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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:409 题号:17360264

Our character, basically, is a composite of our habits. “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny,” the maxim goes.

Habits are powerful factors in our lives. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character and produce our effectiveness…or ineffectiveness.

As Horace Mann, the great educator, once said, “Habits are like a cable. We weave a strand of it every day and soon it cannot be broken.” I personally do not agree with the last part of his expression. I know they can be broken. Habits can be learned and unlearned. But I also know it isn’t a quick fix. It involves a process and a tremendous commitment.

Those of us who watched the lunar voyage of Apollo 11 were transfixed as we saw the first men walk on the moon and return to earth. Superlatives such as “fantastic” and “incredible” were inadequate to describe those eventful days. But to get there, those astronauts literally had to break out of the tremendous gravity pull of the earth. More energy was spent in the first few minutes of lift-off, in the first few miles of travel, than was used over the next several days to travel half a million miles.

Habits, too, have tremendous gravity pull-more than most people realize or would admit. Breaking deeply imbedded habitual tendencies such as procrastination, impatience, criticalness, or selfishness that violate basic principles of human effectiveness involves more than a little willpower and a few minor changes in our lives. “Lift-off” takes a tremendous effort, but once we break out of the gravity pull, our freedom takes on a whole new dimension.

Like any natural force, the gravity pull can work with us or against us. The gravity pull of some of our habits may currently be keeping us from going where we want to go. But it is also the gravity pull that keeps our world together, that keeps the planets in their orbits and our universe in order. It is a powerful force, and if we use it effectively, we can use the gravity pull of habit to create the cohesiveness and order necessary to establish effectiveness in our lives.

1. The author disagrees with Horace Mann because the latter believes ______.
A.habits are like a cableB.habits can be leaned
C.habits learning is hardD.habits cannot be broken
2. The author compares launching spacecraft and breaking old habits mainly because ______.
A.They both involve a little willpower.
B.A lot of effort is needed during both the processes.
C.They both take a tremendous effort in the beginning
D.Once done, they’ll ensure people unlimited freedom.
3. What is the structure of the text?
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.The breakoff of habitsB.Powerful factors in our lives
C.The lift-off of gravity pullD.Important habits in our lives


阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】To put it simply, stress can be the father of growth, while a crisis can be the mother of innovation. The notion that great good can emerge from great adversity (逆境) is as old as the legend of the great phoenix (凤凰), who not only arises but soars to new heights from its own ashes.

In 1598, William Shakespeare penned the play As You Like It. One of the most famous lines from that play is spoken in Act 2 Scene 1 by Duke Senior, “Sweet are the uses of adversity which, like the toad (癞蛤蟆), ugly and venomous, wears yet a precious jewel in his head.” Even 500 years ago, the potential value of adversity was recognized, not by a great healer, but by a great playwright. Can this really be the case?

Fast-forward to the great silent film star Mary Pickford. She was called the most popular actress in the world in the 1910s and 1920s. Failing to continue acting with the advent of the “talkies”(movies with recorded sound), she co-founded the film company United Artists. Shifting her talents to producing and directing, she became the most powerful woman in the entertainment industry. She once noted, “You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.”

Rather than fear and try to avoid adversity, perhaps we should accept the inevitability (必然) of adversity and prepare for it. Indeed, positive things can emerge from adversity.

Adversity reveals true opportunities for those preparing to take advantage. Dr. John Krumboltz’s happenstance theory states that career and life development is best fostered by preparing for opportunities that you may not know even exist in the current moment. Numerous unpredictable factors are potentially shaping the future. These include the crises adversity brings.

In Friedrich Nietzsche’s book, Behold the Man, the German philosopher writes that a person who has “turned out well” could be recognized by the ability to take advantage of and prosper from adversity, just as he wrote before, “What does not kill him makes him stronger.”

So, the next time adversity enters your life, will you run from it, or will you embrace it and use it as a step ping stone to greater happiness and success?

1. Why does the author quote the line from Shakespeare’s play?
A.To emphasize the great wisdom of Shakespeare.
B.To highlight the beauty of Shakespeare’s language.
C.To challenge the conventional belief regarding adversity.
D.To show the long-standing recognition of adversity’s value.
2. What is conveyed through Mary Pickford’s story?
A.Fame can block one’s achievements.
B.Strong determination overcomes adversity.
C.Accepting adversity results in positive outcomes.
D.Courage in the face of challenges leads to success.
3. What is the idea behind Krumboltz’s happenstance theory?
A.Embracing uncertainty.B.Managing life’s challenges.
C.Seizing hidden opportunities.D.Focusing on personal growth.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards adversity?
5. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Finding value and opportunity in facing adversity.
B.Stress as the primary cause of growth and innovation.
C.How to avoid adversity and negative experiences in life.
D.Historical figures who failed to overcome adversity effectively.
2024-05-28更新 | 140次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Life can bring us down from time to time. At some point, you may find yourself in what you will consider as your darkest hour. As you try to find your way out of that bad situation, you should try to remind yourself that there will always be a reason to be grateful.

If you look at your situation now and compare it with someone else who is in much deeper trouble than you, I am sure that you'll find something to be thankful for. We all have our share of problems, but complaining about them so much only makes us blind to the fact that there are the miracles (奇迹) which happen around us each day.

When all your needs are provided, then you should be content and happy. If you have a roof over your head, some proper clothes to wear, enough food on the table, a comfortable place to sleep, clean water to drink and you are free to make your own choices, then you should be happy and grateful. Many people all around the world, especially those who are at war or those in very poor countries, would give anything to be in your shoes.

Even if you lose all your money or possessions and your heart is broken for some reason, as long as you are still alive, then everything you have lost can be regained. If you have a few good friends who will be there to support or help you, then be glad because true friends are hard to find. As long as you have someone to love and someone to love you back, then you are a very fortunate person. Remember to be patient and trust that things will get better.

1. That we complain about the bad situation only results in ________.
A.losing others' support
B.ignoring something good
C.having a far worse situation
D.taking everything for granted
2. By “would give anything to be in your shoes”, the author means many people ________.
A.really admire your shoes
B.are in a better situation than you
C.would like to be in your situation
D.never know the value of your shoes
3. According to the author, as long as you are still alive, ________.
A.you should be content and happy
B.what you've lost will be back soon
C.you will certainly lead a life you like
D.you will have a chance to get what you've lost back
2021-10-05更新 | 102次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约650词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】What do butterflies have in common with the human spirit? Meet Maggie, a middle-aged wife and mother who was about to find out.

Maggie wasn’t rich like a millionaire or poor in a manner of being homeless. She was living an average comfortable life. It was made even better when a baby girl came her way. She and her husband made sure their daughter had her needs met and they were still able to take a yearly vacation by the beach.

Maggie was a partner in her husband’s business. They both had a different set of duties and everything was in balance. One day a severe blow came to her husband’s business, and over a three-year period the business dropped out of sight. Her husband had to totally reinvent himself and was eager to start a new business. She was happy for him and supported him fully, but still the money was not coming in.

Maggie began to feel guilty that she wasn’t contributing with any kind of income. She began job-hunting and found filling out applications somewhat difficult, especially the part asking for job references. She was self-employed with her husband for almost 20 years, which seemed to mean nothing as she was never called for an interview.

When she was job-hunting her mom became more ill than she had been and ended up in the hospital for a week. Once Maggie’s mom returned home she became her mom’s helper one day a week. She did everything that her mother was not able to do any more. Of course her mom would pay her for her lime and labor but she still felt she needed to find another source of income.

One of the first applications she had filled out finally came through. She passed the interview and was told she was exactly what they were looking for. Although it was only part-time it was exactly what she wanted. It was important for her to be home when her daughter arrived home from school.

Within a few weeks, though, she received an e-mail saying that the company had changed the job into a full-time position so that she was not qualified. Maggie felt betrayed and felt she had been lied to. That evening she was alone at home. She welcomed the aloneness and wanted to put herself in the bathtub to kill the lonely time.

As she knew she would, Maggie began to cry, softly at first just from the sharp pain of being rejected. Three long years of struggle had finally overwhelmed her.

When she was able to cry no more, she became worn out and gave up. It was at that moment that a silent idea came to her: why not offer elderly people home care assistance? Using another talent for computers she printed off some flyers and cards and distributed them to her church, grocery stores and even placed a small ad in the newspaper. Within a week she had procured two new customers. Now, even though she’s not a CEO of a major company she feels happy and productive again.

Before a butterfly can come out of its chrysalis (茧) it has to go through a lot of struggling. Each time it pushes out to escape, acids are being removed from its wings. If someone were to come along and break the chrysalis open for it then the butterfly would die from those acids. Actually the struggle is necessary for the butterfly to survive. Then in the stillness, when the struggle is over, the butterfly can come out and share its beauty with the world.

We as humans are not any different.

1. What made Maggie feel guilty?
A.That she couldn’t afford her husband’s vacation.
B.That her husband’s business failed because of her.
C.That she had no means of helping support the family.
D.That she prevented her husband from realizing his dream.
2. When Maggie was job-hunting, she realized that       .
A.she had rich work experience
B.everything would be okay pretty soon
C.there were few positions suitable for her
D.she shouldn’t have worked for her husband
3. How did Maggie react hearing that the job had become a full-time position?
A.She considered it unacceptable.
B.She knew she was qualified for it.
C.She became very angry with herself.
D.She was so sad that she wanted to kill herself.
4. What does the underlined word “procured” in Paragraph 9 mean?
5. What does the passage mainly want to tell us?
A.We should always have faith in ourselves.
B.Sadness, fear and anger are part of our life.
C.It’s important to prepare for the unexpected.
D.Sometimes we must struggle for a better life.
2017-12-08更新 | 114次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般