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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:109 题号:18763653

A lecturer in the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Dr Olabode Badiru, has called on the government to pay more attention to food security in the country to solve the rising cost of foods.

According to Dr Badiru, farmers need fertiliser and other agrochemicals like pesticides. Insecticides and others to solve the problem of pests. All of these will cost much money. Besides that, we have the problem of insecurity that farmers are being chased away from the farm.

Dr Badiru also called on the government to address insecurity, saying farmers are afraid of going to farm. He, who gave the advice while speaking with journalists in Ibadan, urged individuals to embrace backyard farming to reduce the spending on some food items. Most of the farm machines and chemicals used by farmers are all imported, he emphasised that these may have effects on what they will produce.

Reducing the rising cost of food requires some efforts from individuals and the government at all levels, he advised, and at the individual level, backyard farming could help to re-duce the need for purchase of food. He advised Nigerians to grow vegetables and other eatable plants, raise small animals like sheep and goats and raise domestic animals in their houses. Beyond the backyards, he also said youths should be encouraged to go into farming despite the challenges involved.

The government at all levels, especially the states, must provide an enabling environment for willing citizens to engage in agriculture. Security is the key. Basic facilities, such as road and electricity, should be improved. We can start by pushing practical research products to the farms for adoption to strengthen farm productivity through a functional agricultural extension system. “Essentially, we must look for innovative ways of bringing the unit cost of agricultural production down, among other measures,” he said.

1. What causes food prices to rise according to Dr Badiru?
A.High cost and insecurity.B.Cold and heavy snow.
C.Strong wind and pests.D.War and flooding.
2. What does the underlined word “embrace” mean in paragraph3?
3. What is Dr Badiru’s attitude towards the current agricultural production environment?
A.Dissatisfied .B.Optimistic.C.Uninterested.D.Unclear.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.How to adjust food productionB.Problems caused by rising food prices
C.How to solve rising cost of food itemsD.Suggestions on improving food production


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Is social media really making young people antisocial (孤僻的)? A surprising new study finds that children and young adults who use these platforms the most are actually more active in the real world than others! The new findings come from a long-term project called the Trondheim Early Secure Study. Researchers collected information from about 800 children and young adults when they were 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 years old. This included interviews about each child’s use of social media from year to year. The goal was to determine if using social media affects a young person’s overall social skills.

To the team’s surprise, participants frequently using these platforms did not see their social skills reduced. “On the contrary, we find that people who use social media a lot spend more time with friends offline than those who tend to limit their screen time,” says Professor Silje Steinsbekk from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology’s Department of Psychology.

However, social media can present challenges for children and teens. Although it offers a convenient and comfortable way for those with social anxiety to communicate, it can also lead to addiction and misuse. Studies have suggested that young people with anxiety are more easily affected by the negative effects of social media, which can worsen their symptoms and harm their mental health. Therefore, it is crucial for parents to monitor their children’s online activity and usage.

Despite the risks to some, the team says their findings debunk the belief that social media causes young people to become socially isolated. In fact, their frequent use of social platforms may actually give them more opportunities to connect with old and new friends and set up chances to go out and socialize outdoors.

1. What does the study focus on?
A.The importance of young people’s social skills.
B.The impact of social media on young people.
C.Reasons for people becoming isolated from the community.
D.Ways to prevent children from becoming addicted to social media.
2. Who may probably be more active in the real world according to the study?
A.A teenager who uses social media frequently.
B.A boy who never makes friends online.
C.A girl who seldom surfs the Internet.
D.A new parent who is experiencing social anxiety.
3. What can be inferred from paragraph 3?
A.Negative emotions cause teens to misuse social media.
B.Kids are more easily influenced by social media than adults.
C.Online communication can help improve people’s mental health.
D.Social media is a double-edged sword for young people with anxiety.
4. What does the underlined word “debunk” in the last paragraph probably mean?
2024-07-26更新 | 146次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Earth's longest artificial structure is usually said to be the Great Wall of China while the second-longest is not a wall, but a fence(栅栏). It stretches for 5,614km across eastern Australia and is intended to stop the country's wild dogs, the dingoes, from hunting sheep.

Australia's dingo fence does not stand alone. Millions of kilometres of fences wrap the world. Some are intended to limit the movement of animals, some the movement of people, and some merely to mark the boundary.

Until recently, data on the effects of fences on wildlife have been inadequate. That has changed with the publication of a report by professor Alex McInturff. One discovery he has made is that more than half of published fence research focuses on just five countries—America, Australia, Botswana, China and South Africa. A second is that only a third of these studies examined the impact of fences on anything other than the target species involved, meaning the animals purposely intended to be kept in or out.

Non-target species, however, are often those that have their fortunes most greatly reshaped by the appearance of poles and wire. Australian fences intended to keep out dingoes are also barriers to long-necked turtles, which travel great distances over land when moving between nesting sites. In Botswana fences built to spare cattle from wildlife-borne disease result in serious interference with wildebeest(角马)migrations.

Not every creature fares badly. Hawks(鹰)in Montana gladly sit on newly built livestock fences to hunt small animals, while fence-based spiders in South Africa outperform their tree-based cousins when it comes to catching insects.

Often, though, the winners are creatures that cause trouble for existing ecosystems. Keeping dingoes out of large parts of Australia has allowed aggressive red foxes to multiply. Native rodents(啮齿类动物)have suffered as a result. Some have been brought to the edge of extinction.

1. What is an original purpose of the fences?
A.To expand the boundary of a country.
B.To protect wild animals from being hunted.
C.To keep livestock like sheep and cattle out.
D.To prevent people from moving around freely.
2. Which of the following statements is right about the studies on fences?
A.50% of the studies focus on just five countries.
B.About two-thirds of the studies focus on the target animals.
C.Non-target animals shouldn't be involved in the studies.
D.The studies have reshaped the fortunes of some species.
3. Which animals unexpectedly benefit from fences?
A.Long-necked turtles in Australia.B.Cattle in Botswana.
C.Tree-based spiders in South Africa.D.Red foxes in Australia.
4. What is the writer's attitude to the fences around the world?
2021-11-13更新 | 255次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Dressed in long robes, a crowd of young people wanders around royal gardens, with their flowing sleeves and heavily embroidered (绣花的) skirts gently swaying in the breeze. They are not actors on a movie set, but hanfu enthusiasts at a themed event in Beijing.

Benefiting from the growing popularity of social media and a craze for traditional culture, hanfu, a traditional style of clothing once worn by the Han people, has enjoyed a new life thanks to a new wave of young Chinese fans.

A 1980s-born rocket scientist Liu is also a cofounder of a hanfu community in Beijing called Hua Yan Hui. The community was founded in 2011 following a hanfu revival(复兴)movement that emerged from the desire to express national identity and growing cultural confidence. Since then, Liu has been volunteering to support the group.

At first, people who wore hanfu in public were occasionally greeted with mockery, while more passersby asked about their clothing style. “More young people are taking to wearing adapted hanfu as they believe the best way to preserve tradition is to adapt it to modern life,” says Liu.

Yang Kunning was born in the 1990s and works in public relations. She is fond of sharing her love for hanfu online. She opened an account on the video-sharing platform Bilibili and posted videos featuring herself wearing the traditional attire. Thousands of comments and likes pour into her channel as viewers find her videos attractive and creative — blending traditional culture with modern dance movements. “Social media has made hanfu culture popular in China and abroad,” says Yang. “Traditional culture has no national or ethnic boundaries.”

Companies and factories also smell the massive potential in hanfu-related industries. Caoxian County, Heze City, East China’s Shandong Province, is one of the major hanfu manufacturing centers, gathering over 2,000 enterprises and promoting the increase of employment. Over 600 clothes-processing companies have their own designs with intellectual property rights. In addition to domestic clients, a number of companies in Caoxian reported arise in foreign orders this year.

1. What contributes to a new life of hanfu?
A.Hanfu-themed events.
B.Youth’s love for traditions,
C.Hanfu-related industries.
D.Revolution of social media.
2. According to Liu, how can people protect hanfu tradition?
A.By launching hanfu revival movements.
B.By making hanfu suitable for the present day.
C.By combining hanfu with dance movements.
D.By posting videos about hanfu on social media.
3. Which can best describe Yang’s attempts to popularize hanfu?
4. What benefit may hanfu-related industries bring about?
A.Improving traditional designs.B.Protecting intellectual property rights.
C.Creating more job opportunities.D.Attracting foreign investment in China.
2023-10-13更新 | 99次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般