组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:212 题号:18423097

Families provide a source of comfort and safety through love, support, and acceptance. Spending quality time with your loved ones benefits you in many ways and here are some of them:


In a world where you may feel like everyone is watching, it can be stressful to show your true colors for fear of being judged. According to Psych Central, sharing your personal opinions with a family member allows you to reconnect with your true self, and your family will benefit from easy and open communication.

Get emotional support.

Have you ever been in a situation where emotions are running high? Your natural instinct may be to turn to your family for emotional support. When you’re feeling sad or on edge, it can offer great comfort and ease you through the situation.     2    

Allow you to develop valuable skills.

You can build self-esteem (自尊) by learning problem-solving and communication skills from your parents.     3     What’s more, family gatherings or dinnertime interactions can help families learn to listen, and build trust, confidence, understanding, and respect.

Establish loving relationships.

    4     Spending time together as a family, without distractions, creates an atmosphere beneficial to open communication and connections. Because of your tight schedule, it’s easy to forget to check with your family about how their day went. Set aside a regular time to communicate.

Create lifelong memories.

Many things can be done with family members to create positive memories, including going on family vacations, spending quality time together at home, or discovering a fun hobby you can enjoy.     5     What’s more, they help reinforce (加强) family values.

A.Boost your mood.
B.Give you freedom of expression.
C.The quality of family relationships can exist forever.
D.Family time develops relationships based on love and trust.
E.These things can give family members a sense of belonging.
F.Observing how parents interact teaches you how to act and communicate.
G.You can ask your family for support, advice, or a shoulder to cry on when times get tough.
【知识点】 家人和亲人


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】There’re always some stories in life that can hardly be forgotten and will restore our hope for holidays every time we recollect (回忆起).

Johnny and I, along with our two young sons, Barry and Doyle, lived in a village in southern Alabama in 1979. We had bought the boys a bicycle for the New Year, and had hidden it in the garage, where Johnny would assemble (组装) it on New Year’s Eve after the kids fell asleep. But that day, Johnny had to go to Brookley Air Force Base in Mobile, an hour away, to repair a jet. I had my hands busy with baking, preparing for holiday dinner and caring for two energetic boys.

Just as I was making the chocolate cake, a neighbor knocked on the door. Beatrice was the only person on our road with a telephone. The base had called to say that a heavy tool had come apart suddenly, hitting Johnny’s arm and breaking the bone. My brother Oto took me to the base hospital while my mother stayed with the children.

We got there to find Johnny with a cast on his arm, anxious to get home regardless of the doctor’s orders. It was New Year’s Eve, Johnny argued, and he had the bike to assemble for his boys. The doctor said he’d consider dismissing him the next morning if Johnny could find someone to drive him home. On New Year’s morning, Johnny called the base and was told everyone was off duty; there was no one to drive him home. Then he tried the motor pool. They said orders would have to come from someone higher up, so Johnny kept making calls. At last, a big blue car with the Air Force sign rolled up.

I was putting dinner on the table when hearing the car. We were thrilled to see Johnny assisted by a uniformed Air Force officer. With Otto’s help, Johnny assembled the boys’ gift, and they all had a good time that afternoon. Our hearts were full of gratitude to the people who had gone the extra mile to bring us together.

1. What had Johnny planned to do on New Year’s Eve?
A.Repair a jet.B.Prepare a surprise gift.
C.Buy his sons a bike.D.Assemble a bike with his sons.
2. Why did Beatrice come to the author’s house?
A.To relay a message.B.To lend out her telephone.
C.To make a phone call.D.To take the author to the hospital.
3. How can we describe Johnny?
4. What can serve as the title for the text?
A.An Unexpected New Year DinnerB.A Hard-Won New Year Present
C.A Treasured New Year MemoryD.A Life-Changing New Year Experience
2022-08-12更新 | 48次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Parents are an enormously powerful force in the lives of children. Whether Johnny can read, whether Johnny knows right from wrong, whether Johnny is a happy, well—adjusted kid, or shy and bad—tempered, has a whole lot to do with the kind of parenting Johnny has received. If Johnny’s mom and dad have been able to come through with lasting, determining, loving attention, the odds are Johnny is on track to become a productive, compassionate citizen. If they have not, Johnny is in trouble—and so is our nation.

Thirty years ago Chicago sociologist James S. Coleman showed that parental involvement mattered far more in determining school success than any quality of the formal education system. Across a wide range of subject areas, in literature, science and reading, Coleman estimated that the parent was twice as powerful as the school in determining achievement at age fourteen. Psychologist Lawrence Steinberg, who recently completed a six—year study of 20 ,000 teenagers in nine different communities, confirms the importance of parents. Steinberg shows that one out of three parents is “seriously disengaged” from his or her adolescent’s education, and this is the primary reason why so many American students perform below their potential—and below students in other rich countries.

A weight of evidence now demonstrates obvious links between absent parents and a wide range of behavioral and emotional problems in children. A 1997 study of 90 ,000 teenagers—the Add Health Project undertaken by the Carolina Population Center and the Adolescent Health Program at the University of Minnesota—found that youngsters are less likely get hopeless, use drugs or become involved in crime when they spent significant time with their parents. This study found that only the physical presence of a parent in the home after school, at dinner and at bedtime significantly reduces the incidence of risky behavior among teenagers.

1. What can be inferred from paragraph 1?
A.Children should be taught to be successful in life.
B.Parents’ character has a deep influence on children.
C.Children are affected by many factors during the growth.
D.Parents should be strict with their children about behaviors.
2. What does the underlined word “they” in paragraph 1 mean?
3. What’s the purpose of Lawrence Steinberg’s research?
A.To find out why there are so many crimes.
B.To know the importance of parents’ company.
C.To get ways to prevent teenagers’s bad behaviors.
D.To find links between parents’ education and crimes.
4. What ’s the author’s attitude towards parents’ company with children?
2022-10-13更新 | 180次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s (老年痴呆症)last summer. Suddenly, it was difficult for me to accept that the roles were now changed—my mother became my child, and I became her mother. I became impatient, argued with her, once I even yelled at her. Gradually, I was used to this kind of life. Now I am able to deal with her and the situation better. I have learned a lot of life lessons from the experience.

My mother reacts very sensitively to my feelings. That is typical of Alzheimer’s patients. When I visit her, feeling busy and tense, she reacts immediately, takes on my mood, and becomes nervous and negative. But when I appear cheerful and attentive, she is happy. This has taught me to pay more attention to my own feelings when I am with other people.

I always thought I was very tolerant, but in reality, my tolerance ran out as soon as someone turned away from what I considered “right”. With my mother I can now really be tolerant. Through her illness she has developed a childlike tactlessness(不得体). Eating out in restaurants, for example, is a bit embarrassing when she shouts at the waiter that the food is so bad or talks about people at the next table in a loud voice. Of course I make sure that my mother doesn’t hurt anyone, but I’ve stopped complaining about others and have become more tolerant.

I have also learned that everything has special value. When my mother got sick I didn’t want to burden my two daughters with it. They are young and have enough going on with their education, and starting their careers. I felt that it was simply my job as my mother’s daughter. The most wonderful discovery I’ve made through my mother’s disease may be that my children not only offer to help me when they sense that I’m feeling unbearable, but that they take care of my mother on their own actively. They visit her often, play cards with her, and look at photo albums together with her. It shows me that it’s all worth it.

1. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.How I Cared for My Sick MotherB.How I Became More Tolerant
C.What I Have Learned from Alzheimer’sD.Why I Am Feeling stressed
2. Which of the following is common behavior of Alzheimer patients?
A.Being curious about everything.B.Being particular about clothes.
C.Being afraid of strange people.D.Being sensitive to others’ moods.
3. We can infer that the writer’s daughters are ________.
2018-06-08更新 | 102次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般