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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:181 题号:17977635

Britain’s meat industry on Friday warned that an upcoming shortage of carbon dioxide (CO2) could cause massive disruption (中断) to food supplies within two weeks.

The gas is used to stun (昏迷) animals before being killed, in the vacuum packing of food products to extend their shelf life, and to put the fizz into beer, cider and soft drinks.It is also required for some medical procedures and used in the nuclear and semi-conductor industries.

Britain’s food supply chain, already suffering from a severe shortage of heavy goods vehicles (HGV) drivers and the impact of Brexit and COVID-19, is heavily reliant on fertiliser producers for CO2 which is a by-product of their production process. However, two of the largest fertiliser producers, Norway’s Yara YAR.OL and rival CF Industries Holdings CF.N, have restrained production due to a sudden increase in natural gas prices, which has in turn started to dry up CO2 supplies.

Nick Allen, chief executive of the British Meat Processors Association (BMPA), said that once current stocks of the gas run out, some meat companies will have to stop taking animals and close production lines, leading to a logjam of animals back to the farms. “We already have this situation in the pig industry which is now facing the disruption prospect of a humane killing on farms,” he said.The BMPA is persuading Business Minister Kwasi Kwarteng to help support UK CO2 production in the short term.

“We are monitoring this situation closely and are in regular contact with the food and farming organizations and industry, to help them manage the current situation,” said a UK government spokesperson.“The UK benefits from having access to highly diverse sources of gas supply to ensure households, businesses and heavy industry get the energy they need at a fair price.”

1. What’s the direct cause of the CO2 shortage this year?
A.A government policy.B.An infectious disease.
C.Transportation failure.D.Cost rise.
2. What does the underlined word “logjam” mean in paragraph 4?
3. What measure may the UK government take?
A.To close production lines.
B.To stop marketing animals.
C.To limit the drinks wholesale.
D.To explore more gas supplies.
4. What may be the suitable title for the passage?
A.Diverse Applications of CO2
B.CO2 Shortage Hit Food Supplies
C.Efforts Taken to Produce CO2
D.The Future of Britain’s Meat Industry


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,主要讲的是Rayner Loi成立了Lumitics公司,使用装有重量传感器、摄像头和人工智能技术的垃圾桶来减少食物浪费。

【推荐1】Rayner Loi keeps a note on his iPhone with details of the fruit and vegetables that go bad every week at his home. That way, when he goes to the supermarket, he has a better idea of how many apples or bananas he actually eats in a week, and can adjust his shopping accordingly. He believes individual action like this is important to tackle the problem of food waste. But he also has higher goals.

In 2017, Loi founded Lumitics, a company that tracks food waste with the aim of helping hotels and airlines, which serve thousands of meals a day, figure out how much avoidable waste they are generating. Loi says most chefs can’t easily monitor all the food that never gets eaten and find it very hard to develop strategies and implement measures to reduce food waste.

Lumitics uses garbage cans equipped with weight sensors, cameras, and Al technology that can identify and track the type and amount of food that gets thrown out--including whether it’s spoiled, uneaten or kitchen waste. Later, Lumitics’ customers use the waste data to adjust the amount of food put out at a breakfast buffet, or cut back on buying certain ingredients. Loi points to company data that shows he has helped the hotels he work with reduce food waste significantly. That’s not only green, it’s good for the bottom line. Hotel restaurants often operate on relatively thin profit, “so any savings for them actually is really immense for their business” he says.

Loi and his small team are already working with major clients like the Four Seasons hotel in Singapore and airlines including Etihad Airways. Now, Loi is expanding his ambitions beyond Singapore: Lumitics is working to begin operations next year in hotels in the Middle East and in other cities across Asia. What they want to achieve is really tangible in terms of the number of meals saved and the amount of carbon emissions avoided.

1. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 1 refer to?
A.keep track of his food consumption.
B.buy less apples and bananas.
C.buy food in supermarket every week.
D.handle the problem of food waste.
2. How does Lumitics work to reduce food waste?
A.It develops strategy and implements measures.
B.It makes full use of the garbage cans.
C.It recognizes and traces the food waste.
D.It analyzes the waste data from hotels.
3. Which one is not the benefits of Lumitics?
A.It is environmentally-friendly.
B.It can help hotel restaurants cut their cost.
C.It can reduce food waste.
D.It can attract more customers.
4. What can we learn about Loi from the text?
A.He loves cooking in hotel restaurants.
B.He is the manager of hotel restaurants.
C.He is ambitious to reduce food waste.
D.He is working with hotels in Middle East.
2023-03-03更新 | 43次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Earth Hour is organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature. It's a big event usually at the end of March every year. On this evening, people “go dark”.     1    

It's true that turning off lights for just one hour saves only a small amount of power.    2    On one level, joining in Earth Hour makes people think about the problem of climate change and what we can do in everyday life to protect nature.

But on another level, a large number of people’s acting together sends a powerful message to governments and companies.     3     They begin considering green issues when big decisions.

The logo(标识) of Earth Hour is “60+” .The number 60 is for the 60 minutes of Earth Hour.     4     In fact, people who join in Earth Hour say that taking part makes them want to do more for the environment.

    5     Musicians give concerts by playing acoustic(原声的) instruments instead of electric ones, and using candles instead of electric lights. Celebrity chefs have created special recipes for families to prepare and eat by candlelight. Tree-planting sessions, group walks and runs are also among the options.

A.But this is only the beginning.
B.Earth Hour represents every hour of every day.
C.After all, everyone has to answer for what they have done.
D.Besides turning off the lights, people get involved in other events.
E.It pushes them to take urgent measures by making changes to policies.
F.That is, they switch off all unnecessary lights at the same time for one hour.
G.The plus invites people to continue their action even after Earth Hour is finished.
2021-03-25更新 | 741次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A tiny Alaska village has experienced a boom in tourism in recent years as polar bears spend more time on land than on Arctic sea ice.

More than 2,000 people visited the northern Alaska village of Kaktovik in 2018 to see polar bears in the wild. The far north community lies in an area where increasingly higher temperature has sped up the movement of sea ice, the primary habitat (栖息地) of polar bears. As ice has gradually moved to deep water beyond the continental shelf, more bears are remaining on land to look for food.

Polar bears have always been a common sight on sea ice near Kaktovik, but villagers started noticing a change in the mid­1990s. More bears seemed to stay on land, and researchers began taking note of more female bears making homes in the snow on land instead of on the ice to raise their babies. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists began hearing reports of the increasing number of polar bears in the area in the early 2000s. As more attention was given to the plight (困境) of polar bears about a decade ago, more tourists started heading to Kaktovik.

The village had fewer than 50 visitors annually before 2011, said Jennifer Reed, of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. “Today we’re talking about hundreds and hundreds of visitors, many from around the world each year,” Reed said. Most tourists visit in the fall, when bears are forced toward land because sea ice is farthest away from the shore. Bruce Inglangasak, a local hunter who sometimes offers wildlife­ viewing tours, said he's been offering polar bear tours since 2004. Most of his clients (客户) are from China and Europe, as well as from the lower 48 U. S. states. Many tourists stay several days in the village, which has two small hotels. The villagers have benefited a lot from that. In turn, they provide more effective protection for polar bears with financial support from tourism development.

1. What causes more polar bears to stay on land in Kaktovik?
A.Food shortage.B.Climate change.
C.Habitats’ movement to shore.D.Their preference for land.
2. How did common people feel about more sight of bears on land?
3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Hotels in Kaktovik are in demand in autumn.B.Kaktovik has about 50 visitors annually.
C.Inglangasak makes a living as a tour guide.D.Tourism affects the balance of nature.
4. Which saying can describe the text?
A.The fittest can survive.B.After a storm comes a calm.
C.One man’s fault is another man’s lesson.D.Every coin has two sides.
2021-11-12更新 | 123次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般