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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:58 题号:18755065

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing the world today. The scientific consensus (共识) is clear: the Earth’s climate is changing, and human activities are the primary cause. However, there is still debate among some politicians and members of the public about the reality of global warming and the extent to which humans are responsible.

One major source of controversy is the role of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in causing global warming. Some skeptics (怀疑者) argue that other factors, such as changes in solar radiation or natural cycles of climate change, could be responsible for the warming trend observed in recent decades. However, the overwhelming majority of scientists agree that the evidence points to human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels, as the main driver of global warming.

Another point of contention is the potential impacts of climate change on the economy and society. While some argue that the costs of transitioning to cleaner energy sources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions would be too high, others point out that the costs of inaction could be even greater. Rising sea levels, more frequent and severe weather events, and damage to ecosystems could have significant economic and social consequences.

Despite the ongoing debate, many countries and international organizations have taken steps to address the threat of climate change. The Paris Agreement, signed by 195 countries in 2015, aims to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, with a goal of limiting the increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. To achieve this, countries have pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase investments in renewable energy and other low-carbon technologies.

1. What do most scientists agree on about climate change?
A.The Earth’s climate is not changing and global warming is a false alarm.
B.The Earth’s climate is changing but humans are not to blame.
C.The Earth’s climate is changing and humans are the major reason.
D.The Earth’s climate is changing but the cause is unknown.
2. What is the main cause of global warming according to the article?
A.Changes in solar radiation.B.Natural cycles of climate change.
C.Burning of fossil fuels.D.Other greenhouse gases.
3. What is NOT included in the potential impacts of climate change?
A.Reduced air pollution.B.severe weather events.
C.Rising sea levels land.D.damage to ecosystems.
4. What is the Paris Agreement?
A.A treaty to deal with the threat of climate change.
B.A global effort to increase greenhouse gas emissions.
C.An international plan to limit the use of fossil fuels.
D.An agreement to deny the problem of climate change.


阅读理解-阅读表达(约370词) | 较易 (0.85)

Across America, libraries used to reach out to readers by sending bookmobiles into school parking lots, street corners and rural byways (侧道). Now, those rolling reading rooms are becoming fewer.

One town in northern New England just lost its bookmobile. The Cobleigh Public Library in Lyndonville, Vt., had managed to keep its van (有蓬货车) rolling until about a month ago, when it died.

If you want to hear first-hand what it’s like to go through a whole month without a single visit from the bookmobile, just ask the preschoolers at a daycare centre.

“We miss the bookmobile,” one child says. “Yeah, we miss the bookmobile until it comes here,” says another.

Now that the bookmobile has broken down, librarians have to bring books in their own cars for story hour. Daycare provider Anneka Bickford says it’s not as exciting as having a big, brightly painted van roll into the driveway and open its doors so the kids can choose their own books.

“It’s getting the children involved with what a library is, how to check out books and how to return books,” Bickford says. “They would do programs with the children; singing, dancing, themes—so it’s the excitement of the library that we can’t give to the children.”

It’s not the first bookmobile to bite the dust. Over the years, Vermont’s large number has reduced to three or four. Lyndonville’s head librarian, Cindy Karasinski, says replacement costs have risen quickly.

“New bookmobiles are expensive; just one of them costs $90,000,” she says, “so that seems not the way we are going to go.” Sadly, Karasinksi says, money that used to support bookmobiles has nearly dried up.

However, not everyone hopes the Cobleigh bookmobile gets a second chance. Some in town feel the bookmobile has served its purpose and become a financial burden (财政负担).

1. What’re bookmobiles? (no more than 5 words)
2. What can kids do with the help of bookmobiles in the opinion of Anneka Bickford? (no more than 15 words) .
3. What does the underlined phrase “bite the dust” in Paragraph 7 most probably mean? (no more than 5 words)
4. What leads to the disappearance of bookmobiles? (no more than 10 words)
5. What’s your own opinion on bookmobiles according to the passage? (no more than 25 words)
2022-05-11更新 | 98次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】A YOUNG girl raises her hand in class to answer the teacher’s question. She proudly gives the correct answer when her classmates start to giggle . Among them, she hears somebody call her a “know-it-all” and sees another roll his eyes. She doesn’t dare to speak up again because confident women are often called“ “bossy”.

Despite decades of advances, it seems that women continue to face prejudice when it comes to holding a position of power.

Laila Farah, an associate professor at DePaul University in Chicago in the US, said the reason for this stereotype lies in history.

“This is an old phenomenon which reflects the fact that many people think females don’t have the same brain capability compared to the male brain,” Farah said.

What’s more, the prejudice is so deep in our society that it has become hard to ignore. “Gender bias is found in the media, schools, the workplace-basically everywhere,” Farah said. “It is learned in infancy and goes from toys chosen to assuming females aren’t good at math.”

Another reason for confident women being called bossy is that “some people aren’t used to women being confident enough to speak their minds”, said high school junior Jessica Bella from Illinois. Embarrassing women by calling them “bossy” has caused some of them to tone down their confidence.

In a study done by the Girls Leadership Institute, a program that helps girls develop strong leadership skills, many girls said the biggest thing holding them back from participating in class was being judged.

“Sometimes, I know I have the right answer in class, but I don’t raise my hand because I don’t want to be annoying, ” said high school junior Emily Grigg from Illinois.

Still, some women have bravely stood up against this stereotype.

“If women in leadership positions are considered to be bossy, then I like to do all I can to prove that wrong. We all have an equal opportunity to present our knowledge no matter how that may come across, ”said Christina Jakubas, an English teacher from Illinois.

Maybe what we need to do is turn being bossy into something empowering for women. After all, bossy people get the job done.

1. Why does the author write about the experience of a girl raising her hand in class?
A.prove that confident women tend to be bossy
B.explain why bossy women are unpopular in groups
C.explore what stops women from being themselves
D.show how women should fight against gender bias
2. What do the underlined words ”this stereotype“ in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Females failing to do as well as males in math.
B.Gender bias becoming hard to ignore in society.
C.Women who hold a position of power facing prejudice.
D.Females not having the same brain capabilities as males.
3. Which of the following would the author probably agree with according to the article?
A.Confident women tend to possess strong leadership skills.
B.Bossy women usually get their jobs done better than men.
C.Females in leadership positions should try to avoid being bossy,
D.Females should ignore negative comments and bravely speak their minds
4. In which part of the magazine can we read the passage?
2022-08-04更新 | 60次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】More than one billion young people risk damaging their hearing through the overuse of smartphones and other audio devices, the UN warned Tuesday, proposing new safety standards for safe volume levels.

Currently, about five percent of the global population, or some 466 million people, including 34 million children, suffer from disabling hearing loss. Young people are particularly likely to develop such risky listening habits. Around half of those between the ages of 12 and 35, or 1.1 billion people, are at risk due to “long and severe exposure to loud sounds, including music they listen to through personal audio devices,” the UN health agency said.

In a bid to safeguard hearing, the World Health Organization and International Telecommunications Union issued an international standard for the manufacture and use of audio devices. WHO considers a volume above 85 decibels for eight hours or 100 decibels for 15 minutes as unsafe. The safe listening devices and systems standard calls for a "sound allowance" software to be included in all audio devices, to track the volume level and duration of a user's exposure to sound, and to evaluate the risk posed to their hearing. This system could alert a user if they have dangerous listening habits.

WHO is also calling for parental as well as automatic volume controls on audio devices to prevent dangerous use. While some smartphones and other audio devices already offer some of these features, the UN would like to see a uniform standard used to help protect against disabling hearing loss.

"Think of it like driving on a highway, but without a speedometer in your car or a speed limit," Shelly Chadha of the WHO told reporters in Geneva. "What we've proposed is that your smartphones come fitted with a speedometer, with a measurement system which tells you how much sound you're getting and tells you if you are going over the limit".

1. What is the purpose of proposing new safe volume standards?
A.To warn people of dangerous listening habits.
B.To help protect against disabling hearing loss.
C.To promote the development of audio devices.
D.To prevent the manufacture and use of audio devices.
2. Where can you find the data that best supports “young people risk damaging their hearing through the overuse of smartphones”?
A.In paragraph 2.B.In paragraph 3.
C.In paragraph 4.D.In paragraph 5.
3. What do we know about safe volume levels according to paragraph 3?
A.It is safe to listen to music under any circumstances.
B.It is important to keep track of the risk for the users.
C.It is necessary to have users alerted by their parents.
D.It is acceptable to keep the volume at 90 decibels for 15 minutes.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Turning Down the Volume.
B.Making Good Use of Smartphones.
C.The Rise and Fall of Audio Devices.
D.The Safety Standards for Volume Levels.
2019-06-24更新 | 239次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般