组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 公益行为 > 善行义举(个人)
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:197 题号:18320933

The year has begun with an accident. On my way to school this morning I was repeating to my father the words of our teacher, when we noticed that the street was full of people, who were pressing close to the door of the schoolhouse. Suddenly my father said:

“An accident! The year is beginning badly!”

We passed through with some difficulty. The big hall was crowded with parents and children, whom the teachers had not succeeded in placing in the classrooms, and all were turning towards the principal’s room and we heard the words, “Poor boy! Poor Robetti!”

My father inquired of a teacher, “What has happened?” A few minutes later, we calculated that the boy belonging to the second class, who, on his way to school through the Dora Grossa street, seeing a little child of the lowest class, who had run away from its mother, fall down in the middle of the street, a few paces from an omnibus which was bearing down upon it, had hastened down forward boldly, caught up the child, and placed it in safety; but, as he had not withdrawn his own foot quickly enough, the wheel of the omnibus had passed over it.

While we were being told this, a woman entered the big hall, like mad.
A moment later, a carriage stopped before the door.
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【知识点】 善行义举(个人)


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Many years ago, when I was just a child, my family struggled to make ends meet. Despite our financial difficulties, I sought out ways to earn a little pocket money by offering my assistance to our neighbors.

One cold day, I knocked on the door of an elderly woman’s house and kindly asked if she needed help to clean her yard. Surprised by my presence, she looked at me with kind eyes and asked why I wasn’t in school. I shyly pointed to my worn-out coat, unable to stay warm on the freezing cold day. Touched by my situation, she allowed me to work in her yard.

As I worked hard in the yard, the lady watched quietly, sometimes giving me a kind smile. When I finished, she looked at the tidy yard and said gently, “You’ve worked really well today, but you should be in school. Promise me you’ll go back.” Then, she took out a jar of money and told me to take what I needed.

I was grateful and took enough to fix my old coat and buy some food. I kept my promise and went back to see her, sharing my school progress. Each time, she welcomed me warmly, checking my report card with interest. Whenever there was an “A”, she’d be proud and reward me with money and tasty treats.

Even though my family faced tough times, I treasured the moments with the kind lady. Her kindness and support motivated me to do well in school and in life.

I studied even harder, knowing that only through education could I change my life and that of my family. The kind lady gave me strength, urging me forward.

My efforts finally paid off. After graduating from high school, I earned an opportunity to attend a prestigious (知名的) university. Upon graduating from college, I landed a well-paid job that I enjoyed. Our family’s financial situation greatly improved as a result, and I had the means to give back to the community that once helped me. I would never forget the kind lady who gave me a chance when I needed it most.

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One day, I was walking past a gift shop.


Returning to the little boy, I presented him with the gift.

2024-04-08更新 | 98次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

My kitchen was a mess. Clouds of flour dusted the counters, the floor, and the aprons of the women gathered there.

Peels from 40 pounds of apples were piled in the corner. Mixing bowls sticky with cinnamon and sugar tipped messily in the sink. The wrappers from 12 pounds’ worth of butter spilled from the trash. But, wow, it did smell sweet.

Six of us had gathered that Saturday morning to make apple pies. Once colleagues, now simply friends, we shared an intense curiosity about all sort s of things, and we loved to chat.

Today our curiosity and chatter were directed to pie-making. While I was no top chef, I knew how to use a rolling pin and I’d had years of practice serving up strawberry cakes, coconut cream, and sour cherry pies to my family.

Pie-making is a lot of work. Whoever coined the phrase “easy as pie” must have meant consuming, not creating. We spent hours peeling, coring, slicing, measuring, and learning to handle delicate dough (面团).

“It’s sticking to the rolling pin,” one of them said, her voice full of depression.

“Oh no, it’s cracking!” came another cry. I assured them the patched crust (皮) would simply serve as a reminder that these pies were home-made.

Outside, an October snowstorm struck heavily. Inside, though, it was all steamy windows, soft music and happy laughter as we finally put our pies into the oven.

When planning “Pie Day”, we decided that we would each make two pies: One for our families and one to donate to someone else.

By early afternoon, 12 pies had been placed on the counter, their perfectly imperfect crusts shining goldenly. We rushed to prepare for delivery, packing the pies messily in boxes and bags. We marched down the driveway. The snow had melted (融化); the roads were clear. It was time to deliver.

Then, disaster struck. One of the painstakingly crafted pies melted through the bag it was packed in and fell onto the driveway. Screams of horror followed.


One friend ran back into the kitchen and returned with forks.


The best part was still to come: Handing out pies was even better than eating pies.

2024-05-29更新 | 41次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

My two-year-old daughter was lovingly squished (挤) between a stack of groceries in one of my two shopping carts (购物车). Shopping once a month was a well-planned process. My list was organized so that I wouldn’t miss even one item.

A gentleman stood behind me with three items in his hands. He looked up at his watch, then at me and smiled. I’d already let a person ahead of me with a single item. While my daughter was behaving well. I knew I’d pushed her longer than her endurance promised to last. Still, I felt for the man: He obviously had to be somewhere, and he’d be behind me a good long time.

“Why don’t you go ahead of me?” I said shifting the cart backwards. “You only have a couple of items.”

“Thank you,” he replied appreciatively, stepping ahead of me.

My daughter gave him a broad smile. “Heh wo,” she said in her sweetest voice.

“Hello,” he replied, taken off guard by her friendliness. His face lit with pleasure.

As the belt moved forward, I started unloading my cart. I was only halfway finished unloading the first cart when a realization hit me. My husband had borrowed my bank card the night before and he hadn’t returned it. My heart dropped.

The gentleman in front of me had paid and was picking up his groceries.

“I’ve forgotten my bank card. Could I pay with my phone?” I asked the cashier hopefully.

“I’m sorry. We only accept credit card or cash.” The cashier looked at the amount of groceries impatiently. I’m sure she was predicting she’d have to put items back on the shelves.

“It will take me two hours to run home and back. Can you just put my stuff on the side please?” I was discouraged. All my careful planning hadn’t helped. The hour and a half of shopping left me tired out and I wasn’t sure how my daughter would handle another two hours in the car.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
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Just then, the gentleman in front of me smiled at me.


The next morning, I knocked at the gentleman’s door to return the money. 

7日内更新 | 13次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般