组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:493 题号:18207087

In the Game

“I’m gonna play basketball, Daddy.” My daughter, Lauren, whooped, skipping into the room. “There are only eleven girls in Verden, and everybody makes the team.”

High-school sports is the biggest thing that happens in Verden, so I shouldn’t have been surprised when Lauren announced she was going out for the girls’ basketball teams — Lady Tiger. But I was. My wife and I never told Lauren that she was disabled. We didn’t want her to feel different from other children. She has Down syndrome (唐氏综合征).

What if the other girls on the team failed to accept her? What if Lauren spent most of her time on the bench? What if she got injured during the game? What should I say to the coach?

The next afternoon, I parked by the basketball court.

“Hey, Johnny,” Coach Forthythe called. “We’re glad Lauren came out for the team.”

“Well, Mr. Forthythe, you know we don’t expect you to play her in a game. just include her when you can.”

The game arrived the next Sunday. I settled into a seat on the second row with my wife. Moments later, a train of girls chugged out of the locker room. Last in line was Lauren. I stood along with the crowd and clapped. She searched the stands. spotted us and waved broadly.

The game got off to a good start, but soon Verden was behind. I gazed at Lauren, the most excited on the team. She slapped (拍打) her knee when the opponents scored. Her arms moved around in the air each time Verden shot. Even though she wasn’t playing, she looked as if she were having the time of her life. Now, I felt admiration for my daughter. Her team was getting beat, yet she still enjoyed the action.

Just less than two minutes were left, and Verden was down by 17 points. Coach called a time-out. Then boomed the announcer’s voice, “Number thirty-three, Lauren, in for the Lady Tigers.”


With a slap on her back, Coach sent Lauren running onto the court.


“Did you see? Dad and Mum. I scored! I made a basket!”

2023·辽宁沈阳·一模 查看更多[6]
【知识点】 哲理感悟 学校活动


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

It was a chilly morning in spring. Only a few people were around as I jogged through the park. Ahead was an elderly gentleman sitting on a wooden bench a few feet off the path. I was ready for a break to catch my breath and check my pulse. I sat next to him, looked at my watch, and started counting my heartbeats. After a few seconds, he interrupted my focus by asking how often I jogged. I responded without making eye contact, “Two or three times a week.” He attempted to engage me in the small talk that one engages in with a stranger.

His genuineness and comfortable smile eventually won me over, and soon we were talking about everything under the sun. We first discussed our favorite television programs, great places we had visited, meaningful moments in our lives, paths taken and not taken. Unexpectedly, we began revealing our politics, exchanging our different experiences as parents. He mentioned that his daughter and her ten-year-old son were coming to visit him in a couple of weeks; he hadn’t seen them for two years. How he looked forward to their visit! We chatted as if we had been friends for decades.

I think it was the chill that broke the moment between us. I looked down at my watch. What seemed like a half-hour had actually been three hours! We were totally unaware of time and place. We who were strangers had somehow become soul mates. We said our gentle farewells, “See you around,” smiling and waving as we parted. We knew we probably wouldn’t meet again.

Several days later, while putting newspapers into a recycling bin, I chanced to see the old man’s picture on the back page, in the obituaries (讣告): “Mr. – passed away yesterday… Please send donations to the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation.” Tears welled up in my eyes and trickled down my cheeks as I drove home. I was also weeping for his daughter and her not having had that moment of closeness with him that I just had on that Sunday morning.

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Arriving home, I sat down and wrote her daughter a brief letter.


It was almost eight months later when an envelope arrived.

2023-06-22更新 | 44次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Thirty Cents Worth

Whispering voices and laughter filled the hallways of my school as I walked with my friend toward our next class. I resisted the impulse (冲动) to become yet another person using these few moments to judge others in order to make myself feel better. I repeated to myself, “Thirty cents”, as I continued to walk in silence, something I rarely did. My friend dug her elbow into my side and complained, “That’s just annoying. Why would anyone want blue hair? It’s unbearable!” I thought before my tongue sprang into action. Ordinarily, I would just give the expected giggle and nod-but for some reason, I hesitated this time.

My thoughts turned back to the previous Sunday afternoon. After flying through the house grabbing and tossing things into my soccer bag, I discovered that I was out of Blister—Block Band-Aids (防起泡创可贴),an essential for the next day’s game. My mom dropped me off and promised me she’d be right back. I rushed inside and grabbed the goods.

There was a line at the register, as usual, and I waited my turn. I slowed down for a minute and examined the man in front of me. I was shocked. He was old and had a smell of gasoline and cigarettes. His hair was messy and reached below his shoulders. He wore a red vest covered with dust and jeans faded beyond recognition. His blue eyes were glassy and tired, and his dark red face was deeply wrinkled by hard times.

He reached the counter and greeted the saleswoman with a nod. She turned away her eyes as he pointed to the cigarettes behind the counter. She grabbed the carton (香烟纸盒) he was pointing to and quickly rang him up (用收银机收下了钱). He grabbed the plastic bag and slowly walked away.

Hardly had he left the counter when I gave her four one-dollar bills and the Band-Aids as she nodded in agreement with my disgust.

“Sorry,” she said. “You’re thirty cents short.”

“Oh, no. I don’t have thirty cents! My mom isn’t here. She’ll be right back. Can I run out to the car real quick?” As I was trying to explain my case, the cashier was visibly annoyed by the delay I was causing.


I could feel the blood rush to my face as the people behind me in line started complaining.


“That’s okay. It’s only thirty cents,“ the man said with a warm smile and a wink.

2023-08-09更新 | 156次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

If you are constantly lack of confidence and worried about what other people think about your shortcomings, you will never get to where you need to go in life. This was what I learned from my own experience.

My name is Peter. Before I was born, the doctors examined my mom and found there was something wrong with my face, and actually it was worse. With my “weird” face, I knew I was not an ordinary ten-year-old kid. I had never been to a real school before, not because of the way I looked, but all the surgeries I had. Mom homeschooled me. I became stronger, though. So maybe it was time for me to go to the real school.

One day, I happened to hear Mom and Dad talking about me quietly. “We can’t keep protecting him.” Mom whispered to Dad, “We have to help him learn to deal with it. We can’t just keep avoiding situations that… ”, but she didn’t even finish her sentence because she saw me. “Go back to sleep, Peter,” Mom said softly.

“Everyone will stare at me at school,” I said, suddenly crying.

Mom came over, putting her hand on mine. “Honey, you know if you don’t want to do this, you don’t have to. But we spoke to the principal (校长) , Mr. Green and told him how funny and smart you are. When I told him about all your surgeries, and how brave you are, ‘Wow, I have to meet this kid.’ ” Mom smiled at me.

“He is really a nice man. Besides, a real school is really good for you. Peter, you will make lots of friends and learn things you have never learned with Mom.” Dad added, raising his hand as if to swear.

“But… I don’t want to go. I am afraid... ” I said in a low voice.

“How about at least meeting Mr. Green before you make up your mind?” Mom asked.

I nodded, unwilling to accept the arrangement.

1. 续写短文的词数应为150左右;
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Paragraph 1:
We arrived at the school a few weeks before the start of the school.
Paragraph 2:
After taking a tour of the school and hearing Mr. Green’s words, I realized it was time to make a change.
2024-01-31更新 | 89次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般