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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:93 题号:17587442

When Jeromiewhalen’s brother finished the Appalachian Trail, he had no idea that his adventure wasn’t quite over. One of the friends he’d made along the way had recently turned 83. In order to celebrate his birthday, he invited the man over. As luck would have it, this lively 83-year-old man was none other than famous long distance walker, better known as Nimblewill Nomad! Known as a continuous hiker, Nimblewill first went off into the world of hiking over 25 years ago after retiring (退休) from his job as an eye doctor. Since then, Nimblewill has been able to find peace and go on his many travels alone around the country.

Over the course of his 25 years of hiking, Nimblewill has made many friends and has had his fair share of adventures, some of which has appeared in several of his books. But one of the most famous hikes of his life happened in November 2021.

Although he’s no stranger to the Appalachian Trail, having completed it in 1998, doing it again at 83 was nothing short of a challenge. In fact, it was a record-breaking goal! Once he finished, he would become the oldest person to hike the 2,193-mile trail.

Although he knew the difficulties he would face, Nimblewill happily took on the challenge. Each day he would record his trip and interesting things that had happened on his blog. He dealt with bad weather, bears, mosquitos (蚊子), and physical pain, but in the end, he completed the journey after 261 days.

At the moment, Nimblewill doesn’t haveany plans for when or where he’ll be hiking next, but that doesn’t mean he’s done. No matter what path he takes, one thing is for sure: There are always fellow hikers who will be there to walk right with him and offer him a place to sleep, take a shower, or even celebrate another birthday.

1. What do we know about Jeromiewhalen’s brother from the first paragraph?
A.He once worked as a doctor.B.He was known as a continuous hiker.
C.He was quite familiar with the old man.D.He was friendly and warm-hearted.
2. When did Nimblewill complete the Appalachian Trail for the first time?
A.58 years old.B.60 years old.C.70 years old.D.83 years old.
3. What can we infer from the third paragraph?
A.Nimblewill didn’t think he would finish the hike himself.
B.The Appalachian Trail is the most challenging in the world.
C.The hiking of the Appalachian Trail is of great meaning to him,
D.Nimblewill regarded hiking the Appalachian Trail as a piece of cake.
4. What does Nimblewill’s story show us?
A.No pains, no gains.
B.It is better to give than to take.
C.Fight as long as one has a breath in one’s body.
D.Opportunities always come to those who are prepared.
【知识点】 记叙文 个人经历


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When our second child was born, Jim and I thought she was perfect, but the doctor pointed out that her feet were turned inward. “Left uncorrected, it would be a problem,” he told us.

We determined to do anything we could to help our baby. When only two weeks old, I brought her back to the doctor, just as he had directed, and the doctor put her tiny feet into casts (矫正器), her precious baby toes just barely visible. Because she was growing, I had to take her back to the doctor every two weeks to have each foot recast.

Finally, the casting was finished and it was time for corrective shoes. Jim and I watched with hope and concern as she struggled to walk. Those first, awkward steps made us so proud. By the time she entered preschool, her steps appeared quite normal. Encouraged by her progress, we looked for something else to help strengthen her lower body.

When she turned six, we signed her up for skating lessons and soon she was sliding like a swan. We watched in amazement as she skated on the ice. She wasn't a perfect skater and she had to work hard at every new movement, but she loved the ice and her hard work paid off. At fifteen, she competed in both pairs-skating and the ladies' singles at the 1988 World Junior Championships in Australia, winning both events! At the senior World Championships in 1991, she won the ladies' singles. Then we found ourselves filled with love and admiration in France, at the 1992 Winter Olympics, as our daughter, Kristi Yamaguchi, won the gold medal.

We were proud of Kristi, respecting her strength and hard work, and how far she had come on two tiny feet that had once been in heavy casts. In our eyes, Kristi had always walked with the grace of a true champion.

1. What do we know about Kristi before she turned six?
A.She still walked awkwardly when she entered preschool.
B.She was not likely to walk normally without foot correction.
C.She could walk normally as soon as the casting was finished.
D.She had her feet recast because of slow progress with walking.
2. Why did Kristi's parents sign her up for skating lessons?
A.They expected her to be a champion.
B.They noticed her great interest in skating.
C.They enjoyed watching her sliding on the ice.
D.They hoped for further improvements to her feet.
3. What does Kristi's story tell us?
A.Well begun is half done.
B.Failure is the mother of success.
C.The early bird catches the worm.
D.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
2022-01-17更新 | 71次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In the fall of my junior year, my mother announced that she had signed me up for a volunteering project in Bolivia for my New Year's break. My first thought was,“That's impossible! I want a new computer and a new dress. How will I ever get all those gifts down there?” I was careful not to say these selfish things out loud. Was I really going to spend my New Year's break working in an orphanage in one of the poorest countries in the world?

The day finally came anyway. The children must have heard the engine and grinding (摩擦声) of the bus tires on the rough road, for as the bus turned the corner, I could see no fewer than fifty sets of clear, brown eyes looking eagerly at us. Immediately sprinting (奋力地跑) toward us, one little girl, Naomi, leapt into my arms and kissed my face before even saying,“Hola!”Excited by our arrival, the children directed us to the community center, really a basketball court, which had been decorated with colorful paper. Dressed in traditional Bolivian skirts, the teenagers sang a song as the younger children danced. Having obviously rehearsed (排练) for a long time, they proudly gave us this wonderful show.

The orphanage included ten “casas,” each housing a“family”of eight children. One afternoon I was invited to Casa San Francisco to eat lunch with one of the“families.”As I was served my plate, three-year-old Maria spilled her apple juice all over my food. Knowing not enough food was left in the pot, Eduardo, the eldest boy, offered me his. When I refused, he switched the plates anyway.

Not until several weeks after our return did I realize,“Hey, I didn't get that computer or the new dress.”At the same time, I realized how much I might have missed had I not gone on my Bolivia trip. The gifts I received from the orphaned children added not a single pound to the baggage I carried home, for the lasting gifts they gave me were those of joy, of friendship, and of growing up.

1. How did the author feel when her mother announced the New Year's break arrangement?
A.Scared and surprised.B.Calm and relaxed.
C.Joyful and excited.D.Upset and disappointed.
2. What can be learned about the children from Paragraph 2?
A.They were rehearsing for a big show.
B.They were watching a basketball game.
C.They welcomed the volunteers enthusiastically.
D.They helped the volunteers' bus get through the rough road.
3. Which of the following words can best describe Eduardo?
A.Talented and talkative.B.Generous and considerate.
C.Cautious and brave.D.Reliable and devoted.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.An unforgettable sightseeing tour in BoliviaB.Real friendship found in an orphanage
C.A different kind of New Year's breakD.My family's volunteering tradition
2020-09-21更新 | 44次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】You taught me how to drink grapefruit juice. It was bitter and hurtful, bright and sharp. Like something grownups would drink. My first taste made me cough. You laughed. You were bright and bitter, too. You had your own grapefruit juice, but it was different. Not for kids, you warned me. It was stored atop the fridge and you kept it out of my reach,

We are in your kitchen. My mother, your sister, is not with us. Sometimes I ask why, but you cannot say. Neither of us knows what, besides death, keeps a mother from her child. So instead I sit and keep my eyes on you. I sit on the chair in the kitchen. You have told me this is my special spot. Adults are always telling kids that-something is special. Kids are always believing it. This makes me feel important. Like you need me. Like I am part of you.

We talk about all manner of things. Movies, sports, toys and school. Sometimes I ask you about your life, your own youth. About when you were 20 and living in New York, and everyone said you were the most beautiful. Only 5ft tall in a black mini dress, you dated Yankees and partied with stars. You tell me your life while we watch movies. I sometimes fall asleep in your giant bed, mirrors and glass and candles. It is not a place for kids, but you carve out a place for me.

When I grew we spent less time together. I became too tall to sit in your tiny kitchen. You were no longer the fun, joke-cracking aunt. You were just another lady Certainly nice, certainly family, but not special any more. I was a teenager, nothing was special any more. I had moved so many times, broken so many bonds, that I didn't know how to rest my heart with anyone.

We lost control of our lives slowly, the way a driver drifts into the wrong lane after too many drinks. My own life happened beyond my control. I had developed a taste for your adult grapefruit juice, and spent most of my days drunk. Sometimes you and I talked on the phone, and I was always fine. You were always fine. It was always great to hear from one another. It was always time to go.

1. What might have been kept on top of the fridge?
C.Fruit juice.D.An alcoholic drink.
2. The writer's mother            .
A.has probably passed awayB.is a fashionable lady
C.spends little time with her daughterD.disapproves of her sister
3. When the writer's aunt was young,              .
A.she had a difficult lifeB.she lost control of her life
C.she was lacking in moneyD.she had a wide circle of friends
4. The writer suggests the phone conversations in the last paragraph were           .
2020-11-03更新 | 93次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般