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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:34 题号:18682656

All too often, a choice that seems sustainable (可持续的) turns out on closer examination to be problematic.Probably the best example is the rush to produce ethanol (乙醇) for fuel from corn.Corn is a renewable resource — you can harvest it and grow more, almost limitlessly.So replacing gas with corn ethanol seems like a great idea.

One might get a bit more energy out of the ethanol than that used to make it, which could still make ethanol more sustainable than gas generally, but that's not the end of the problem.Using corn to make ethanol means less corn is left to feed animals and people, which drives up the cost of food.That result leads to turning the fallow land — including, in some cases, rain forest in places such as Brazil — into farmland, which in turn gives off lots of carbon dioxide into the air.Finally, over many years, the energy benefit from burning ethanol would make up for the forest loss.But by then, climate change would have progressed so far that it might not help.

You cannot really declare any practice “sustainable” until you have done a complete life­cycle analysis of its environmental costs.Even then, technology and public policy keep developing, and that development can lead to unforeseen and undesired results.The admirable goal of living sustainably requires plenty of thought on an ongoing basis.

1. What might directly cause the loss of the forest according to the text?
A.The growing demand for energy to make ethanol.
B.The increasing carbon dioxide in the air.
C.The greater need for farmland.
D.The big change in weather.
2. The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to         
A.the energy benefit
B.the forest loss
C.climate change
D.burning ethanol
3. What does the author mainly discuss in the text?
C.Ethanol energy.
D.Environmental protection.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Music makes life better in many ways. The fact that music can make a difficult task more tolerable may be why students often choose to listen to it while doing their homework. But is listening to music the smart choice for students who want to optimize their learning? A new study suggests that for some students, listening to music is a wise strategy, but for others, it isn’t. The effect of music on cognitive(认知的) functioning appears to depend partly on your personality — specifically, on your need for external stimulation.

Researchers not only assessed listeners’ personality but also changed the difficulty of the task and the complexity of the music. Participants first completed a personality test used to determine the need for external stimulation. They then engaged in an easy cognitive task (searching for the letter A in lists of words) and a more challenging one (remembering word pairs). Participants finished both tasks under one of two sound conditions: (1) no music, (2) with music.

The data suggest that for those with a high need of external stimulation, on the simple task of finding A’s, such subjects’ scores for the music condition were significantly worse than those for the silent condition. On the complex task of learning word pairs, their performance was worse whenever music was played. For those with a low need of external stimulation, however, on the simple task of findings A’s, such participants’ scores for the music condition were dramatically better than those for the silent condition. On the complex task of learning word pairs, the participants showed a small but reliable benefit when listening to music.

According to the study, there are substantial individual differences in the impact of music on cognitive function, resulting in personalized recommendations regarding its presence in the classroom. Students who are easily bored and who seek out stimulation should be cautious of adding music to the mix. On the other hand, students with a low need for stimulation may benefit significantly from the presence of music.

With the right personality, the right music and the right task, the presence of music may significantly improve cognitive functioning. Given the benefits of music, subscription to Spotify just might pay for itself.

1. What can we learn about the study in paragraph 2?
A.It only involved the participants’ response to music.
B.The difficulty of the two tasks decreased in the experiment.
C.Participants completed two tasks when composing songs.
D.Participants were grouped by their need for external stimulation.
2. What can we infer from the results shown in paragraphs 3-4?
A.The complexity of tasks might reduce the benefit of music.
B.Students should listen to music when performing complex tasks.
C.Students with less external stimulation perform badly with music.
D.The presence of music suits students seeking for external stimulation.
3. What might the underlined word “Spotify” be?
A.A psychology journal.B.A music platform.
C.A travel guide.D.A personality test.
4. What could be the best title for the article?
A.Why is music essential in your study?
B.Is music beneficial to your personality?
C.Does music boost your cognitive performance?
D.How can music affect your external stimulation?
2022-08-31更新 | 134次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Spending beyond one’s means is becoming a national problem for Americans. Borrowing has become so easy that it takes great willpower for people to refuse it.“I received a number of gold MasterCard and gold Visa card offers in the mail during the past two months,” said one computer engineer at AT&T Bell Laboratories in Chicago. “I got three of them in one day last week.”

Lenders are providing easy credit (信贷) for borrowers. Many banks now offer every borrower a great variety of credit, a service once offered almost only to big companies. Norwest Bank Minneapolis offers lending programs for cars and boats that can cut monthly payments nearly in half. Carmakers, too, are lengthening easier terms. Ford Motor Credit states that 45% of its recent lending has been for sixty months, rather than the thirty-six-month period that was usual before.

The total consumer debt in the United States rose 173 percent between 1974 and 1984, as the debt for each man, woman, and child increased from $10,264 to $26,566. Huge debt now is present in our economy (经济) at all levels. As a nation, we are more than $7 trillion in debt, and the total keeps increasing astonishingly.

As we have overborrowed, so have we overspent. In late 1986, the share of after-tax income that Americans saved sank below 2 percent for a short time, less than half the figure at which we saved only 10 years ago. Americans now are buying from foreigners between about $50 and $100 billion more Mercedes and Toyotas, Paris fashions, and tours to Europe than the Boeing 747s, agriculture machinery, or Kansas wheat that the foreigners bought from America. The country could not produce and pay for all the things it wanted.

To make a long story, we Americans have serious problems in keeping down spending and keeping up personal saving. It is high time for us American people to learn the basics of long term money management.

1. According to the author, what is a main reason for Americans to overspend?
A.Americans buy a lot of foreign products.
B.It is easy for Americans to manage their debts.
C.Americans have more extra money than before.
D.Borrowing money has become a simple matter.
2. Ford Motor Credit lengthens 45% of its lending to 60 months in order to _________.
A.help more Americans to settle their debts
B.attract more customers
C.make better use of its money
D.encourage people to buy foreign cars
3. What does the author suggest as a way to deal with over-borrowing?
A.Limiting the use of credit cards.
B.Advising people on what to buy.
C.Teaching people how to manage money.
D.Reducing average incomes.
4. Which of the following points does the author wish to make?
A.America should sell more of its products abroad.
B.Government should prevent people from over-borrowing.
C.People’s income determines their money management.
D.A healthy society has to learn to live within its means.
2022-10-17更新 | 54次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】“Selfie”, taking a picture of yourself to post on social media, became an official word in the Oxford dictionary in 2013. The idea seems simple, just pose and snap a photo of yourself with your cell phone camera. How difficult could that be?

But in 2014 a reported 15 people died while taking selfies. That number has risen each. year since then. Thirty-nine deaths connected to selfies were reported in 2015. And, this year has seen more than 70 such deaths.

Researchers from universities in the US and India have released findings from the first study of deaths due to selfies. The investigators examined the causes and characteristics of the deaths.

The researchers found that people who take selfies for sharing on social media often have a narcissistic tendency. The report says these people “use selfies as a form ‘of self-identification and expression”. They may take selfies in more dangerous settings because they seek greater attention. These dangerous situations can lead to injury, and even death. The researchers define a selfie death as “death of an individual or a group of people that could have been avoided had the individual(s) not been taking a selfie.”

One example of a dangerous selfie in the study involved bicycle races. People sometimes get on the track to take a picture of themselves with the racing bicycles behind them. Crashes and injuries have resulted. Another example described people standing on train tracks trying to get a selfie’ as a train moves toward them from behind. The most common cause of selfie death was falling from high places. It caused 32 of the 172 deaths during the last two and a half years. Drowning was another common cause of death.

And it might be more dangerous to be a man with a smartphone. Although women take more selfies, males were far more likely to die during selfies.75.5% of the reported deaths were of mien. About one-third of the 172 reported selfie deaths had a single death while 24 incidents involved the deaths of groups. Two of the incidents killed seven people each.

1. The passage is mainly about _________ .
A.selfie deaths on the riseB.the danger of taking selfies
C.what a selfie death isD.the causes of selfie deaths
2. What does the underlined phrase “a narcissistic tendency” in Paragraph 4 probably refer to?
A.A physical state.B.A psychological state.C.A difficulty.D.A camera.
3. Which of the following is an example of selfie deaths?
A.A man addicted to taking selfies died.
B.A taxi-driver died with one of his. passengers taking selfies.
C.A man fell off the cliff while taking a selfie and died.
D.An old lady. died from heart attack when taking a selfie.
4. From the passage; we can learn that _________.
A.selfie deaths are always single deaths
B.women are more likely to die during selfies
C.it is dangerous to participate in .bicycle races
D.selfie deaths happened in various ways
2020-04-28更新 | 45次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般