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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:83 题号:18082486

Creating opportunities

Don’t allow your excuses to prevent you from following your dreams. “I really want to, but I can’t because...” It hurts every time I hear someone say it. I see it for what it is — an excuse. Every one of us has hopes, dreams and goals. We talk about how we will achieve them, but when it’s time to do them, we use that sentence.

During my teen years, I felt stuck. I wanted to learn so many things and achieve my wildest dreams, yet I couldn’t. Living in an underdeveloped country, we suffer from a lack of water, electricity, security and opportunities. And, we don’t have training courses, libraries or clubs, and the internet is slower than a snail crawling (爬行) through peanut butter.

One day, I had had enough. I decided to use the resources I had to create the future I dreamed of. I set my mind on getting the Japanese Monbusho Scholarship. I found articles and books online to become fluent in Japanese. In a few months, I was able to hold a simple conversation in Japanese.

I realized that I would need money. I set out to build a hedgehog(刺猬) care website. Every day, after school, I would research hedgehogs and write detailed articles about them. I studied Japanese and wrote about hedgehogs for three years.

I’m sure you’re expecting a spirit-lifting ending where I travel to Japan and live off my website. That’s not how this story ends. The fact is, I didn’t even get the chance to apply for the scholarship. I failed. Unwilling to accept the facts, I started an online university the next year. And the hedgehog website made me a total of $60.

I can tell you that I tried, but it didn’t work out. It did — just not the way I expected.

I’m not in Japan, but I know how to speak Japanese and have met many interesting people along the way. My hedgehog website didn’t succeed, but I created a new one that’s even better with the experience I gained.

I didn’t let my difficulties stand in my way, and I created my own opportunities. Anyone can embrace (欣然接受) the cards they’ve been dealt (发牌) and create their own way to make them into a winning hand.

1. Why does the author mention the underlined sentence at the beginning of the text?
A.To explain how it hurt her.
B.To show she disagrees with it.
C.To show how often people say it.
D.To explain when people usually say it.
2. What prevented the author from realizing her dreams during her teens?
A.Her lack of aim in life.
B.Her unrealistic dreams.
C.Her lack of interest in studying.
D.The shortage of educational resources.
3. What do we know about the author?
A.She won a scholarship to study in Japan
B.She kept trying even though she failed.
C.Her website earned her a lot of money.
D.She didn’t go to a university in the end.
4. What does the author want to tell us with this article?
A.Opportunity seldom knocks twice.
B.Failure is the mother of success.
C.The weak wait for opportunities, the strong create them.
D.The more you expect, the more disappointed you will be.
5. What do you think of the author?
A.Hopeful and Hardworking.
B.Anxious and Enthusiastic.
C.Patient and Pessimistic.
D.Nervous and embarrassed.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When I was young, my mother didn't have the money to send me to school, but she thought it was important for me to keep up with education. So she decided to teach me extra lessons herself. But because she had to go to work, the only time she could do it was at 4:30 in the morning.

We need every one of you to develop your talents and your skills so that you can help us old folks solve our most difficult problems. If you quit(离开,放弃) on school-you' re not just quitting on yourself , you 're quitting on your country. No one's written your destiny(命运) for you ,because you write your own destiny. You make your own future. That's why today I 'm calling on each of you to set your own goals for your education and do everything you can to meet them. Your goal can be something as simple as doing all your homework, paying attention in class, or spending some time reading a book.

But whatever you decide to do , I want you to commit to(使致力于) it. I want you to really work at it. I know that sometimes you get that sense from TV that you can be rich and successful without any hard work-that your ticket to success is through rapping or basketball or being a reality TV star. No one's born being good at all things. You become good at things through hard work. You're not a good athlete the first time you play a new sport. You don't hit every note the first time you sing a song. You've got to practice.

1. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.The writer's home was very rich.
B.The writer was born in a poor family.
C.The writer didn't like reading books.
D.The writer's mother was a teacher.
2. Why does the writer call on everyone to set his/her own goal?
A.Because everyone's future is to do simple work.
B.Because everyone's future is determined by themselves.
C.Because everyone should do their homework.
D.Because everyone should pay attention in class.
3. How can people realize their great dream?
A.By rapping.B.By playing basketball.
C.By working hard.D.By being a reality star.
2020-03-18更新 | 29次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】I drove a taxi for extra money east of Toronto thirty years ago. Each time a taxi drove up to the front of the Greenwood Racetrack, a group of local kids would run along the sidewalk angling for position by the passenger door. One lucky kid, or rather, the most aggressive one, would open the passenger door and say “Good luck, Mister!” The man getting out of the cab would vaguely say thanks and throw the kid a quarter. It was a routine everybody knew.

Throughout the summer, one kid caught my eye. He was bigger than most of all the other kids but pushed away by even the smallest. He never made it but never gave up. One day, his chance arrived. As I was pulling up to the sidewalk, all the kids were pushing for a cab just ahead of mine. The boy saw me and walked toward my taxi. As I positioned the passenger door right beside him, he never paused and opened the passenger door, warmly saying, “Good luck, Mister!”

But the man neither said thanks nor flipped him a quarter. He pushed him aside so hard that the boy fell on the sidewalk. I knew it hurt him badly. I got out in less than 10 seconds, but the man was gone in the crowd. So I looked for the kid. I decided to give him $20 for the effort. By the time I spotted him he was far up ahead, walking away in the opposite direction through the crowd and his head hanging down. When I got the cab turned around I lost sight of him. I never saw him again. I’d like to find him one day and tell him that if only he had stuck around a little longer I would have given him a whole $20.

I learned from this kid that when things seem so hopeless that you are ready to give up, it’s the time when things are most likely to turn around for you.

1. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.The passenger was ready to give a tip to the kid.
B.The author was a professional taxi driver at that time.
C.The lucky child was the toughest among the local kids.
D.The driver would work with and benefit from those children.
2. Why did the kid never succeed in opening the passenger door?
A.He was modest.B.He was the shortest.
C.He made no effort.D.He pushed his way.
3. Why did the author get out of his taxi?
A.To catch up with the kid.
B.To encourage the disappointed kid.
C.To give the kid some money.
D.To intend to demand the tip for the kid.
4. According to the passage, which goes with the author’s intention?
A.Never give in to difficulties.B.Sunshine comes after a storm.
C.Face up to competitions.D.Each road leads to Rome.
2018-01-19更新 | 140次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Some people view a bad situation as a disaster. It’s not. It’s an opportunity. Once your old world collapses(倒塌), you can recover and rebuild. Now you have the chance to start fresh and do things more intelligently. I built my business on an unstable structure. I kept it going for years, but the business collapsed last year. I had to leave my office, selling off all the furniture and equipment. I got kicked out of my apartment because I couldn’t pay the rent. I couldn’t pay my bills or debt. I declared bankruptcy.(破产)
For years there was the worry that this might happen if I didn’t keep straining(尽力) to keep the business going. And my worries were right. What I worried about would happen did happen .But you know what? Going through that experience wasn’t really so bad. It was interesting. Some of it was actually pretty easy. Throughout most of it, I felt increasing relief and a renewed sense of freedom and possibility. All the old baggage was gone. No more office. Fewer possessions. Fewer obligations. No more debt. Most of all , no more straining. Life became a lot easier.
I got a cheaper and smaller apartment. I became debt-free. I learned to live within my means. Those were actually good things. The others were just feelings. The reality wasn’t actually painful. After that, I kept going with the same business but completely changed the business model. I avoided the earlier mistakes, and that business recovered just fine and worked great. It was profitable every year from then on. But I had to go through the collapse first to reach that point.
If you’ve been feeling out of control with your current work or lifestyle, and you’re currently straining to keep it going ,consider letting it go. Try allowing the old world to collapse, many or all of your fears and worries might actually come to pass, but that’s ok. You don’t have to keep the old world alive. If it keeps falling apart on you ,let it collapse. Experiencing the collapse isn’t as bad as fearing the collapse
1. The author regards the collapse of the old world as an opportunity to_____
A.get a new world started in better ways
B.turn to others for help to save ourselves
C.sum up the failure and make up for the mistakes
D.bury ourselves in the disasters and then recover ourselves
2. In the author’s opinion, the old baggage in Paragraph 2 included______
A.the freedom and possibility of refreshing himself
B.the experience he learned from his former failure
C.the old possessions and the invisible pressure
D.the business knowledge and skills he got from various media
3. What did the author do after his business failed last year?
A.He cleverly transformed his business model.
B.He started another completely different business.
C.He received further training about doing business at college
D.He borrowed some money from his friends and relatives to pay off his debts.
4. According to the author, when our work or life is out of our control we can_____.
A.prevent it from falling apart on us.
B.set it free or just let it completely break down
C.keep straining and go on with determination
D.keep it alive with the courage to change it again
2016-12-12更新 | 49次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般