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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:81 题号:18423131

Overspending can be defined as spending beyond one’s means, and is not rarely seen nowadays. According to a recent report, more than one-fourth of adults surveyed in 2020 had one or more bills that they were unable to pay in full that month.

While every individual’s spending habits are unique to their circumstances, a few common potential issues tend to be responsible for overspending.

Lifestyle creep, a financial trap, where you spend more money as you make more money, for example, often accounts for unrecognized overspending. Individuals that lack a decision-making process for making purchases can also find it difficult to control their spending.

Media and advertisements can also lead to overspending. Marketing strategies aim to create a feeling of scarcity (稀少) for consumers with phrases like “almost sold out” or “two tickets remaining” when they are making online purchases. Emails from favorite sellers can give consumers the impression that they are saving money by taking advantage of a sale, and roadside billboards can lead individuals to make impulsive (冲动的) purchases.

Social pressures to enjoy dinners out and vacations with family and friends may be a push for younger people, who see others enjoying these activities through social media platforms like Instagram. “People think spending makes you happy,” Elizabeth Dunn, professor at the University of British Columbia and chief science officer at Happy Money, says. “But for many people, it’s these values of being true to yourself that make you happy.”

Dunn notes that, “Failures in self-control in the finance can cause dire consequences. Financial stress, for example, has been linked to physical health struggles, problems in close relationships,and stress in retirement.”

“Dealing with overspending should start in bite - size pieces. Small and manageable changes over time are more likely to stick to in the long run. Instead of relying on willpower, setting specific goals and building a foundation with a budget is an effective way.” adds Dunn.

1. Why is a recent report mentioned in paragraph 1?
A.To explain what overspending is.
B.To stress the harm of overspending.
C.To tell a way to stop overspending.
D.To show overspending is common.
2. What do paragraphs 3~5 mainly talk about?
A.Possible causes of overspending.
B.Typical unhealthy spending habits.
C.Some unavoidable financial traps
D.Issues resulting from overspending.
3. What does the underlined word “dire” in paragraph 6 probably mean?
4. What is Elizabeth Dunn’s advice on overcoming overspending?
A.Making a reasonable budget.
B.Relying on personal willpower.
C.Setting grand and general goals.
D.Starting changing on the whole.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Part of the reason American shoppers are so attracted to wholesale (批发) shopping is their belief that it not only prevents waste but can save time and money, providing more value for the dollar. However, recent research suggests that the opposite may be true.

Victoria Ligon, an expert on consumer sciences, studied food purchasing habits of consumers and found that people tended to buy too much food and waste more of it than they realized. “The problem is that people are not shopping frequently enough,” Ligon said. “People are very price sensitive at the grocery store, but tend to overlook the cost of unused and wasted food at home.”

A common practice is to visit different stores for different items on a grocery list. “But people tend to overbuy at each of the places,” Ligon said. “People are not planning for the next day, but planning for the next week or two.”

“In theory, planning a week or more in advance sounds ideal. But given the reality of many people’s lives, this is challenging to do well,” Ligon said. “All of our food promotions are designed to get people to buy more. We believe it’s cheaper if we buy more now, but we rarely take into account how much we throw out in the end.”

Ligon noted shifts in the grocery industry that appear promising to help customers reduce food waste. Examples include cost-effective delivery services such as Amazon Fresh and Google Express, which allow consumers to purchase food items when they want to consume them, also reducing their need to frequent so many different stores. However, the study resulted in another troubling finding: The majority of people involved in the study had no idea that they were buying too much and wasting so much.

“When you read advice about reducing waste, it usually centers on what people do after the food is purchased,” Ligon said. “But more importantly, shop on a more frequent basis, so that you are only buying what you are going to consume in the short term.”

1. What do people often ignore when buying food in large quantities?
A.How good the food is.B.How much the food costs.
C.How often they should shop.D.How much will be wasted.
2. What is the author’s attitude towards meal planning for the next two weeks?
A.It is worth trying.B.It is not practical.C.It takes great effort.D.It is not good for health.
3. What is the advantage of Amazon Fresh and Google Express?
A.Food prices are lowered.B.Food waste is prevented.
C.Food consumption is reduced.D.Food purchasing can be done at home.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Shop More, Buy LessB.Shop Wisely, Eat Wisely
C.Eat Cheaply or Expensively?D.The More You Shop, the More You Waste
2023-07-02更新 | 33次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】“Find your passion!” When discussing future career options or selecting a major in college, your parents often say this. The very expression is meant to inspire. But is it good advice?

“Finding” a passion implies that it already exists and is simply waiting to be discovered. Unfortunately, this idea is not what science tells us.     1    

To study this, researchers use a framework of   “fixed” and “growth” mindsets.They argue that encouraging people to “find” their passion may cause them to eventually believe that interests and passions are inborn and relatively unchangeable.     2     In contrast, people who view interests and passions as developed have a growth mindset of interest.

Researchers have revealed that a fixed mindset of interest can decrease creativity. If people believe they are limited to only a few inborn interests and, in consequence, do not explore other areas, they may miss seeing important connections across domains.     3    

Evidently, people can do a lot to embrace a growth mindset of interest. First, realize that your interests and passions aren’t pre-existing. Take an active role in developing your passions. Second, practise positive self-talk. When you lack interest in a new task, pay attention to your inner dialogue.     4    For example, change “I’m not interested in this” to “I’m not interested in this yet, but I know that interest can develop with time and engagement.”

    5    But a growth mindset of interest will help you remain open and curious. The science tells us we should work toward loving what we do. We might become more creative and resilient as a result.

A.So can a growth mindset of interest be taught?
B.Instead passions, like interests, are developed.
C.People who think this have a fixed mindset of interest.
D.Of course, not every activity will become a burning passion.
E.As such,seeing interests as fixed limits their creative potential.
F.Don’t expect that pursuing new interests will always be easy or exciting.
G.Replace self-critical thoughts with positive ones that encourage growth and learning.
2024-04-09更新 | 488次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】LONDON — British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said on Wednesday that boycotting the Beijing Olympic Games is not the right path to take.

“We are ever excited about prospects for the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing,” Miliband said in an interview with Chinese reporters in London before his visit to China.

“Everything we have seen and read suggests that preparations are proceeding in an excellent way. We very much look forward to a very successful Olympics, successful for China and successful for the world. We certainly believe that boycotts are not a right way,” he said.

“China has big responsibilities around the world. We are looking forward to working with the Chinese government to ensure the values of stability, security and social justice. And only today I spoke with (Chinese Foreign Minister) Yang about our joint work that could help the situation in Darfur. And the Chinese envoy (特使) to Darfur is in London today, that sort of engagement is the right way to go and boycotts are not the right way,” Miliband said.

“The prime minister (Gordon Brown) is determined to represent the whole of the country with his attendance to the Games,” he added.

Miliband expressed his high regard to the bilateral (双边的) relations between Britain and China. “I can’t think about a time that our relations are stronger, that is symbolized by the visit of the prime minister to China last month but also by cultural events like China now going on in Britain.”

British people are fascinated by the changes and improvements going on in China, and are trying to build bridges between the two nations, the foreign secretary said.

“Both our countries are challenged by the facts of globalization. Economic and social changes are producing challenges for both the societies, challenges about security and stability, challenges about justice, challenges about environment, and the theme of my visit is how our two countries can work together and learn from each other in adapting to these challenges,” the secretary told Chinese reporters.

1. According to the British Foreign Secretary, the right way to deal with China is ________.
A.to boycott the Beijing Olympic Games
B.to support the Beijing Olympic Games
C.to send the Prime Minister to attend the Beijing Olympic Games
D.to work together with China
2. In the last paragraph, the foreign secretary wants to tell us that ________.
A.Globalization is a challenge
B.Both countries face many different challenges
C.Britain wants to work together with China to face challenges
D.Britain wants to learn from China to face challenges
3. The best title of this passage is ________.
A.China and Britain enjoy a good relationship
B.Boycotts of Olympics are not the right path
C.Beijing Olympic Games will be successful
D.Foreign Secretary speaks highly of China
2023-05-29更新 | 27次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般