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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:66 题号:17793696

Come to build robots!

Robots are fun to play with, but did you know that they are equally fun to build? Don’t worry, it’s easier than you may think. You don’t have to know lots about electronics or be a genius at engineering to have a go at creating your own robot. There are lots of simple kits (配套原件) and resources available that make it easy to build a robot in your own home, and if you don’t feel confident enough to have a go at home, there are plenty of clubs that offer courses in robot-building for young people.

◇Why to build?

“Creating a robot teaches you in great about how it is put together and how it works, ” says Steve Hubbard, of Robot Fun, which hosts robotics master classes for teens in Suffolk. “As you build and test a robot, you also learn how to fix it when things go wrong, as they always do.” Building and programming a robot is a practical application of science and engineering and a great way of learning how to solve all sorts of problems. You don’t need any special skills. If you can build with Lego or draw a line, you can build and program a robot.

◇How to start?

Matthew Applegate runs the Creative Computing Club in Ipswich, Suffolk. He says, “The Lego Robots kits are amazing. You can use cardboard, glue sticks and string to make a prototype (雏形).” Some kits can be expensive but there are ways to build your robots using things around the house. You can build an arm with cardboard, straws and string, adding it to a low-cost kit.

Building robots is really great. It isn’t easy at first, but when you get better, you will be surprised how much you can do. Come to get your first robot kit and make it whirr into life!

For details on how to build a Raspberry Pi buggy: tinyurl.com/TW J-robotbuggy
For details on how to join a robot club: tinyurlcom/TW J-members
For more information on kits and classes: tinyurl.com/TW J-resources
For more information on robots and their history: tinyurl.com/TW J-realrobots
1. What do you need to build a robot at home?
A.To know lots about electronics.B.To put necessary parts together.
C.To be a genius at engineering.D.To have rich experience in playing with robots.
2. If you want to know more about different robot kits, you can visit________.
A.tinyurl.com/TW J-robotbuggyB.tinyurl,com/TW J-realrobots
C.tinyurl.com/TW J-resourcesD.tinyurl.com/TW J-members
3. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To encourage teens to learn to solve problems by building robots.
B.To explain the advantages of building one’s own robots.
C.To analyse the need of teens to build their own robots.
D.To advertise a method of building robots with fun.


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】As we know, it only takes about 3 minutes for the average house to catch fire and become fully lit. When it comes to a fire, 3 minutes is even scarier.     1     Here are some of the signs of electrical fire you can recognize, potentially saving yourself and your home.

    2     When you notice a burning smell and you don’t know where it’s coming from, this could be one of the signs of electrical fire. Taking a quick survey of the home, if you do know where the origin of the smell is, shut off electricity to this part of the home.

A burnt, discolored switch is a sign of danger. If a switch appears discolored, unfortunately this could mean there’s an electrical fire about to occur. Any discoloration or burning shows an electrical spark has already happened. It is best to call someone immediately to have them look at it. There are some ways to deal with the trouble.    3    

Old wires have been damaged.    4     That’s because old wires can be damaged as animals chew on them, from the wear and tear of the insulation around the wires, and through worn connections. This is an electrical fire risk that should be replaced or repaired by a professional.

Lights are going down for no reason. Do you ever notice your lights flickering without any reason?    5     If the lights are dimming too frequently, these could be signs of electrical fire happening very soon.

A.A burning smell comes out of nowhere.
B.You’d better keep calm, just doing nothing.
C.Actually, they should be checked every 4 years.
D.About 20% of the house fire comes from electricity.
E.Shut off electric equipment when electricity is cut off.
F.You can replace it before another more serious one occurs.
G.This shows that something is causing your lights to become dark.
2022-01-24更新 | 55次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】For some people, the warmest memories from childhood come from being read a great story.     1     It develops children’s language skills and increases their ability to succeed in school and, later, work.

Experts say parents should read books that are not too long and on the right age level so that children will not lose interest. They say parents should also point to and talk about pictures in books for infants (幼儿).     2    

Elizabeth Lyttleton has three daughters. They are at age ten, eight and two.     3     She says, "I watch my two-year-old, who is now getting a big language explosion. So much of it comes from the books that she reads. With my eight-year-old, it’s now the broadening horizons (眼界). The oldest now truly reads for pleasure and can get lost in young adult books. "

    4     The company Scholastic is a major publisher of children’s books. Every two years, Scholastic publishes a report on American reading attitudes and habits. The 2015 report says only 31 percent of children in the U. S. read a book for fun almost every day. Four years ago that number was more than double.

Scholastic also suggests some ways to develop a love of reading in a child.     5     Another way to develop a reading habit in children is to read to them. The Scholastic report also suggests permitting children to choose their own books. Of all the 6 - to 17-year-olds in the Scholastic study, more than 90% said their favorite books are the ones they choose for themselves.

A.One is simply to have books in the home.
B.All her children read books at the same time.
C.All her children learn from books — but in different ways.
D.Of course, adults can enjoy reading children's book
E.But reading to children can do more than create warm memorles.
F.For young children, parents should ask questions about the book.
G.However, researchers find that the number of children who read for fun is dropping fast.
2020-10-18更新 | 266次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Although many of us may accept in theory that failure is a necessary component of all learning and growth, in practice,     1    . We may know that we need a growth mindset in order to develop, but failure remains an experience that is often associated with shame.

There are various reasons why we may fear failure.     2    . When we fail at something, our self-image suffers. We may feel worthless, and we may criticize ourselves for our failure. If we fail publicly, our failure will be visible to others. We may fear other people’s judgment. We may fear that our failure will impact or end our career, or else that it will damage our fame.

How, then, can we overcome our fear of failure so that we can truly benefit from what failing has to teach us?

    3    . Reminding yourself that there is no growth without failure — no learning, no development, no new experiences — can help you see what you dislike in a new light. Be open to learning from failure for overall development.

    4    . Try to learn a new skill or hobby — a sport, cooking, dancing, drawing, playing an instrument — and be kind to yourself in the learning process. Mindfully allow yourself to fail, to try again, to fail again but better, and try again, until you get somewhere.

Keep a little diary in which you record what your failures have taught you. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself when you fail, ask yourself: What can I learn from this experience? And remember:     5    .

A.we can easily make the most of it
B.Look at your attitudes about failing
C.we often struggle greatly with failing
D.Build your failure muscle gently in a safe space
E.Fear may prevent you from seeking new experiences
F.While it is hard to fail, it is much worse never to have tried to succeed
G.Perhaps the most common is that our self-worth tends to be tied to success
2024-02-21更新 | 74次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般