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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:69 题号:17856055

Submitting Homework Online

In order to upload an assignment to the system properly, you must save the assignment using one of the following applications: Microsoft Word, Corel WordPerfect, or Microsoft Excel.

After you complete an assignment, it is important to save your work. This ensures that assignment being uploaded to the system is the most updated version. Your word processing program may attempt to save the assignment to a default folder on your computer. We recommend creating a new folder, named after your course, in a location that is easy to remember, such as “My Documents.”

File Name Requirements

Select a file name for the assignment that is easy to remember. The file name must NOT contain spaces. Any spaces used in the file name will prevent the file from uploading to the system. File names using the extensions .rtf, .html, .zip, .jpg, or .exe are NOT allowed. Review the following examples to be sure that you use the proper format:

Example of an acceptable file name: lesson1.doc

Example of an unacceptable file name: lesson 1.doc

Assignment Upload Procedure

Make sure you save the assignment using one of the applications previously identified and ensure that it meets the file name requirements described above. When the file is ready to upload, follow these steps:

1. Log into the system.

2. Enter your address information and click the CONTINUE button. You will be routed to the “Directions” screen.

3. Review the directions and click the CONTINUE button. You will be routed to the “Special Assignment Upload” screen.

4. Click the BROWSE button. The “Choose File” pop-up window appears.

5. Navigate to the location on your computer where you saved your assignment, and select the file.

6. After you have selected the file, click the UPLOAD button to upload your assignment to the system.

1. Which file name is acceptable for submitting homework?
A.research paper.docB.research paper.pdf
2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Applications.B.Uploading steps.
C.The file name.D.Code numbers.
3. The directions suggest saving an assignment to a specific folder in order to help the student_____.
A.navigate the systemB.remember the location of the document
C.choose the appropriate applicationD.remember the document name quickly


阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】How to Teach kids About Setting Goals

    1     It can become an easy process for a lifetime if kids are taught goal setting at an early stage. They need to be offered a project to make them work on accomplishing something personal.

Set smart goals. A goal needs to be measurable, specific, realistic and timely in order to be effective. Kids prefer generalizing(泛化)when it comes to goal setting. For example, one may want to be the best basketball player in the team.     2     What exactly does a goal like this mean? You need to ask them to be specific. Begin with scoring two baskets in each game (or however many; just something measurable!) so that they can continuously push the barriers to accomplish greater goals.

Write down goals.     3     Recent studies show that when goals are written down, the individual is likely to achieve them.

    4     Kids have the habit of choosing goals that just seem impossible to achieve. You need to teach them the concepts of short and long-term goals and give your child reality checks.

Set up review points. You can ask them to write their main goal on the poster and mention the steps they would take for attaining their goal.     5     It is important to help your children have their own checkpoint systems that actually work for them.

A.Goals can’t be accomplished absolutely unless they are written down.
B.This tip is supported by science as well.
C.How is a goal like this measured?
D.Ask them to track their progress once a week or month.
E.Face goals that are not realistic.
F.Is it a really big goal?
G.It is essential for everybody, especially for kids, to set goals in life.
2021-09-29更新 | 126次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Giving a gift that will stand the test of time is always a challenge,but giving plants is one way to try.Whatever type of plant you choose,it’s sure to last longer than cut flowers    1    

The most important thing to consider is where it will live.If your friend’s place is bright and sunny,a succulent(多肉植物)makes sense.     2    Succulents naturally grow in desert-like environments,while orchids(兰花)grow in damp forests.

    3    It can help you understand what conditions it prefers.So,while picking out plant gifts,ask the salesperson for more information to ensure what you choose is a match for where it will end up.

Whatever plant you choose,make peace with the fact that it may or may not survive.After all,a house’s inside is pretty dissimilar to where that plant naturally grows.So we can all only do our best.    4    If their leaves dry up,they’re not getting enough water.If they’re reaching their leaves toward the light,they may need more of it.So offer that advice to your friend,and then let it go.

If you have a plant-interested friend on your gift list,why not choose a plant which is easy to keep alive in his place and looks lovely?You don’t need to wrap it,as a simple bow is   enough.    5    It’s a way to ensure your gift gets a good start in life.

A.You can always put them inside a paper bag.
B.But you can consider giving a nice pot and bag of soil.
C.Knowing the natural history of a plant is equally important.
D.Even relatively experienced green thumbs sometimes lose
E.The key is to pay attention to plants-really look at them each day..
F.If you want to choose plants as gifts,the ideas below will help you on your way.
G.If your friend has a cool home with no direct sun,an orchid is probably a better choice.
2020-05-26更新 | 218次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A garden for wildlife in your backyard doesn’t have to be a jungle of untidy plant life. It can and should be a quiet shelter for you and animals. In fact, you don’t need a great deal of space to create a wildlife garden.     1     Use what you have and build from there. A successful garden for wildlife is built on four aspects: shelter and protection, food sources, water sources and nesting areas.

    2     As you create a wildlife garden, keep this in mind. Your goal should be a pleasing mix of evergreen and deciduous trees and bushes. Plants that make your winter garden beautiful will also provide shelter and protection.

Bird feeders are a must for any garden for wildlife. Try making your own! Take into account that different birds feed at different levels and eat different kinds of seed, fruit and fats. Try to choose as many local varieties as possible.     3     Also, look for plants that produce berries to serve as a food source in fall and winter.

All animals need water to survive. An easy way to ensure the arrival of wildlife is to provide a clean water source. The traditional birdbath is fine, but placing a bowl at ground level will give some other creatures a chance. The low, boggy spot in the yard may be the perfect spot to dig out a pond for fish, frogs and birds.     4    

As you create a wildlife garden, plan for nesting areas. A few bird boxes around the yard can be an invitation to the surrounding bird population.     5     Nesting birds are territorial and won’t nest too close to their neighbors.

A.Don’t put those boxes too close together.
B.It will make your backyard lovely and peaceful.
C.A larger space only increases the variety of the creatures.
D.The boxes should be measured specifically for birds in your area.
E.Even the smallest preformed pool can add wildlife interest to your yard.
F.Almost all wild creatures use plants not only for protection but also for shelter.
G.Seeds, nectar and insects are all possible food sources for some little creatures.
2021-08-03更新 | 206次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般