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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:454 题号:17109368

The Shenzhou-13 return capsule, carrying the three Chinese astronauts, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu,    1    (safe) landed back on Earth on Saturday morning after a record breaking six-month mission in space. China declared the Shenzhou-13 mission    2    complete success after the medical team waiting on site    3    (confirm) that all three astronauts were in good health.

Zhai, the commander of the mission, was the first    4    (come) out of the capsule, waving his hand to the cheering crowd on site with a big smile. He said he felt very good. He    5    (follow) by Wang, the first female Chinese astronaut who had entered China’s space station. “I want to tell my daughter, mom returned after reaching for the stars,” she said. Ye exited last    6    the capsule. “My first fight to space lasted six months, which was a challenge to me. My space dream came true,” he said.

During the six-month journey in the space station, the crew confirmed key technologies for the construction of the space station,    7    (involve) in-orbit transposition of spacecraft and robotic arm operation of heavy loads. Besides    8    (science) missions, the crew also gave two live science    9    (lecture) from the space station, during    10    they conducted various experiments and answered questions from students watching the class on Earth.

22-23高三上·福建福州·阶段练习 查看更多[2]
【知识点】 航空航天


语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

Tianwen 1, China’s historic Mars mission, has     1     (successful) accomplished all its planned scientific tasks, according to the China National Space Administration. The administration said on Wednesday the Tianwen 1 mission orbiter had obtained medium-definition images of the entire planet,     2     (mark) the completion of its scientific goals. The craft     3     (circle) Mars 1, 344 times so far and will continue to carry out extended remote-sensing operations and     4     (technology) tests.

Named after an ancient Chinese poem, Tianwen 1     5     (launch) on July 23, 2020. The craft travelled about 475 million kilometres and carried out several trajectory maneuvers (变轨) before entering Martian orbit in February last year.

Meanwhile, the Zhurong Mars rover (漫游者),     6    has been in dormant (休眠的) mode since mid-May, is expected     7     (restart) explorations in December, when the weather is more favorable.

The rover, named after the god of fire in ancient Chinese legend, touched down     8     the planet on May 15, 2021 and began to travel across the Martian surface a week later. Before it entered dormant mode, the robot travelled nearly 2, 000 metres and obtained much data and many images on the road to its destination the vast Martian plain where it landed.

By now, the 13 scientific    9     (instrument) on the orbiter and the rover have transmitted nearly 1,040 gigabytes (十亿字节) of raw data back to Earth. The data has been delivered to Chinese scientists and has helped deepen knowledge of     10     Red Planet.

2022-12-06更新 | 90次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

China’s Mengtian space lab module,     1     third major component of the nation’s Tiangong space station, was launched on Monday afternoon in a key step to complete the inorbit assembly of Tiangong. The lab module’s carrier — a Long March 5B heavy-lift rocket — blasted off at 3:37 pm at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in the southernmost island province of Hainan. After     2    (fly) more than eight minutes, the rocket placed the spacecraft into a low-Earth orbit nearly 400 kilometers above the ground in     3     Tiangong is traveling. In the next couple of hours, the Mengtian docked (对接) with the Tiangong station’s Tianhe core module, according to the China Manned Space Agency.

The lab module     4    (be) about 17.9 meters long, has a diameter (直径)    5     4.2 meters and weighs more than 23 metric tons, according to its     6    (design) at the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology. Gan Keli, Mengtian’s project manager at the Shanghai Academy, said, “Scientific     7    (equip) onboard will be used     8    (carry) out experiments in fluid physics, materials science, combustion science and fundamental physics.”

After Mengtian     9    (connect) with the Tiangong, the station will finally form a T-shaped structure and astronauts will have as much as 110 cubic meters in their     10    (use) space.

2023-08-09更新 | 210次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

China’s most complicated and challenging space adventure — the Chang’e 5 robotic lunar mission — ended successfully early Thursday morning with its load of rocks and dust from the moon     1     (land) on the grasslands in northern China.

The recovery team will make initial processing of the capsule and then use a plane to transport it to Beijing,     2     it’ll be opened for     3     (technique) to remove the container holding 2 kg of lunar samples from a     4     (previous) unvisited area known as “Ocean of Storms”, the China National Space administration said.

Next, the sealed samples will be transferred to specially     5     (design) laboratories for analyses, experiments and tests so scientists can determine the extraterrestrial (地球以外的) substances’ composition, structure and traits. This can     6     (deep) their knowledge about the history of the moon and the solar system. In addition     7     those scientific objectives, project planners also want the mission to help to foster the country’s knowledge, technology and talent pool for its future manned lunar missions and other deep-space expeditions. Therefore,     8     certain proportion of the samples will also be on public display to enhance science     9     (aware) among the public especially young generations.

The successful landing marked the completion of the historic 23-day Chang’e 5expedition, the first in more than 40 years     10     (bring) lunar samples back to Earth, also making China the third country to achieve this feat after the United States and the former Soviet Union.

2023-08-15更新 | 167次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般