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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.94 引用次数:41 题号:18238373

I like reading.     1     I was 9 years old, I caught a bad cold. I had to stay at home for several weeks. My mother bought me some novels. Soon I     2     (attract) by the stories. Since then I have made use of any time to read. Now, I often surf the Internet at home, where I’ve found many students like reading as I do. We exchange our reading experience and become online friends.     3     (read) brings me both happiness and friendship.

【知识点】 故事 阅读


语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 容易 (0.94)

A father in Houston, TX, found out his son was being bullied(虐待)at school and     1    (successful) solved the problem by befriending his son's bully.

Aubrey Fontenot said his son Jordan, 8, had been complaining(抱怨)about a bullying at school.

He talked to school several times, but it kept     2    (happen). Later, Fontenot discovered that his son's bully was being bullied by other children at school because he didn't have     3     (attract) and clean clothes or shoes. When Fontenot spoke with the boy's mother, who allowed him to reach out to her son, she told him     4     family was homeless and struggling     5    (find) stability (稳定).Fontenot taught the boy about self-respect in a special way; much of his day     6    (spend) with him in playing and chatting. Then something wonderful     7    (appear). The boy talked a lot with him. Fontenot also set up a meeting between the boy and Jordan. Both of the boys are now friends     8    play video games together. Fontenot also founded a GoFundMe for the boy's family,     9     has raised more than $32,000 in the past few months. The boy and his family are very     10    (thank) to Fontenot.

2021-11-17更新 | 144次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 容易 (0.94)

Yesterday I went shopping in the town. I was using my crutches(拐杖)on     1     were two bags. I really struggled through the shopping mall. I was     2    (tire)! After a while, I found a space and had     3     rest there.

Then I noticed Michael. He was my former student and he was a man     4     his 40s. It's been years since I     5    (teach) Michael, but he stopped to chat with me. When he noticed my crutches, he said, "Let me carry the bags for you." I thanked him but     6    (polite) declined his offer. Then Michael pointed to a coffee shop nearby, "I will be here Rose Marie, if you change your mind." It was lovely and kind of     7    (he) to give me an opportunity to change my mind.

In fact, Michael is tattooed(纹身) on his arms. People think that guys like this are frightening, but there     8    (be) nothing threatening about Michael. Michael's     9    (appear) with tattoos is just his idea of sell-expression.

    10    (chat) with him helps me recognize the tenderness in the youth regardless of how they look.

2019-05-18更新 | 351次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 容易 (0.94)

Jack wanted to find a job in the summer vacation after graduation from high school, so every morning he read the    1    (classify) ads in the newspaper. He scanned even the smallest ad. One morning his patience paid    2    when he noticed an ad which said: “An executive wants a boy     3     (assist) in his office. He should at least be a high school graduate.”

Jack cut the ad     4    quickly took a bath. He put on a clean suit,    5    (brush) his short hair neatly, and proceeded to the office. When he reached there, the office was filled with young people. He felt he had a very slim chance. Very soon the office became empty and Jack found     6    (he) being interviewed by the executive. Finally, he was told to report at eight o'clock the    7    (follow) morning, which meant he got the job.

After Jack left, the manager asked the executive, “What made you select that boy who didn’t have a    8    (recommend)?” “That is where you are mistaken,” explained the executive. “Before entering the office, he wiped his feet and closed the door    9    (quiet). It shows he is careful and gentlemanly. I noticed that he stood up instantly and offered his seat to    10    old man who entered the office. It shows he is kind and considerate. And we had a good talk. This is the boy I need.

2020-09-20更新 | 204次组卷
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