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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:356 题号:17230060

If, like me, you’re the kind of person who finds it hard to make decisions, then Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink might just be the book you have been waiting for. Because Blink is all about rapid cognition — that is, those moments when we make snap judgements, for example, when meeting someone for the first time or looking at something we’re thinking of buying.

He analyses exactly what goes on in our heads when we make split-second decisions and compares this to the thought processes involved when we take longer to come to a decision. Interestingly he claims that, “There are lots of situations — particularly at times of high pressure and stress — when fortunately haste does not make waste.”

What makes Blink a really interesting read is the number of stories that Gladwell includes to support his theories. One such story involves doctors in the Emergency Room at Cook County Hospital in Chicago. After told to change the way of diagnoses, instead of asking for information such as the patient’s age and weight and medical history, they were going to focus only on the patient’s blood pressure. And now Cook County is one of the best places in the US at diagnosing chest pain.

Of course, there are occasions when we leap to the wrong conclusion. In his research, Gladwell discovered that almost all the CEOs of the top companies in the US are tall. There is no actual relationship between height and intelligence, but for some reason, corporations overwhelmingly choose tall people for leadership roles. There is something going on in the first few seconds of meeting a tall person which makes us think of that person as an effective leader, which unfortunately stops us from making an informed decision.

All in all, Blink is a fascinating study on an activity that we all do several times a day. Read it and make better decisions.

1. What does the underlined word “snap” in the first paragraph mean?
2. How were doctors at Cook County Hospital able to make better diagnoses?
A.By obtaining the patients’ medical history.
B.By basing diagnoses on patients’ blood pressure.
C.By abandoning regular ways of diagnosing patients.
D.By inquiring about current health condition of the patients.
3. What does the author suggest by mentioning leadership roles of tall people?
A.Tall people tend to be capable leaders.
B.A person’s height and intelligence are closely related.
C.CEOs of top companies usually draw right conclusions.
D.The first impression of a person can result in bad judgement.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To honor a writer.B.To recommend a book.
C.To introduce a research.D.To explain a phenomenon.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约220词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Below is a list of the most worthwhile writing competitions available.

TALF Flash Fiction Competition

The theme of this contest from Theme Arts and Literature Festival is "The Prime of Lile" in recognition of the l5th anniversary of the death of Muriel Spark. You can deal with this theme in any genre (体裁) and in any way you choose, although you are limited to 500 words.

Prizes : £200, £100, £50.

Entry Fee : £8.

Wild Nature Poetry Award 2022

Here we have a new contest from Indigo Dreams Publishing. It is for poems of up to 48 lines on the subject of cruel sports, wildlife in general, the natural world, or the environment.

Prizes: £200, £100, £75.

Entry Fee: £5.

SPM Poetry Book Competition

This international contest from Sentinel Poetry Movement is for full-length poetry collections on any theme and in any style. To enter, you submit up to 20 pages initially. If shortlisted (入围), you have to submit the full collection before December 31 .

Prizes: £500, £250, £100.

Entry Fee: £25.

Poetry Space Competition 2022

Here's a new contest from Poetry Space, an online platform for modern poetry from around the world, which requires poems of up to 40 lines on any subject. You have to be over 16 to enter. The judge is Rosie Jackson, a poet and creative writing tutor.

Prizes: £300, £200, £100.

Entry Fee: £5.

1. What is special about TALF Flash Fiction Competition?
A.It requires no entry fee.B.It is about a certain theme.
C.It has the longest history.D.It was started by a famous person.
2. Which contest requests part of the entry first?
A.SPM Poetry Book Competition.B.Poetry Space Competition 2022.
C.Wild Nature Poetry Award 2022.D.TALF Flash Fiction Competition.
3. What can we know about the contest from Poetry Space?
A.It is a yearly contest.B.Anyone can take part.
C.It has more than one limit.D.In offers the most prize money.
2021-11-26更新 | 206次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易 (0.85)
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了Andrew Robinson对四本科学选集的评论。

【推荐2】Critic Andrew Robinson reviewed some of the best science picks.


Eckart Frahm

Basic Books(2023)

The world’s first empire developed and flourished in Assyria in the eighth and seventh centuries BC, and has long been seen as the epitome of barbarism (野蛮的缩影). But, as Assyriologist Eckart Frahm reveals in his deeply informed, challenging history, Assyria produced many techniques of the modern world. Its innovations included long-distance trade and complex communications networks.

Hands of Time

Rebecca Struthers

Hodder & Stoughton (2023)

Rebecca Struthers, the first professional watchmaker in the United Kingdom to earn a PhD in horology (钟表学), explores a series of key moments in watchmaking from the past 500 years. Mechanical timekeepers, she argues, have influenced human culture as much as the printing press. Imagine trying to catch a train by depending on the sun’s position, or to perform an organ transplant without measuring the patient’s heart rate precisely.

The Deep Ocean

Michael Vecchione et al.       

Princeton University Press (2023)

“For most people, the deep ocean is out of sight and out of mind,”   write three zoologists and an oceanographer. The zone starts where dim sunlight can no longer support photosynthesis (光合作用), about 200 metres down. This guidebook removes ignorance with superb colour photographs of astonishing organisms, accompanied by detailed descriptions and brief essays.

Tenacious Beasts   

Christopher J. Preston

MIT Press (2023)

Humans and domestic animals make up 96% of the mass of the world’s mammals. The outlook for wildlife remains terrible, writes philosopher Christopher J. Preston. But he describes signs of hope in his well-travelled, thoughtful study of recoveries. He visits farmland, grassland, rivers, forests and oceans, exploring why only certain species are recovering.

1. What is Assyria?
A.A historian.B.A modern city.
C.An ancient country.D.An old emperor.
2. Who studies the reasons why some species are returning to normal?
A.Eckart Frahm.B.Stoughton.
C.Michael Vecchione.D.Christopher J. Preston.
3. What do the four books have in common?
A.They are all about modern science.
B.They are published in the same year.
C.They all have influenced human culture.
D.They all deepen our understanding of nature.
2023-12-16更新 | 19次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 较易 (0.85)

Aging Wisely

Life from Fifty to Seventy-five Years

Viola B. Mecke, Ph.D., ABPP

With retirement, life is expected to be easier. Four stages of retirement are described, showing how pleasures and contentment mix with complexities of bring fears, problems that may loneliness, and sorrows.


Hardback | Paperback | E-book

$28.99 | $16.99 | $3.99

Cosmic Quest

C. Argon

Cosmic Visitors were high-energy carriers from the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way galaxy. They needed to rent abandoned earth bodies for their planets’ DNA diversity and Cosmic Quest.


Hardback | Paperback | E-book

$31.99 | $20.99 | $3.99

The Black Three

Gene Skipworth

Grayville never had a black basketball player. Now it has three. A block doctor just moved to the town whose three sons took Weston to the Ohio State basketball championship.


Hardback | Paperback | E-book |Audiobook

$23.99 | $13.99 | $3.99 | $9.99

Jazzy and Rhumbì

Dorl Seider

This heartwarming and adventurous tale is told from the perspective of two smart kitties, Jazzy Girl Muffin and Rhumbi Boy, who secretly influence their humans Boy, who secretly influence their humans to love and rescue more animals.


Hardback | Paperback | E-book

$40.99 | $32.99 | $3.99

Tackle Box Troubles

Fish Tale #1: Sammy Spinner

Susan Duke

Sammy Spinner is the newest fishing lure to join Tackle Box Troubles. Can Sammy learn fishing tips to catch really big fish, or will he find himself in trouble?


Hardback | Paperback | E-book

$22.99 | $14.99 | $5.99

The Origin and Future of Mankind

Shaun Dowling

Shaun Dowling describes in detail how the universe was formed, how our planet developed, when life appeared, and how it has evolved over time.


Paperback | E-book

$21.55 | $4.99

1. Which book concerns the connection between animals and humans?
A.Cosmic Quest.B.Jazzy and Rhumbi.
C.Tackle Box Troubles.D.The Origin and Future of Mankind.
2. What do these books have in common?
A.They are all intended for kids.B.They each have a digital version.
C.They all have three different prices.D.They can be downloaded from the same website.
3. What is the text?
A.A book review.B.A library poster.C.An academic column.D.A book advertisement.
2023-07-02更新 | 177次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般