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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:281 题号:18626233

A new study led by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School has found that climate-impact labeling on a sample fast food menu significantly influenced people’s food choices in favor of more climate-friendly items, such as vegetarian diet, chicken, or fish dishes.

The researchers enrolled over 5,000 online participants and presented them a sample menu resembling a fast food menu and asked them to choose a single item for a meal. While one group of participants received a menu with non-red meat items like salads or chicken sandwiches labeled “low climate impact”, another one received a menu with red meat items, such as beef burgers, labeled “high climate impact.” Finally, a third control group received a menu with QR codes on all items but no climate labels.

The analysis revealed that both the high and low climate-impact labels significantly reduced red meat selections compared to the control group. The high climate-impact labels had a strong effect, increasing non-beef choices by 23 percent compared to just 10 percent in the case of menus including low climate-impact labels.

“These results suggest that menu labeling, particularly labels warning that an item has high climate impact, can be an effective strategy for encouraging more sustainable food choices in a fast food setting,” said the study lead author Julia Wolfson, an associate professor in the Department of International Heath at the Bloomberg School.

Besides, participants were also asked to rate how healthy they believed the item they ordered was, and those who selected a more sustainable item perceived their choice to be healthier compared to those who selected a red meat item.

Since red meat consumption has been linked to a variety of health issues, including colorectal (结肠的) cancer and type 2 diabetes (糖尿病), the type of climate-impact labeling could prove highly effective in preventing illness. However, as the researchers warn, climate-impact labels may also have the unwanted side effect of making a choice seem healthier than it actually is.

“We look for labeling strategies that create ‘win-wins’ for promoting both more sustainable and healthier choices,” Wolfson concluded.

1. What is the finding of the study?
A.Red meat consumption is closely linked to climate labeling.
B.Climate-impact labels are gaining popularity worldwide.
C.Climate-impact labeling influences people’s food selection.
D.Menu labeling contributes to less sustainable food choices.
2. How did the researchers conduct the research?
A.By citing examples.
B.By group experimenting.
C.By providing explanations.
D.By analyzing cause and effect.
3. What does the underlined word “perceived” mean in Paragraph 5?
4. What’s the researchers’ attitude towards climate-impact labeling?


阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Being “a grown-up” is a pretty unclear concept, even once you’re technically “grown-up”. My career has taken its fair share of twists and turns in the past three years since I graduated, and in some ways I feel like I’m still only starting to figure out what I want to do.    1    . So if you’re still pondering the question, here’s my advice for making the best of it.


In some ways, in decision about the future allows you to have a much more open mind about various career choices than those who’ve always known exactly what they want to do. If you limit yourself too much, you could miss the opportunity to join an exciting new startup, develop a great business idea, or try something unexpected that you might love.

Accept that the landscape is always changing

While it may have once made sense to dream about being a doctor, lawyer, or professional ballet dancer, many of the jobs open to you now are ones you didn’t know about as a child.     3    . The job that fits you could be one you’d never even imagined at age 10, 25, or even 40.

Redefine (重新定义) “grown-up”

The concept of being a “grown-up” means that there’s a finish line to a personal and professional life that is, in reality, always changing.    4    this discovery will likely be the result of much trial and error, and you’ll probably find yourself fighting for new goals throughout much of your life.

    5    Being grown-up means being satisfed with the journey you’ve chosen and enjoying the many different roads you’ve followed.

A.Do something
B.Embrace uncertainty
C.Even if the job has its disadvantages
D.The Internet transformed the professional landscape in totally unexpected ways
E.Truthfully, that grown-up person your childhood self once dreamed of might not exist
F.And I’ve learned that it’s OK not to know what you want to be even at a grown-up age
G.While you can hope that you’ll one day find a hobby or career that you’re enthusiastic about
2024-01-11更新 | 48次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How to Break the Anxiety Cycle

People who suffer from anxiety tend to be stuck in an ongoing loop of avoidance. It’s the classic dynamic of anxiety:     1    , our symptoms tend to increase, and in turn this drives the anxiety up and makes the things we’re afraid of scarier. Here are some techniques on how to slowly overcome this mental health challenge.     2    . Words have power. For example, saying “I am panicked about going to this party tonight” will put you in a more negative state of mind compared to saying “I’d prefer if I didn’t have to go to this party.” Start by putting your words to the positive and to a point where you still feel it resonates(共鸣).

Let go of perfectionism. People with social anxiety feel as if they are walking on a social tightrope.     3    . We have unrealistic high standards where we think we must be cool, positive, and witty while carrying the entire conversation—it’s too much. And keep in mind that you are not expected to be someone you’re not in order to get people to like you.

Make small gestures. Instead of “jumping off a cliff” and walking straight into a situation that makes you anxious, start becoming more expressive in situations that you feel are less threatening.

    4    , say good morning to a neighbor you rarely speak with, or tell your hairstylist the exact look you’ re going for instead of agreeing with their suggestion.

Shift your awareness. Our attention is like a spotlight and we choose where to point it. Those with social anxiety tend to point that spotlight inward and state the commentary of our inner critic.

    5    .

A.Choose your words carefully
B.Pay attention to your health condition
C.For example, ask a stranger for directions
D.When we avoid the things we’re afraid of
E.If the things reduce feelings of social anxiety
F.It’s this idea that we need to perform perfectly
G.Focus on what’s happening around you, not inside you
2020-07-03更新 | 120次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When you were at school, were you ever told to stop daydreaming and concentrate? It was easy for your mind to wander if you weren’t interested in what you were learning or if you had better things to think about.     1     But understanding how to do it, and knowing what is distracting you, can help.

Scientists have looked at what makes us delay and found a number of ways to help us stay in the zone.     2     Research by Science Focus magazine found silence is best for concentration, or a gentle background music is great! It also found turning off notifications on your phone, or switching it off altogether, removes a major distraction and helps us focus on the task at hand.

    3     Psychologists and neuroscientists are increasingly interested in our ability to settle down and have looked at what we can change inside our head to make us concentrate. An article for BBC Future by Caroline Williams says that “Attention Researcher Nilli Lavie of University College London has found that making a task more visually demanding takes up more processing power and leaves the brain nothing left to process distractions.” So, keeping your mind busy might be the answer.

    4     These include making a list or timetable of the tasks you have to do, finding a workspace where you’re not attracted by other things, or chewing some gum! It’s possible the movement in your mouth occupies parts of the brain that might otherwise get distracted.

But according to Science Focus magazine, distraction isn’t all bad. “If we were always so focused that we never got distracted, we’d miss potential changes, such as threats, in our environment.     5    

A.Distraction is vital for survival.
B.Staying focused can avoid dangers.
C.Performing visual tasks makes us concentrate.
D.One of the most obvious things is removing noise.
E.Staying focused can still be a challenge in adult life.
F.There are more practical tips to keeping your mind focused.
G.Another possible cure for a short attention duration is brain training.
2024-06-01更新 | 27次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般