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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:498 题号:17102612

Noah reached for his guitar, remembering his father as he did so, thinking how much he missed him. He strummed once, adjusted the tension on two strings, then strummed again. This time it sounded about right, and he began to play.

Soft music, quiet music. He hummed for a little while at first, then began to sing as night came down around him. He played and sang until the sun was gone and the sky black. It was a little after seven when he quit, and he settled back into his chair and began to rock. By habit, he looked upward and saw Orion and the Big Dipper, Gemini and the Pole Star, twinkling in the autumn sky. He started to run the numbers in his head, then stopped. He knew he’d spent almost his entire savings on the house and would have to find a job again soon, but he pushed the thought away and decided to enjoy the remaining months of restoration without worrying about it. Besides, thinking about money usually bored him. Early on, he’d learned to enjoy simple things, things that couldn’t be bought, and he had a hard time understanding people who felt otherwise. It was another trait he got from his father.

Clem, his hound dog, came up to him then and nuzzled his hand before lying down at his feet. “Hey, girl, how’re you doing?” he asked as he patted her head, and she whined softly, her soft round eyes peering upward. A car accident had taken her leg, but she still moved well enough and kept him company on quiet nights like these. He was thirty-one now, not too old, but old enough to be lonely. He hadn’t dated since he’d been back here, hadn’t met anyone who remotely interested him. It was his own fault, he knew. There was something that kept a distance between him and any woman who started to get close, something he wasn’t sure he could change even if he tried. And sometimes in the moments right before sleep came, he wondered if he was destined to be alone forever.

The evening passed, staying warm, nice. Noah listened to the crickets and the rustling leaves, thinking that the sound of nature was more real and aroused more emotion than things like cars and planes. Natural things gave back more than they took, and their sounds always brought him back to the way man was supposed to be. “It’ll keep you from going crazy,” his father had told him the day he’d shipped out. “It’s God’s music and it’ll take you home.” He finished his tea, went inside, found a book, then turned on the porch light on his way back out. After sitting down again, he looked at the book. It was old, the cover was torn, and the pages were stained with mud and water.

It was Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman, and he had carried it with him throughout the war. It had even taken a bullet for him once. He rubbed the cover, dusting it off just a little. Then he let the book open randomly and read the words in front of him: This is thy hour O Soul, thy free flight into the wordless. Away from books, away from art, the day erased, the lesson done. Thee fully forth emerging, silent, gazing, pondering the themes thou lovest best. Night, sleep, death and the stars. For some reason Whitman always reminded him of New Bern, and he was glad he’d come back. Though he’d been away from fourteen years, this was home and he knew a lot of people here, most of them from his youth. Like so many southern towns, the people who lived here never changed, they just grew a bit older.

1. The underlined sentence in paragraph two is the equivalent of “_________”.
A.he hated those who were unable to appreciate simple things in life
B.he didn’t see eye to eye with people who liked to save money
C.he had difficulty in figuring out how he got this trait from his father
D.he didn’t understand why people were so materialistic
2. Which of the following is NOT true according the passage?
A.Noah often played the guitar and observed the stars.
B.Clem the dog showed great affection for her master.
C.Noah was destined to be alone since no woman seemed interested in him.
D.Noah planned to restore his house before landing himself a job.
3. Which of the following statements would Noah’s father most agree with?
A.Patients suffering from mental disorder can be cured by nature.
B.The closer you are to nature, the closer you are to your true self.
C.Where there is God’s music, there is home.
D.A good book is a man’s best company.
4. Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman _________.
A.had been a treasure but was now too damaged to read
B.recorded the lives of New Bern’s people who never changed over the years
C.was beyond Noah’s understanding so he randomly picked up some words to read
D.stirred a feeling of nostalgia in Noah
【知识点】 情绪 记叙文


阅读理解-任务型阅读(约420词) | 较难 (0.4)
Introduction to anger
Anger is a natural reaction which comes out when we feel that we have not been given a fair treatment. The positive side of this negative emotion is that it has helped us to evolve as humans and cope in a better manner with our surroundings. However, it tends to become a problem when we fail to control it. Many a time it happens that your anger has hurt others or has spoiled one of your relationships for which you regret later. It has some bad effects on the health, too.
We should control anger so that it does not cause harm to us or to those around us whom we love. One of the best ways to control anger is to get help from others. If you feel that you are unable to manage your anger, it can make you more upset. So tell someone that is close to you, a friend or a family member, about your problem. When you discuss a matter with others, there is a better chance of finding a solution to your problem. Besides, there are no better stress relievers than humor. When you feel that it is because of stress that your anger is becoming unmanageable, you can use humor. It can help you look at difficult things in a lighter way and you will feel better about the things around you.
Anger tends to make us have a lot of negative thoughts. Therefore, we have to change the negative thoughts into positive ones. For this you have to first refuse all the negative thoughts that are in your mind one by one. This can be done with a lot of practice. Once you are successful in that, you have to maintain your focus only on the positive things of life.
Meditation (冥想) is an excellent anger management technique. In addition, what we do is disconnect ourselves from the outer world and focus all our attention into the inner world. This helps us develop a sense of controlling our thoughts that tend to cause anger.
    1    Anger is a natural reaction which comes out when we have been treated    2    .
Positive sides﹡Help us evolve as humans.
﹡Help us deal with our surroundings    3    .
    4    sides﹡Hurt others.
﹡Spoil your    5    .
﹡Have some bad effects on your health.
Some ways to    6    your angerGet help from othersDiscuss your problems with your friend or a
    7    member.
Use    8    It can help you see difficult things in a    9    way.
Think    10    Refuse all the negative thoughts and focus only on positive things.
Practice meditationHelp us control our thoughts which tend to cause anger.
2016-11-26更新 | 681次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐2】Marlene Dietrich is finally to be honored by her home city, Berlin.
For more than half a century, the famous film star won huge fame in Hollywood, but remained a highly controversial(引起争议的) figure in Germany.
When the city’s new film museum is opened on September 26, three of its 15 rooms will show the star’s possessions collected over a lifetime.
In addition to various collections by Marlene, visitors will be able to see all Marlene Dietrich’s movies. There will also be key except for a vast range of Germany-made films.
Dietrich became a world star after her wonderful performance in a movie. After that, she turned her back on Germany, horrified by the sudden movement of Nazi in her hometown.
A few years after the war, the star was persuaded to pay a short visit to Berlin. But the trip proved a disaster. At a city hall gathering in West Berlin, crowds turned out to see her, but not all friendly.
She was attacked at times. She found herself being blamed for wearing an American uniform during the war to please U.S. troops in Europe. She was also scolded for “turning her back on the country”.
Dietrich, deeply hurt, decided she would never return to Berlin again. But she softened her judgment.
When she died in Paris in 1972, it was at her express wish that her body should be sent back to Berlin for burial alongside her mother in a local cemetery.
1. From the second paragraph, we can get to know that ________.
A.Germans were narrowed-minded
B.Germans were difficult to get along with
C.all Germans admired Dietrich
D.some Germans disliked Dietrich
2. The underlined sentence “she turned her back on Germany” (in paragraph 5) means ________.
A.Dietrich looked down upon her country
B.Dietrich turned away from her country
C.Dietrich gave up performance in her country
D.Dietrich lost her job in her country
3. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.Visitors can see various collections by Marlene in Berlin’s new film museum.
B.Dietrich was a famous film star in Hollywood.
C.After the war, Dietrich paid a short visit to her country.
D.Wearing an Australian uniform during the war, Dietrich was regarded a betrayer(背叛者) to her country.
4. The famous film star, as a whole, ________.
A.hated her country because she was once scolded for betraying Germany
B.enjoyed her life in France
C.loved her country from her heart
D.felt satisfied with her performance
2017-01-03更新 | 162次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】The Spotlight Effect

Have you ever felt as if the entire world was watching while you made a mistake? Well, here’s some good news: it’s likely that no one even noticed.

    1    We have this experience not only when we make mistakes but also when we perform well. Every time we do something that is a little different from what we usually do, we may assume that everyone around us will notice. The spotlight effect might happen when we make a mistake in a game, have a bad hair day, or give a terrible answer in class.    2    In these moments, it feels like everyone is watching.

The spotlight effect exists because we all get used to seeing things through our own eyes. Every person is the main character in his or her story, and the events of our lives seem to have great importance.    3    

The spotlight effect is a very common part of the human experience. However, in some cases, it can lead to extreme social anxiety and nervousness around other people. Everyone suffers some degree of social anxiety. We all care about what others think, and we all want to be liked. It’s normal to wonder about what effect we have on other people.    4    If someone is so nervous that they can’t make good decisions, then it’s time to take action and improve the situation.

Learning about the spotlight effect is important because it can help us reduce our anxiety. Next time you feel like everyone is staring at you, remind yourself that it’s just your mind playing tricks on you.     5    If you fill your mind with thoughts of your friends and family, it will help you be less self-conscious.

A.However, this can be a problem when the anxiety is too much to handle.
B.That’s why fewer people notice the embarrassing circumstances they encounter.
C.Another good exercise is to make an effort to notice the people around you, rather than focusing on yourself.
D.The spotlight effect is a trick of the mind that makes us believe that people notice us more often than they really do.
E.What you can do at this moment is to ignore them.
F.We are so busy examining ourselves that we actually observe very little about everyone around us.
G.It can also appear when we score a big goal, ask someone on a date, or do a good deed.
2022-10-08更新 | 1115次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般