and natural heritage, is working with communities to conserve sites that are threatened by coastal flooding and erosion. Fatma Twahir, the chief curator (负责人) of heritage site Fort Jesus in Kenya’s coastal Mombasa city, told Kenya News Agency that the National Museums of Kenya has partnered with the cultural protection fund to train curators and communities living near the heritage sites to keep them safe.

1. What does the underlined word “event” refer to in the context?
A.the natural disasterB.the loss of forts and castles
C.the international supportD.the environment adaptation measures
2. What did Michalis Vousdoukas say about those heritage sites along the coast?
A.Those forts and castles are of great economic value in terms of tourism.
B.The loss of those sites would conceal the identity of the people living nearby.
C.If the sites got damaged, the whole world would be influenced as well as the local.
D.The protection of those sites is necessary for the safety of the whole continent.
3. According to the research, what does increased climate change adaptation include?
A.Monitoring all the heritage sites.
B.Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
C.Assessing the short-term climate change.
D.Developing new methods of governing their countries.
2024-03-19更新 | 47次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】“Preventing obesity and smoking can save lives, but it doesn’t save money,”reported researchers. “ It was a small surprise, for it is against the common belief,” said Pieter van Baal, who led the study. “But it makes sense. If you live longer, then your costs of the health system will be more.”

The researchers found that from age 20 to 56, fat people had the most expensive health costs. But on average, healthy people lived 84 years. Smokers lived about 77 years, and fat people about 80 years. Smokers and fat people tended to have more heart disease than healthy people. Therefore, in the long run, the thin and healthy group spent about $417,000, from age 20 on. Smokers spent about $ 326,000 and fat people $371,000.

“The result throws a bucket of cold water onto the idea, based on guesswork, that obesity is going to cost trillions of dollars,” said Patrick Basham, a professor of health politics. “If we’re going to worry about the future of obesity, we should stop worrying about its financial impact,” he said.

“The benefit of obesity prevention may not be seen immediately in terms of cost saving in tomorrow’s budget, but there are long-term gains,” said Baal. “These are often immeasurable when it comes to people living longer and healthier lives.” In the meanwhile, he said that governments should recognize that successful smoking and obesity prevention programs mean that people will have a higher chance of dying of something more expensive later in life.

“Lung cancer is a cheap disease to treat because people don’t survive very long. But if they are old enough to get Alzheimer’s(早年性痴呆症) one day, they may survive longer and cost more. We are not advising that governments stop trying to prevent obesity,” Baal said.” But they should do it for the right reasons.”

1. Among middle-aged people, whose costs of the health system is the most?
A.Those who are heavy smokers.
B.Those who are overweight.
C.Those who are too thin.
D.Those who are suffering from heart attacks.
2. What can we know about the belief that obesity costs much?
A.It turns out to be innocent.
B.It comes from scientific studies.
C.It is based on medical evidence.
D.It has changed over the past years.
3. According to the text, governments should prevent obesity for the purpose of ________?
A.reducing the risk of suffering cancer
B.weakening obesity’s financial impact
C.making sure of people’s long and healthy life
D.reducing the money spent on medical programs
4. What would be the best title for this text?
A.A Recent Medical Study Shows the Truth about Health
B.Preventing Obesity and Smoking May Cost More
C.Obesity and Smoking Lead to Expensive Diseases
D.Governments Change Attitude towards Obesity and Smoking
2022-03-12更新 | 75次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Are you looking for a winter vacation destination? Try these four vacation lands and they will certainly give you an unforgettable experience.

Solitude Mountain, Utah

Solitude Mountain is a place often recommended by tourist agents. It’s a place to go if you love skiing in winter but hate waiting on lift lines. Loving a bargain doesn’t hurt either since the accommodations here are less expensive.

Key West, Florida

The crowds thin out and the prices fall in Key Westin winter. Key West has a remote and romantic feel. It has inspired many poets and literary greats. It will inspire you to literally celebrate the sunrise. Surely, there are nightly sunset celebrations!

Taos, New Mexico

Taos in New Mexico is a popular winter spot. Besides skiing, you’ll be able to experience all the cultures and sights, including the thousand-year-old Taos Pueblo, the only living native American community that is regarded as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Big Sky, Montana

Big Sky in Montana has more than 5,800 acres of skiing area spreading across a few mountains, with a vertical drop of 4,350 feet, as well as 85 km of Nordic tracks. It’s a good idea to head for Big Sky for the fantastic skiing in winter because it has been called “the least crowded vacationland ever”.

If more information is needed, you can click here.

1. Which place will you prefer to visit if you want to cut down the traveling cost?
A.Solitude Mountain.B.Key West.C.Taos.D.Big Sky.
2. What can you do in Taos, New Mexico?
A.Wait on lift lines.B.Get close to an ancient community.
C.Literally celebrate the sunrise.D.Visit the least crowded vacationland.
3. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A magazine.B.A textbook.C.A website.D.A guidebook.
2021-01-22更新 | 77次组卷
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