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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:67 题号:17999008

Coming of age is that time in each of our lives when we begin to see the possibilities. The world opens up in ways that mature our vision and give us a sense of responsibility and gratefulness. Connor had just started college and loved being at that stage in his life where he could eat all the pizza he wanted, yet engage in adult conversations with his parents about the responsibility to make life better for others. Connor’s optimism was infectious. There was so much he could do, and so much he could become.

But it all ended one night when Connor was distracted while driving on a Colorado high-way. A young man, who gave off so much light, suddenly went dark.

Connor’s father, David, took it particularly hard. A father sees more than his own traits (性格) in his son; he sees greater possibilities than he achieved. Taking that hope away left David feeling at a loss. But Connor’s optimism was one of those traits passed on to him by his father. So, David got to work.

First, he established the Honor Connor Scholarship Fund to reward students who served in the community. Next, he went to work creating a research-based curriculum that educates University of Colorado Boulder students and their families about the dangers of texting while driving. It includes a very simple three-part promise: Do not text or use social media while driving, speak out if riding with a driver who is distracted and encourage friends and family to drive phone-free.

David now works with lecturers at various colleges and high schools, ensuring young minds understand how statistically at risk they are when they text while driving. He’s become a passionate advocate for preparing young people to drive safely and not reach for their phones while they’re at the wheel. “I just don’t want other parents to go through what I did when I lost Connor,” says David. “It’s just so preventable.”

1. What’s the purpose of paragraph 1?
A.To give the background of a funny story.B.To explain why David chose to volunteer.
C.To sing high praise for Connor’s healthy growth.D.To set off by contrast David’s great pain of losing his son.
2. What happened to Connor on a Colorado highway?
A.The headlight of his car went wrong.B.He drove carelessly and died in an accident.
C.He suffered an accident for his father’s fault.D.He died from another driver’s careless driving.
3. From whom did Connor get the positive attitude towards life?
A.His coach.B.His grandfather.C.His father.D.His teacher.
4. Why did David work with lecturers under a research-based curriculum?
A.He wanted to take a job in a college.B.He took the classes that Connor hadn’t finished.
C.He wanted to prevent similar sad stories repeating.D.He honored Connor for what he had done in the community.
【知识点】 记叙文 个人经历


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Eight hours and 48 miles into what was supposed to be a 24-hour run, Dan Frank entered his Columbia, MD, home at 2 a.m. last Saturday and sat on the sofa in the living room.

Frank, a 36-year-old who teaches math at Paint Branch High in Burtonsville, runs as a hobby, and about two weeks earlier he set a plan of running for 24 straight hours in support of the Howard County Food Bank during the COVID-19 outbreak. But he hit a wall.

Frank didn’t stay long. He got back up, had a lot to eat and drink, and returned to running Howard County’s roads. “It was like: ‘All right, well, you can’t imagine getting up, but it doesn’t really matter. Other people are depending on this, so get up and go,’” said Frank, who posted updates (最新消息) of his run on Facebook.

Late last month, David Kilgore, a 28-year-old who has made a career out of running, ran 100 miles in about 17 hours 47 minutes in Florida to help provide medical workers with supportive footwear. Frank brainstormed his idea and ran for about two weeks while he prepared for the online classes he is now teaching.

Frank began running about five years ago, and he has always felt road races were too serious for him. Still, he was encouraged to provide for those in need. His children attend Phelps Luck Elementary, where every month a mobile food pantry (储藏柜) is stationed. “Over the past month, fewer donations have been made to the food bank,” he said. “In good times, about 40 families show up every time we have that mobile food pantry, and I can’t imagine what it might be like now, with so many people losing their jobs.”

On Sunday night Frank had raised nearly $12, 000 for the Howard County Food Bank. “The coolest part besides raising the money is watching a community do a common cause in these times,” Frank said. “People are looking for things like that right now. They’re at home on Facebook anyway; they want to cheer something on that has some good meaning behind it.”

1. What does the underlined phrase “hit a wall” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Lost his way.
B.Made no progress.
C.Got seriously hurt.
D.Became terribly tired.
2. What gave Frank the idea to run for a good cause?
A.The encouragement from his online friends.
B.The advice of a medical worker.
C.Another runner’s kind act.
D.His great love for running.
3. What does the author want to tell us in paragraph 5?
A.The mobile food pantry is popular among many people.
B.There has been a great need for food in the local community.
C.Frank made it his task to do something for his children’s school.
D.More and more people are unwilling to support feeding local families.
4. How did Frank’s money-raising run turn out?
A.It drew people’s attention to exercise.
B.It received a lot of support from others.
C.It raised as much money as he had expected.
D.It encouraged other communities to do the same.
2023-09-04更新 | 63次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。Martin Kocher毕业于威斯康星大学,他到很多地方去旅行,为自己的全球职业生涯做准备,并成为了一个对多领域有所擅长的人。

【推荐2】Martin Kocher, an international business student at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, has always been interested in exploring different cultures and traditions in preparation for a global career. Focusing on global management, he was super motivated (激励) to develop his career about sustainable development.

Kocher is set to graduate in May with a major in international business, expressing his gratitude to the university for training his international ambitions. After he completed the internship (实习) in Australia, he traveled to a small island of Lombok near Bali, Indonesia. A teacher at the local school told Kocher that the English language can empower students and allow them to bridge the cultural gap with people in other parts of the world, but the school lacked the resources.

As a result. when Kocher returned to U’W-Eau Claire, he founded Language 4 Lombok to connect English language resources from Chippewa Valley residents with the Indonesian island. Books from community book drives are shipped abroad to help children learn English.

His non-profit work is not his whole life. He is also a competitive diver, part-time real estate agent, enthusiastic photographer and writer. Dr. Kaishan Kong, a professor of Kocher said he is a real jack of all trades, and was impressed with his ability to connect different languages while maintaining an incredible enthusiasm for learning them.

Having benefited a lot from his own experiences, Kocher encourages others to travel and venture internationally, calling it “one of the best investments you can make in yourself.”

1. Why did Kocher travel to many places when in college?
A.To enrich his educational experience.
B.To know more about global business situation.
C.To explore different tourist attractions.
D.To prepare his future work in a global environment.
2. What motivated Kocher to create Language 4 Lombok?
A.The lack of English resources in Lombok.B.The importance of communication.
C.The knowledge gained in his internship.D.His experience of founding organizations.
3. What does the underlined phrase “a real jack of all trades” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.A person who has a gift for languages.B.A person owning great passion.
C.A person who is good at a lot of fields.D.A person focusing on the charity.
4. What does the text convey?
A.Practice makes perfect.B.Everything comes to those who prepare.
C.It’s never too old to learn.D.Curious minds never feel satisfied.
2023-11-12更新 | 33次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Climbing along ropes, Hainan gibbons(长臂猿)can now cross a valley created by a landslide (山体滑坡). These endangered animals live in the forest on China's Hainan Island. A 2014 landslide had damaged the preferred route that they took through the forest. They could cross by jumping across the gap, catching onto a palm frond(棕榈叶). But when the frond started to bend, researchers rushed to provide a safer way.

The gibbons were slow to put the new route into use. But they increasingly traveled a bridge made of two ropes across the 15-meter gap.

“When people build roads or other structures in a forest, it can break animal habitats into pieces. This can break populations into smaller groups that may struggle to survive, “ says Bosco Chan, a biologist at the Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden in Hong Kong.

Only about 30 Hainan gibbons remain. Chan and his team were worried about a group of nine that had been affected by the landslide. They wanted to prevent the animals from getting hurt while jumping. So the researchers built a rope bridge.

About 176 days after the bridge went up, cameras caught the gibbons taking to the ropes. "I was very excited when the gibbons first started using it," Chan says. Finally, the team observed the gibbons crossing the bridge about as often as the gibbons had traveled that area of forest before the landslide.

"The Hainan gibbons , use of the bridge suggests that other monkeys may also use rope bridges in such kind of forests," says Susan Cheyne. She works at the IUCN Primates Section on Small Apes. This community of experts works to save gibbons and related species.

The gibbon group's two females and two small youths liked crossing on the bridge. But an adult male never used it and three nearly grown juveniles(少年)rarely did. A baby always made the crossing carried by a female. The bridge provides a temporary solution while trees, including native transplants, grow in to fill the forest gap.

1. How did researchers help these Hainan gibbons?
A.By bridging a gap in a forest.
B.By keeping them away from landslides.
C.By finding them a safe palm tree for shelter.
D.By improving their survival skills in the wild.
2. What do Bosco Chans words in paragraph 3 mainly convey?
A.Wild animals mostly live in groups.
B.Living in small groups benefits wild animals.
C.Human activity may put wild animals at risk.
D.It's hard to monitor the populations of wild animals.
3. Which of the following refused to use the rope bridge?
A.A baby gibbon.B.Two young gibbons.
C.Two female gibbons.D.An adult male gibbon.
4. What's the best title for the text?
A.Gibbons Use Ropes to Cross a Bridge
B.Gibbons Learn to Make and Use Tools
C.Hainan Gibbons Are Highly Endangered
D.Ropes Form a Gibbon Highway Through a Forest
2021-03-19更新 | 78次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般