组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:350 题号:17775886

When I was a young girl in 8th grade, my classmates told me how they met new friends and even chatted with celebrities on the Internet. I was intrigued and wanted to experience these exciting things. I opened an online account; this was the beginning of my journey through the virtual world. As time went by, I became accustomed to checking social media more frequently. I buried myself in social media, chatting with friends and sharing my life with them. Social media was a source of happiness and more so, it brought a sense of satisfaction, pain, and frustration.

My newfound interest started interfering (干扰) with my schoolwork. Instead of checking my school notes in time as usual, I checked social media more often to see what was happening with my friends’ lives. But I later discovered that by becoming more aware of other people’s lives, I became less in tune with myself. I was more focused on the illusions social media presented than the realities of my life. Thus, I started to sense depression, jealousy and hatred as a result of comparing my life with others. And I became much like what the people in the virtual world expected of me.

Luckily, my phone went missing and my mother refused to get me a new one. I felt sad and lonely. However, her refusal led to something more meaningful to my life. Within a month, I became less concerned about other people’s lives and more concerned about my courses. And I had more time to study and sleep.

Lack of social media also made me realize that social media had been interfering with my study habits and my private life. For example, I had no privacy. Anyone who had access to my social media profiles could easily find out where I lived. Moreover, I sometimes spent 15 hours browsing through social media without doing anything productive.

After examining my use of social media, I decided not to entirely quit social media, but to change the way I use them. I unfollowed sites that didn’t contribute to positive or educative aspects of my life. I only use social media to spread positive messages and connect with others. Social media is not inherently bad, but it becomes terrible when we are addicted to it.

1. After creating an online account, the author       .
A.became less in harmony with herself
B.showed no concern for her school work
C.lived a more exciting and satisfying life
D.cared more about others and felt happier
2. Lack of social media made the author       .
A.develop new hobbies
B.focus more on her studies
C.forget how to access her account
D.unfollow sites connected with her life
3. The author might agree that social media       .
A.ruins people’s life and should be quit
B.broadens people’s views of the world
C.challenges people’s self-control ability
D.plays a primary role in people’s life
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.A struggle in the days without phones.
B.Ways to get rid of social media addiction.
C.A personal experience with the virtual world.
D.Drawbacks of social media outweigh benefits.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】I’d been retired for four years, when a friend suggested university. I thought he was joking—I was rubbish at school and failed my 11-plus. But we love to compete over Mastermind and University challenge, and he thought I’d make it. And he was absolutely right!

I did a foundation course first, which was part time at the University Lifelong Learning Centre(LLC), two nights a week and the odd Saturday. I did quite well, and that gave me the confidence to do a full time, three year degree. I’m passionate about art and I always wanted to be here for the journey and not the destination. That sounds really corny, but it was the truth in my case.

Initially it was a bit strange fitting in with my course mates. They were all 18, straight out of sixth form or college. Over time, though, they’ve all been fine — now, we all get on really well and there is no issue. I’ve made plenty of friends as a member of the mature students society, and I do some volunteering through the LLC, chatting to prospective students about my experience of coming to university. I tell them my story and basically encourage them to give it a go because you’ve got nothing to lose. I like to think I’ve convinced a few of them.

I have no regrets at all. Enrolling in university was the best piece of advice I’ve received in years, especially post-retirement. I needed routine in my life; I needed purpose. I’m not going to spend my day in the bookies or the pub. If you’ve got a passion for something, you should pursue it.

1. What do we learn from Paragraph 1?
A.The author often competed with his friend at university,
B.The author was satisfied with his performance at school,
C.The advice of his friend was a big challenge for the author.
D.The author’s friend told a joke when suggesting university.
2. What was it that made him determined to pursue a full time degree?
A.His long held passion for art.
B.His boring retirement life.
C.His success in the foundation course.
D.His desire to travel to the destination.
3. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.How he got along with his course mates
B.How he helped his friends at university.
C.What activities he took part in at school
D.What he experienced as a volunteer.
4. Which of the following can serve as the title of the passage?
A.Knowledge is power.
B.It’s never too old to learn.
C.Failure is the mother of success.
D.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
2020-08-21更新 | 146次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Recently, I said something like this to my 13-year-old son: “I've told you a thousand times, just do your work and we can stop fighting. Why don't you just listen to me? I hate having to shout to get you to pay attention.”

Creating a peaceful relationship with our children is a huge test of emotional intelligence-and particularly empathy. In the above example, there are a number of emotional intelligence failures. I was angry, so I was reacting unconsciously instead of responding intentionally. Under my anger was a feeling of powerlessness and fear. I was scared that he is not self-motivated and won't do well. I reacted to the fear by attacking. I was trying to use my force of will to make him obey.

The first rule of emotional intelligence: When people feel pushed, they resist. I was blaming him, interpreting his lack of interest in homework as a kind of personal attack on me and implying that he was making me behave the way that I behaved. I was focused on what I wanted and my perspective.

I'd like to focus on this last point, because it turns out that this lack of perspective-taking—this lack of empathy—is the key to easing parent-child tension.

When I increase empathy and relook at the situation with compassion, I see a different story. Perhaps he was afraid, too. Perhaps he felt powerless, too. Perhaps he's learned the exact same pattern I've modeled: When you're afraid, attack.

That moment of curiosity is the doorway to empathy, and it's a game changer. Empathy is not actually a complex skill. It's a basic part of the social brain. That little pause of curiosity is a way to step out of the stress reaction, and step into being the person we choose to be.

Hopefully, I'll remember to take that all-important pause and ask myself :I wonder what's really going on for him right now.

1. What phenomenon is described in paragraph 1?
A.The parent-child tension.B.The poor emotional intelligence of parents.
C.The peaceful communication.D.The silent resistance from children.
2. What emotional intelligence failures did the writer make in the relationship with his/her son?
A.Lacking a sense of fear.B.Forcing his/her son to give in.
C.Making personal attacks.D.Making intentional responses quickly.
3. What's the best title for the text?
A.Parent-Child ConflictsB.The Test of Emotional Intelligence
C.The Doorway to EmpathyD.The Key to Easing Parent-Child Tension
2020-07-29更新 | 38次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】My hands were shaking uncontrollably. I tried incredibly hard to focus on the words that I spent hours putting down on paper. I tried to conquer my fear of speaking in public on numerous occasions throughout my life. During college and at my first few jobs, I would get ridiculously nervous when I had to give a presentation or lead a meeting. Public speaking had been my nemesis for as long as I could remember.

Then in my mid-thirties, I decided to join the public speaking group Toastmasters. At every meeting, we were rated and forced to compete with other speakers for an award. You would think that I would walk away from these experiences as a polished speaker, but nothing seemed to work.

It wasn’t until recently, when science and scientific institutions were being attacked for unfair reasons during the pandemic, that I decided I must speak out. Science has made this country a place where dreams come true — this is why we all need to protect science. In addition, as a science writer, I try to get readers to understand how science is related to their daily lives.

So I ended up on that frightening stage on that sunny Saturday in April — Earth Day. Despite the body shakes and fear, I persevered. That day, I looked out into the crowd of like-minded science supporters and I felt comfort.

Reaching that milestone goal of getting through a speech truly changed me. At almost forty, I learned that passion can set off a flame in my heart to do things I never dreamed possible. The darkness that led to my speech is sure to lead to new opportunities and adventures.

1. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “nemesis” in Para. 1?
2. How did the author behave about public speaking after leaving Toastmasters?
A.He began to feel less worried.B.He became a polished speaker.
C.He remained a shy speaker.D.Things became worse for him.
3. What made the author want to speak out on Earth Day?
A.It was a good chance to learn science.
B.He must rise up to defend his profession.
C.It was a project organized by Toastmasters.
D.He couldn’t have people attacking science.
4. What lesson did the author draw from his successful speech?
A.Passion can motive us to achieve the unachievable.
B.Any difficulty can be overcome with great effort.
C.Science can lead us to make wonderful changes.
D.Frustration can be stepping stones to success.
2022-07-28更新 | 365次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般