组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 环境 > 环境保护
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:228 题号:17897626

For years, twice a day Aadya Joshi walked past a dump filled with smelly rubbish in her neighbourhood of south Mumbai on her way to and from school. Originally it was meant to be the garden of the local police station. When she was 15, during her summer holidays, Joshi decided to do something about it. “I walked into the police station and was like, ‘Can I please clean your garden?’” recalls Joshi. “It took three or four weeks to eventually convince them that I was not going to give up halfway and leave them with more work.”

The plot of land covers an area of 60 square meters, about a quarter of a tennis court. But, over the course of four Sundays in the summer, with help of local residents, Joshi did more than clear it. She replanted it with native Indian plants and trees. Joshi said, “The first day that we cleaned up I made the mistake of not wearing gloves and I was sick for two weeks.”

The idea for native planting came from Joshi’s reading on the Miyawaki method of afforestation (植树造林) and the work of University of Delaware ecologist Douglas Tallamy. These both argue that planting the right trees can have a significant impact on restoring insect and animal biodiversity. The results in Mumbai were instantaneous: monkeys now hang out at the police station, and butterflies and birds have made the garden their home.

After creating the garden, Joshi developed a database of 2,000 plants unique to the Indian subcontinent and last year was awarded the annual Children’s Climate prize, founded by Swedish energy company Telge Energi. Her advice for others looking to follow in her footsteps: “If you bite off more than you can chew in the beginning, you will be stuck and lose motivation,” she says. “But something small, like your neighbourhood police station, it’s very manageable.”

1. What can we learn from Joshi’s words in the second paragraph?
A.The work was enjoyable and rewarding.
B.The garden was too large to clean.
C.The cleaning was hard and dangerous.
D.Joshi was sick of the cleaning work.
2. What does the underlined word “instantaneous” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What can we learn from Joshi’s advice in the last paragraph?
A.All roads lead to Rome.
B.Time and tide wait for no man.
C.The longest journey starts from the first step.
D.Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To demonstrate the environment problems.
B.To call on attention to India’s young people.
C.To persuade readers to donate to a environment program.
D.To advocate a teenager’s efforts in caring about the world.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Windbreaks are barriers formed by trees and other plants. Farmers plant these barriers around their fields, which help prevent the loss of soil and stop the wind from blowing soil away. They also keep the wind from damaging or destroying crops. Besides, extra trees and plants can be cut down and used or sold for wood.

Windbreaks can be highly valuable for protecting grain crops. For example, in parts of West Africa grain harvests were twenty percent higher in fields protected by windbreaks compared to fields without them.

But here is something interesting about windbreaks. They seem to work best when they allow some wind to pass through the barriers of trees or plants around a field. If not, then the movement of air close to the ground will lift the soil. Then the soil will be blown away. For this reason, a windbreak works best if it contains only 60 to 80 percent of the trees and plants that would be needed to make a solid line. An easy rule to remember is that windbreaks can protect areas up to 10 times the height of the tallest trees in the windbreak.

There should be at least two lines in each windbreak.One line should be large trees. The second line, right next to it, can be shorter trees or other plants with leaves. Locally grown trees and plants are considered the best choices for windbreaks. Trees reduce the damaging effects of wind and rain. Their roots help protect soil from being washed away. And trees can provide animals with shade from the sun.

1. The advantages of building a windbreak are as follows EXCEPT ________ .
A.keeping the wind from destroying grain cropsB.increasing the production of grain harvests
C.providing humans with shade from the sunD.reducing the damaging effects of wind and rain
2. The author thinks windbreaks are interesting because________.
A.the movement of air lifts the soilB.windbreaks allow some wind to pass through
C.large trees are lined with short onesD.windbreaks can stop the wind getting through
3. If the trees grow to a height of 30 feet, the areas the windbreak can protect are________.
A.100 square feetB.151 square feetC.240 square feetD.300 square feet
4. What can be inferred from the text?
A.Extra trees and plants can be cut down for wood.
B.The environment is going from bad to worse.
C.Trees and plants from abroad are the best for windbreaks.
D.Windbreaks can contribute to agriculture harvests.
2023-06-24更新 | 25次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The climate change has become an issue that no one can escape from. If the world wants to limit climate change, water shortage and pollution, we all need to choose “flexitarian” diets, say scientists.

This means eating mainly plant-based food, which is one of three key steps towards a sustainable future for all in 2050, they say. Food waste will need to be halved and farming practices will also have to improve, according to the study. Without action, the impacts of the food system could increase by up to 90%. Fast on the heels of the landmark report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) comes this new study on how food production and consumption impact major threats to the planet.

The authors say that the food system has a number of significant environmental impacts including being a major driver of climate change, providing freshwater and reducing pollution through over use of nitrogen (氮) and phosphorus (磷).

The study says that thanks to the population and income growth expected between 2010 and2050, these impacts could grow between 50%~90%. This could push our world beyond its geographic boundaries. So when it comes to climate change, the authors looked at what they called a “flexitarian diet”.

“We can eat a range of healthy diets but what they all have in common, according to the latest scientific evidence, is that they are all relatively plant-based,’’ said lead author Dr. Marco Springmann from the University of Oxford.

“You can go from a diet that has small amounts of animal products; some might call it a Mediterranean-based diet; we call it a flexitarian diet. We tried to stay with the most conservative one of these which in our view is the flexitarian one, but even this has only one serving of red meat per week,” he added.

If the world moved to this type of diet, the study found that greenhouse gas emissions (排放) from agriculture would be reduced by more than half.

1. What benefit will the new diets bring to the world?
A.The animals will be saved.B.People will need more water.
C.The climate change will stop.D.The pollution will be controlled
2. What can be called a “flexitarian” diet?
A.Eat animal products every meal.
B.Eat plant-based vegetables every meal.
C.Eat mainly vegetables and never eat animal products.
D.Eat plant-based meal mainly and animal products sometimes.
3. What will happen if the new diet is popular globally?
A.The climate will become warmer.B.The food consumption will increase.
C.People will have less greenhouse gas.D.People will produce more food waste.
4. What is the attitude of the author to the new diet?
2024-01-07更新 | 28次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Many cities and towns have laws that require people to recycle paper and plastics. Now some state and local governments have passed laws that require citizens to recycle their food waste as well. California and Vermont have statewide laws about recycling food waste that apply to businesses and homes. The process of recycling food waste and turning it into usable soil is called composting (堆制肥料).

Food waste that can be composted includes fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, tea bags, and eggshells. Garden waste such as stems and leaves can also be composted. Meat, fish, and dairy food waste cannot be recycled.

According to environmental groups, composting reduces the amount of trash going into landfills (垃圾填埋池), and composted waste holds a wide range of nutrients. When compost is added to the soil in gardens and fields, it helps crops grow.

Reducing the amount of waste that goes into landfills is one reason why cities and states are passing food-waste recycling laws. “Our landfills are far from enough for the creation of new ones is shrinking.” Renee Crowley, a project manager said.

Officials in Seattle, Washington, say that food waste makes up 30% of the trash going into landfills, and they are looking to reduce that percentage. That city has a law requiring people to recycle food waste. It is banned from all garbage. There is a fine for people who put it into regular garbage.

Crowley points out that even in cities where food recycling is not a law, there are often places where citizens can drop off their food waste for composting. Many schools and colleges have also started composting programs.

Those who are against food-recycling laws say that the composting process is costly. In addition, it can be difficult for people who live in apartments to store their waste because they don’t have access to outside storage bins. Patti Ferguson from Orange County, California, told her local newspaper that she thought an indoor container containing food waste would get smelly.

1. What do we know about composting from the text?
A.It is cheap to compost food waste.
B.Not all food waste can be reused.
C.Not all soil can be composted.
D.It is usually processed in empty landfills.
2. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.Ways of keeping nutrients in the soil.
B.Ways of reducing the amount of trash.
C.Benefits of recycling food waste.
D.Examples of different useful nutrients.
3. In Seattle, throwing food waste into garbage is     .
4. Patti Ferguson’s attitude towards food-recycling laws is probably     .
2017-12-16更新 | 135次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般